HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-09-COA-min.pdf , - COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING - APRIL 9 , 1991
Pneaent. Dorothy Bogg.La, Hann-Let H Ometto, Bob Bon-shay, Mon.Lca
Chang, Stamen Harm¢, Banbana Rubin, Jam Fen.ahe, Keve.n.
Gn.i.me4, Ed Grant, Jackie Day.4aon (Pnee.i,dent FCOA) ,
Jack Edd-L4on (Bound o4 Seteetmen tiai4on) , Linda Vine
(¢tris )
Meeting was ea ted to widen at 4 35 p m
Remanh4 Dorothy Bogga.a
-Parade stoat canceted- no baae
Few people neeponded to march. Some had coetumea,
Dorothy Boggia watt a/cange ma'eh.Lng with them
-Nominating Committee.
Sumner Hannib and Banbana Rabin appoi►vted and accepted
-Ad Hoc Comm-ittee.a
Edwcati.on - add Banbana Rabin Banbana tater agreed
to chain Committee.
Long Tam PtannAng - add Mon-Lea Chang Key-tn, Gna.me4 -t4
Chain 04 Committee.
( Minuted. Handel Onetto .read and accepted without connect-Lon.
Tneaeunen6 Report. J.cm Fe ke.
-Bitting 4chedutee caeate Cage in account batance-a
Not concerned, paymenta w.ett wttimatety catch u.p
-Concern expne.aeed about Manch M 0 W Pnognam de4Le t, due
to cot incneabe to $4 00 without aneneaae in coet to
c Lento
-Bob Bonehay aquaed about qu -t-ty o4 M 0 W ? Have
meate improved with price .iacenea4e?
-Linda Vine anewened that neepon.ae has been mixed; eome
savonabte and eome not savonabte. Pontione eeem ehimpy
-Dorothy Bogg-La. noted M 0 W prise waa .cneneabed about
one and one hats yean.a ago, but the margin now doe.a not
allow bon eafary and etas coeta $800 00 id breakeven
point to coven eatani,ea
-Social Day Cane eh.owe an .cncreaee ♦.n, eunptud to date,
covens oecaa.vonat dipe in income.
-Bob Bonahay abked what "eunptue" .i.a weed son
Pg 2
-Ikm Fen4ke an4wened that we may need "neat egg" to 044
-set eu t4 tin. 4-tate 4und,i.ng
-Linda V.i.ne mentioned po4441At ty 04 total cato o4 Soc-tat
Day Cane 4nom the -state Home Cane Budget.
-Bob Bon4hay .i,n¢u. .ed .r.6 4u.nd4 could be moved to other.
account4 .1.6 the Board cho4e to do 40
-Sabana Rubin a4hed what peneent 04 cut C 0 A budget
4u.44ened La Town budget A 3% cut .ia openatimg budget
wab made.
-It wa4 moved and -seconded that the tneaaune4'4 repo- t be
DAxecton'a Report. Linda Chew Vane
Stair. Man.het Fund Rai.6en.
-Ftye't4 and eoupon4 were cinczaated Method o4
e t4r cwto2-Lon to Town not yet detennLned
-I.un Fen4ke cautioned about competition oath other,
04gan i..za ti.on4
-F.tyen and coupon wilt be pubttoked tin. the COA
Newdtettew; made ava table to chwtche4, the I-I-Many ,
Brookhaven and wanted dal the Aa uuteman.
New Bnochu.xeo
-MeaZ6 On Wheel& and SPANS bnochune4 cviceu.Cated
New Cleaning Company
-Fede/at ButtdA.ng Mei.ntenanee emptoyee depahted 6rom
panen.t company; took all key4 and 4econd4
-Pne4entty u4kng a temponany cleaning 4e4vtc.e (Chun.chLlt
Management) and am .i.m the p40ee64 o4 ne-bidding a
cte ang contract.
Ri.n.i.ng Room Doon6 to be nep.2ace with At/conga 4ecu+ce
do ora within a 4 ew weeh4
Key Date4 4on Board
-ApniR 24 Bob Bonbhay one-sent "Who.Le. Food4" cooking
Pg 3
-May 14t HeaRth Cane Proxy law panel d-i.ac.w-s Lon 4nom
2 30-4 30 at the Seniors Centex
-May 22nd necepti.om 4on Minuteman Cane Award winner
at 2 00 p m at the Seniors Centex.. (Rec.-Lpient to be
announced at the. Board o4 Selectmen meeting)
SPANS handout.
-Dinner. Waa great 4u.cce44 Waning 4choot o4gani..zatton4;
175 volunteen4 went involved Studenta -aat at table4
with 4erUAn.a; a84o a442.4ted 4ome o4 thean-Loh-4 to thein
-An Intengenenattonat Concent .i.a planned with Bowman
Elementary Schoot 4on May 13 6 15
1.14e o4 buy.-Ealing
-Pa4t pnacti,ce4 4how CGA ha-a been gtnenou4 with the cine
o4 the bwUding by Town onga,v-Lzati,ort-
-DZnect cost 4on u4e o4 building inctwde4
( $10 00 404 pen4onnet
Heat 6 Lights
Labor o4 neannanging 4unn.itune in dining room
4ottowing day
-Kevin Gnime4 ached who u4e4 the bua.tding
H.i.4ton-Leat Soc.tety
League o4 Women. Voten,a
Con4envation Stewand.a
Que4tion naiaed a.a to the exi-aten.ce o4 a Town pottcy on
u4t o4 build-i,n.g4
-Jack Edd-L-aon ne4ponded that Town 044Lce4 ane ava.ctable
at no change to Town onganizatLon4 However, 4choot4
change 4igni,4icant rental 4ee4 Al4o noted that 4ome
ongani.zati.on-o do have a 4unded budget
-Gtnenat con4en4u4 and motion CGA to gine nonce to the
-change a nominal nentat nate -awch, a4 $25 00
-pnepane 4et 04 d-ineet4-orw 404 attars wp
--Ln.v.ite pan kc.i.pant4 to make donationw
-except-Lon4 to be made 4on any o44icLat Town
committee having no 4und4
-added change 4on u4e o4 h,i-tchen
Mot-Lon wa.4 moved, 4econded and approved
( Pg 4
PnobLem 04 add-Lttona2 moa-,e4 th4a MMHC
-State 4endi,ng .i..ncon4t4tent me44age4 about tit3 4an4Lng
F C 0 A Report Jaehae Davt4on
-Regweat 4o4 pu4chm4e o4 Lange 4e%eer TV 404 dtmAl.n.g
room ( pu4eha4e4 >$500 nequ.vae COA Board appnovat)
De. c..t4 paon o4 con sumer neaean ch i n.-to 124c/feet-Lon devLcea
waa g-i,ven
-E4Le Ge2ten 04 Am Pno 4tudLed the room and 4ugge4ted
unit be, place ,i,n /mane o4 no om Am Pno cont4ot a pante;
60 Zneh -ocxe. n, good p.i.etune and 4ownd WALL be
comport ihte with 4teneo VCR WeLgh4 350 Lb tt4t p4tae 04
$4 , 500 but wALt 4eit to Center 404 $3 , 500 Am P40 w-i. t
4.n4taLe bat COA ma4t p4-ch, u.p ami.t
-Peter Keeley may po44Lbty bu td a pW4o4m to which the
con.aoLe can be booted
-TV wAtt be w4 e.d bon edacattonat pro gnam4 , e4pecLaLty 404
tapes on Wed4 a4te4noon4 , wkLeh .Lo gennenattg quiet and
a good tLme 404 movLea and tapes 4nom the LZbnany to be
( dhow/
-Puncha4e ae4o 4.netwde4 a new VCR Ln, the $400 range
-TZe -i,n w-i th the Fash.i,on Show which w-L- t be videotaped
-KevLn GnLmea a.ake.d about mai.ntenanee co4t4
-JaekLe D neponted 4eELe4o44 e4ed 1 yea4wa44anty - pant
E Labors; ae4o added hen own an.it had been, m&2avtenanee
-Sumner Hann i-4 a-hed about po444.641.241ty 04 a4age
-Bob 13on4hay qu.eattoned amount 04 expen.ae; atot o4 money
even though the pu4po4e -La good
-lim Fen4he moved a vote 04 con4.i,dence be given. the FCOA
to approve the expense o4 $4 , 000 Ln, ant-Led-pat-Lon o4
pu4eha44,ng the Lange 4Cneen TV and VCR
-Ke.v-Ln. G4-urea commented that a TV E VCR changes the tone,
4mee o4 the Center; we may need to cor-aZden what the
e fleet wA L be oven the Long ran
( -Bob 13on4hay commented that $50 , 000 ,i.a not atot o4 money
and we owght to p4e.4e4ve -i t as the pn,i.ne ipa-t o4 a
gnawing band to pnodu,ee -income
( Pg 5
-Vote wab taken by dhow o4 hand4 E..gh-t tit davon, motLon
was aannLed
Meeting ad1 ouvcned at 5 50 p m
Hanntzt Ometto , Secnetwt.y