HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-10-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING MINUTE - APRIL 10, 1990 Present Dorothy Boggia, Kevin Grimes, John Curry, Harriet Onello Ed Grant, Ruth Butler, Sumner Harris, Linda Crew Vine (staff) , Jack Eddison (liaison Board of Selectmen) , Kristin O'Sullivan (for. Steve Doran) , Rob Porshay (visitor) Absent Beth Klayman, Barbara Rubin Meeting was called to order at 4 35 p.m Remarks Dorothy Foggia - The Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the Firemen for seniors was very well organized and well attended The COA will march in the Patriot's Day Parade Dorothy B and Harriet 0 will march as representatives of the Board The Senior. Center has teen awarded the Veronica B Smith Award for excellence Only one recipient was awarded in 1990 The award is ( determined by COA Directors across the state The F C.O.A Mini-Fair will be held at the Senior Center on April 28, frau 10-2 p.m A sign-up sheet was circulated for helpers Items for the white elephant sale were also requested Ed Grant and Beth Klarman were appointed as a naninating committee for a new hoard member F C.O.A By-Laws were discussed Ed Grant remarked that he saw no inconsistency between the CDA and F C.O.A proposed By-Laws The CDA is authorized to advise the F.C.O.A as to spending over $500 Ed remarked that the advising function was a good idea Dorothy asked about a liaison between the F C.O.A and the COA Linda felt communications were clear and the need for spending over $500 occurred infrequently (2 or 3 times/yr) Sumner Harris asked for a vote approving the F.0 O.A Rv-Laws The motion was seconded and approved by a voice vote The COA accepts responsibility to consult with the F C.O.A regarding expenses over $500 Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved Pilgrim Church Volunteers - Linda Vine will ask Peter Kelly to supervise the volunteer painting Symmes Hospital - The hospital expects to be out of Chapter 11 by July 1990 The concern of Symmes as supplier for the Meals On Wheels Program should no longer he an issue, however a fee increase is to he expected Financial Report John Curry The 3rd quarter report (ending March 1990) shows the COA budget with $5000 to our favor Light and Power expenses increased for the winter season He noted that the Selectmen Gift Account was a one time gift and is being spent down sparingly The Social Day Care Selectmen Gift Account is recovering from the depletion experienced in 1989, due to more regular attendance of participants Social Day Care increased to 520./day (from $17 50) The increase remains competitive ( Line 29 on the Quarterly Report should he corrected Available funds under DEA - New Funds (line 29) should he 0 Detail spread sheets were circulated for Meals On Wheels - program is doing well Kevin Grimes wondered whether the spread sheet variations in of meals indicated a seasonal cycle of demand Runner Harris pointed out that the Meals On Wheels gave a unit cost of $5 00 for 2 meals per participation (one hot , one cold) Client Satisfaction Survey - Kevin Grimes The new form is much abbreviated It should pertain to each separate program A committee will do an experimental run on the survey with a few Center clients before a broader circulation Sumner Harris has enlisted volunteers to conduct the survey Kevin pointed out the value of giving the volunteers a sense of participating in the Center John C asked how we can find out why people do not cane to the Center Ruth Butler offered the sug- gestion that there is a perception that the Center is for poor elders r Minuteman Cane Award - Twenty-seven nominations have been received to date Selection will be made one week frau tonight A reception will be held at the Senior Center on May 15 at 1 30 p.m for the recipient of the award Dorothy suggested that the award he scheduled for Patriot's Day next year CCA Director Feport Linda Vine - Memory Loss Expo- to he hosted at the Senior Center on May 5th, 10.00-2.00 p.m for regional councils May is Older Americans Month and the Center has a full schedule of special events planned for May Scholarship-operational procedures were presented and the hoard was asked to review the proposal and he prepared to discuss at the May meeting John C raised a question concerning interaction with Brookhaven Linda said she has had no response to her overtures though some ( Brookhaven residents do come to the Center Selectmen Liaison: Jack Eddison - Regarding the debate on the Override of. Prop 21/2, Jack stated that budget problems are rooted in the lack of available federal and state funds The Town Meeting Appropriations have drained down the town's savings Selectmen (maiority) now favor an override for the next fiscal budget June 11 is the date for the Override Referendum A program on the Override issues will be held at the Center on May 2, 1 30 p.m Speakers will present tooth pro and con points of view A motion was made and seconded to adjourn The meeting ended at 5 55 p.m Next meeting will he May 8, 1990 , at 4 30 p.m FOR YOUR INFORMATION Upcoming Events that will need Board Support -May 15th Minuteman Cane Award Reception at 1 30 p m -May 26th Discovery Day, 10 00 a m - 4 00 p m. -June 4th Annual Cook Out for seniors, 5 00 - 7 30 p m FCOA Request Promotional Night for Senior Center with the Bi-Centennial Band The FCOA would like the Board to consider this idea for a possible fund raiser and way to promote COA programs and services FCOA annual meeting will be on Wed , June 13 at 2 00 p.m. FCOA Mini-Fair The Mini-Fair was very successful , raising $1 ,400 with minimal work involved Household items that were not sold went to the thrift store at McLean Hospital The extra books will be given to Cary Library for their sale in the summer Ceilings in the Conference and Classrooms have had acoustical work and we are pleased with the results I plan to ask that we do the same work in the Social Day Care room ( The Memory Loss Expo sponsored by Minuteman Home Care was held on Saturday, May 5th The event was well attended and generally considered a success L