HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-09-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING - SEPTEMBER 9, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 4 36 p.m by President, Dorothy Boggia The following people were present at the meeting Dorothy Boggia, Wendell Benway, Jack Gardner, Ed Grant, Barbara Rubin, Natalie Johnson, Ralph Freidin, Jack Eddison, Bill Sen, Edith Cheever, Frank Stowell, Linda Vine, and Suanne Dillman REMARKS - Dorothy Boggia The Lexington Senior, at its present location, has been open a little more than 1 year Once the developer, Kirk Noyes, and the Town are on better terms there will be an Open House The Florence Crittenton League is having a House Tour on Wednesday, October 8th and the Center is featured in its own right and as a refreshment station. In a way this Tour will serve as a mini-Open House for the Center The Minuteman Home Care Corporation's 10th. Annual Meeting will take place on Sept 17th at Heritage Hall at 2 p.m A C O.A Board Member appointment by Town Manager, Bob Hutchinson, will be brought before the Board of Selectmen this evening for the Selectmen's approval (George H. Doughty, Jr was appointed and approved at the Selectmen's Meeting on 9/9/86) MINUTES The minutes of the 6/10/86 COA Board Meeting were accepted as presented TREASURER'S REPORT - Wendell Benway Certain line items were discussed It was noted that the cost of printing the Newsletter has gone up markedly It was asked if the printing is put out to bid It was 2 years ago and it will be put out to bid, again, this Fall The sentiment was expressed that a local printer should be patronized if at all possible The Congregate Meal Program has grown dramatically Meals are now served 5 days/week rather than 3 days/week which explains some of the monetary growth There was a question on the $400 Outreach Mileage line item (Cut to $200 for FY87) Evie Saulich will be putting a conserted effort intoOutreachand her Outreach expenses will be paid through the COA Personal Sevices budget Therefore, the $200 will probably not be spent The Treasurer's Report was accepted as presented DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Linda Vine Linda discussed the 1986 DEA Formula Grant with the Board and outlined how the $10,549 will be spent The $2,446 allotted for maintenance contracts on the computer and copier were commented on It was asked whether the Meals-on-Wheels Program could be expanded to the weekend days and holidays It was stated that volunteers to deliver the meals at those times would probably be in short supply (. Linda invited the Board members to read the August Monthly Library and Meals-on-Wheels reports which she made available to all Board members The Beacon Press (Lexington Minute-man) is giving the COA more publicity i1 It was commented that the COA Newsletter should be placed in doctor's offices The COA wishes to project itself as a place for active, vital older adults The Friday morning Walking Program is helping a great deal to project such an image There will be an Open House at the Lexington Senior Center on Friday, November 14th from 3-6 p m for Lexington people who are turning 60 years of age Lexington Town Meeting Members will also be extended an invitation to this Open House Continuing the discussion on how to get more people involved with the Center, it was stated that a Spring 1986 COA Advisory Committee Report mentioned a Men's Retirement Club as a means of involving more men with the Center Some instrument for determining interest in such a club will have to be devised How much communication is there with AARP? It is felt that the clientele and the active member overlap of AARP and the COA is great Perhaps the AARP should be invited to hold its Board Meetings at the Senior Center The theft in recent months from the COA kitchen was brought to the attention of the Board For the time being the silverware and cookies/crackers will be replaced, since this was the wish of the Board Kirk Noyes has not fixed the floor in the kitchen, nor had the COA sign been made which the Center will pay for He has not been paying the Lexington Senior Center Boston Edison bill (bill last paid on 4/2/86) as a lever to get B E to do work he feels B.E should have done contractually for him at the Muzzey Condos The maintenance contract with Noyes terminates as of 11/1/86 It was originally a 3 yr contract which the Town broke The B.E and maintenance situations are in the hands of the Town SUMMARY REPORT OF THE COA THINK TANK - Terry Gent Terry Gent was not present and will give the Think Tank Report at the next Board Meeting COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS - Dorothy Boggia Housing Health In-House Program Dorothy Boggia Jerry Wacks - FCOA Representative Louis Tropeano Terry Gent Ralph Freidin Barbara Rubin Gladys Scanlon FRIENDS OF THE COA - Bill Sen Upon taking over as President of the COA in May 1986, Bill had the F C O.A Treasurer's Books audited Upon audit, the C of Massachusetts Secretary of State's Office issued a Certificate of Registration which will be good for the next 2 years The F C O.A gave $1800 for the personal computer The F C 0 A membership list will be put on the computer MUZZEY CONDO ASSOCIATION REPORT - Ed Grant The Muzzey Condos have a new resident manager - Joe O'Leary, who is a Lexington Police Officer and lives in Apt 110 of the Muzzey Condos Joe O'Leary is a trustee of the Muzzey Condo Association In order to become the resident manager, he had to resign his trusteeship and someone will be appointed in his place in the near future Jean Caudet, Ruth Noyes, and Ed Grant will meet this Thursday (9/11) to iron out the monetary implications of Noyes Corp no longer handling the maintenance for the Muzzey Condo Association as of 11/1/86 The meeting was adjourned at 5 37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Suanne C Dillman, Acting Secretary