HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-12-COA-min.pdf DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Linda Vine Housekeeping Issues were discussed * Light and Power - let Quarter $2 ,700 was spent; the majority in 1Lghring cost Linda feels we may be short of funds in this line item due to colder weather earlier in the winter * Cleaning Bid - Decline $782 75/mo = $ 9,393 00 Present $882 00/mo = $10,584 00 * Jean Shapazian Vanetzian has submitted her resignation, effective 1/5/90 The data compiled in 18 mos has been researched I & R File and entered that information into the computer, put a 60+ population data base on the computer, etc The new Administrative Clerk will have computer skills Jean' s resignation is timely No further major entry is needed There are four (4) excellent finalist for the Administrative Clerk position. The panel will interview these four finalists on Friday, December 15th , and a recommendation will go up to the Town Manager on Monday, December 18th The new Administrative Clerk will start work on January 8, 1990 SPANS Program Update - A presentation to the School Board was made on 11/14/89 A descrip- tion of the program was given and remarks made about the program by Senior participants There were very positive remarks made about the program by Dr 3eiger and the School Board will put the SPANS Program in the School Budget Food Stamp Update - Shawmut Bank is very reluctant to assume the role Rick White spoke to Vice President, Clark Rowell, and he was very negative The Town Treasurer may need to assume the role; at least until new banking specifications are drafted and go out to b' Linda referred to the letter concerning the Social Day Care audit The program and fiscal audit went well and the program staff need to be congratulated on a fine job Dorothy Boggia and Bob Borshay will meet on 12/18/89 to review food service options if Symmes Hospital closes All Board members are welcome to assist It was decided to hold the January 1990 Board Meeting at the Senior Center However, the Board will meet at 4 00 P M. on 1/9/90 at Brookhaven for a tour The meeting was adjourned at 6 20 P M. A discussion concerning the Board participation and assistance at the upcoming SPANS Dinner on 12/20/89 at Lexington High School was held after the regular meeting Respect u ly submitted, inda Crew Vine , pro tem Secretary - COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 12, 1989 Present Dorothy Boggia, Barbara Rubin, Ed Grant, John Curry, Kevin Grimes, Beth Klarman, Harriet Onello, Jack Eddison (Selectmen Liaison) Absent Ruth Butler Guests Kristin O'Sullivan (Representative Doran's Aide) , Seymour Mandel (Human Services Committee), Dennis Murakami (Human Services Committee) REMARKS — Dorothy Boggia Suanne Dillman thanked the Board for the support and assistance she has received in the past several years Joint Policy Statement on Scholarship Program was reviewed and there was a motion to accept and refer to the FCOA for review and input Letter by Kevin Grimes supporting Symmes Hospital was distributed for comment by the Board Committee assignments were made with the following Board members serving on the various committees Senior Health Monitor Program Cooperative Elder Services Beth Klarman Wellness Committee Kevin Grimes, Ruth Butler Estate Planning Guide Ad Hoc Committee Ed Grant, Harriet Onello Client Satisfaction Tool Ad Hoc Committee Letter from Suzanne Hill was discussed concerning her request to be reimbursed for service or to be able to charge the clients directly * Board agreed clients should not be charged directly COA would have no control over the system * Present inefficiencies in the system need to be discussed Clients should not be bringing in bags of papers * Linda needs to investigate other ways to provide this service at no cost MINUTES The Minutes of the 11/14/89 Board Meeting were corrected as such Joanna was spelled correctly Barbara Rubin was present and Terry Gent was absent BUDGET HEARINGS - Dorothy Boggia, John Curry The Budget Hearings with Rick White went well The general impression was that the budget would not be greatly altered John presented fiscal profiles of the Meals on Wheels and the Social Day Care Programs * Meals on Wheels is doing well Break even point lower with increased cost and participation MOW has received $2,100 in donations over the past two (2) months * Social Day Care Costs will be going down due to a change in staffing A per day increase will not be recommended, but the program needs careful monitoring SENIOR HEALTH MONITOR PROGRAM - Beth Klarman Beth distributed a letter sent to Rick White recommending Visiting Nurse and Community Health Inc (VNCH) as the vendor for nursing services The bidding process went well with VNCH keeping its cost down A contract will be drafted and a meeting held with VNCH to review the agreement 1 (OVER)