HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-10-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 10, 1989 Present: Dorothy Boggia, John Curry Ruth Butler, Beth Klarman (new member), Jack Eddison (Selectman Liaison) Absent: Terrence Gent, Harriet Onello, Edmund Grant, Barbara Rubin, Kevin Grimes Staff Present: Linda Vine, Executive Director; Deborah Bloomberg, SPANS Coordinator Also Present: Esther Carlson, Interim Secretary; Kristin O'Sullivan (from Rep. Stephen Doran's Office) The meeting was called to order at 44:40 p.m. by Chairperson Dorothy Boggia. Dorothy Boggis suggested that a proposed time slot for each agenda item to be considered be included as part of the agenda for future meetings. Linda will take care of this. Dorothy also suggested some type of recognition for Board members Louis Tropeano and George Doughty who recently resigned after long service. In the discussion that followed, the feeling was unanimous that not only they, but also other former Board members who gave generously of their time and service should be so recognized. It was agreed that the best time for such an event would be prior to a regular Board meeting, and the date decided upon was Tuesday, December 12, the starting time to be 3:30 p.m. Linda will check to see who should be included and will send invitations Dorothy called attention to the problem which may arise in connection with the Meals on Wheels program in light of the impending possible bankruptcy situation re- garding Choate-Symmes Hospital, where these meals are prepared. Linda suggested that a Board member be designated to work with her to look into alternatives or emergency plans in the event the bankruptcy actually happens, Dorothy volunteered to serve in this capacity. The minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1989, were approved as submitted. John Curry presented the Treasurer's Report for the first quarter of 1989-90 (copies previously furnished the members). He also distributed an analysis of the Meals on Wheels program, and suggested that the present arrangement be carried through the current (2nd) quarter, indicating that the present cash balance seems to be O.K. on the basis of the increase in cost voted at the last meeting plus contributions re- ceived. Other reports distributed were an analysis of the Social Day Care program for the past fiscal year 1988-89, and a Proposed Budget for Fiscal 1991 (year 1990-91). Regarding Social Day Care, he pointed out that there is a surplus, due particularly to the number of private paying clients, and explained the figures. However, on the basis of the way expenses are going and the source of the funding, this amount may well be depleted before too long. At least part of the difficulty seems to be how to pay for a computer person and how to pay for the Minuteman Home Care person. His conclu- sion is that we are O.K. for Fiscal 1990, but Fiscal 1991 could be a problem. Regarding the First Quarter Report, he explained some of the figures from an expense point of view, and expressed the feeling that after the first quarter, we are comfortable with where we are. Regarding the Proposed Budget for Fiscal 1991, covering personal services (salaries) and expenses for the operation of the Senior Center, he indicated that a line item -2- proposal for building maintenance and repair is being considered and will be looked into; that item is not included in the listing at this time. Another item which will need to be considered is the Senior Health Monitor program, and also possibly Coopera- tive Elder Services. Linda raised the question as to the possibility of obtaining some additional assistance for the planning of programs for the Center in light of the increasing work load of the current staff. Jack Eddison asked if volunteers could be used in this way. Linda indicated that this might be possible, but it is difficult to get people who can give the substantial amount of time that would be needed. Also raised was the possibility of working out some sort of cooperative arrangement with the Brookhaven retirement community, which has just opened, regarding the offering of programs and perhaps the use of some of their space. It was the general feeling that since this is a new group of people, not all of whom are from Lexington, it would be a good idea to pursue this avenue. It was also agreed that Linda should explore the volunteer aspect and try to find some people who can give enough time so as to be truly useful in lifting some of the burden from the present staff. A report on the status of the SPANS program was distributed. Deborah Bloomberg, the Coordinator, was present and spoke about the program, reviewing what it is, how it is working, and what its goals are with regard to improving the present structure and encouraging greater participation. She also explained its relationship to the community service program which is part of the High School curriculum, and how that requirement is sometimes fulfilled through SPANS. Linda then reported that unfortu- nately the funding portion of the program assumed by the High School is expected to be cut from that budget It was the feeling of the Board that every effort should be made to urge that this not be done. Jack Eddison suggested that perhaps the School Committee Chairman should be contacted to see if the Committee can be convinced that this funding is truly important and should be kept It was also suggested that Linda and Deborah try to be placed on an agenda of the School Committee soon to make such a presentation. Beth Klarman reported regarding the Senior Health Monitor program. The Request for Proposal form has been worked on and completed, and has been sent to the Town Manager's office for approval. A reply is being awaited. There it also a question as to whether this can be sent out to only the top three bidders, or must be sent to all six bidders. It is hoped that it can be sent out by October 16th, with a return requested by November 17th. Then hopefully the Committee can make a decision by December let. Ruth Butler reported on the current status of the Wellness Committee. They have put together a proposal as requested by the Board of Health. Linda will move forward with this, putting it into operational language to be passed on to the Board. The Minuteman Home Care meeting was given over to a background of what has been done in the past. They themselves are not in a position to give service to the elderly, and will be looking to councils on aging to give these services. They are going to have to develop a different approach, and it is not known how this will be done. Ruth will discuss this further with them, and she hopes that the Wellness Program will demonstrate that there are other ways of providing services. V Linda presented the following reports (copies distributed)s Director's Report Library Report for September Current Classes and Their Time Schedules -3- She summarized the programs that are presently going on, particularly in reference to the various classes and the interest in them. Two new groups have been started -- a Chess Club, and a "Poets Live Again" class. Also, she is meeting with the minis- terial association in the town, seeking a donation from each church. Further it is hoped that Stop & Shop will give a contribution. Regarding staffing, the Senior Aide Re; Social Day Care has resigned, and she is trying to get another from Minuteman Home Care. She also spoke of possible ways of making up the la% shortage in the salary of the social worker for the Senior Health Monitor program. Many health type screening programs are being conducted. The Flu Shot Clinic will be on October 19th. The Mammography and Cholesterol Screening programs are very popular and are filled. The Life program, a regional program which encourages friendship between nursing homes and senior centers, is being expanded to Lexington; she hopes to have this operating in January. She then asked for ideas regarding the Food Commodities Distribution • • program, particularly as to procedure, in that there has been a steady decline in the number of individuals and families participating. She would appreciate any sug- gestions as to other ways the program could be marketed. Regarding Food Stamps, John Curry reported that he and Linda had met with a state representative of the program to try to understand what is involved. He feels it is not that difficult, but there is simply no one at present in Lexington who wants to handle it. However, they will still continue to pursue the matter. No further business. Meeting adjourned at 6;25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, E C Esther E. Carlson, Interim Secretary