September 12, 1989
Present Dorothy Boggia, John Curry, Barbara Rubin, Edmund Grant, Kevin Grimes,
Harriet Onello, Jack Eddison (Selectman Liaison)
Absent Terrence Gent, Connie Foster, Ruth Butler -
Staff Present Linda Vine, Executive Director
Also Present; Esther Carlson, Interim Secretary; Hara Tapanidou, Student Intern;
Beth Klarman, Visitor
The meeting was called to order at 4;40 p.m. by Chairperson Dorothy Boggia.
Dorothy Boggia briefly summarized various committee meetings held during the
summer, with particular reference to a meeting with the Town's Human Services
Committee. In this connection, it was noted that a liaison from that Committee to
attend C.O.A. Board meetings was to be appointed, but that such a liaison is not
present today
Dorothy also announced that George Doughty and Louis Tropeano have resigned as
Board members
It was voted that the minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1989, be approved as
John Curry presented the Treasurer's Report for the fiscal year 1988-89 (copies
previously furnished the members). He spoke to the various categories of expense,
pointing out items which were high or low in various quarterly periods but which pretty
much balanced off at the end of the year in relation to appropriations Results the
amount of $221.11 was returned to the Town at the end of the fiscal year. He then
recommended review of the various Grant Funds, which are gradually being depleted over
a period of years, and called attention to a few particular expenditures He raised
the question as to whether the Social Day Care program should be Senior Center ex-
penditures, and also questioned how this and some other costs should be handled --
possibly through outside fund raising? Linda Vine pointed out that the $11,283 under
DEA (New) Funds had been cut by approximately 100, and that this amount will have to
be found elsewhere The Treasurer proposed discussion at some future meeting of the
various problems before the money runs out entirely The members were in agreement.
The Meals on Wheels Program was next discussed, particularly the question of
pricing. At the $4.40 present cost per day, the program is not breaking even because
a number of individuals are not able to pay. The recommendation of the Board's
Executive Committee is that the price be increased to $5.00 per day, in order to break
even. Jack Eddison questioned whether we would lose people if the cost is increased.
Linda felt that this would not happen. After more discussion, Dorothy Boggia moved
that the cost of Meals on Wheels be raised from $4.40 to $5.00 per day, effective as
of October 16, 1989 (which allows for a month's notice to be given). Harriet Onello
then moved that the motion be amended to also stipulate that despite the increase,
there will continue to be a policy of a "sliding scale" or scholarship assistance pro-
vision regarding any participants in actual need who cannot pay. Seconded by John
Curry Amended motion carried,
Dorothy Boggia noted that an Ad Hoc Scholarship Committee is being formed in
conjunction with the Friends of the C.O.A. to assist in providing services to people
who cannot pay the full costs of various programs. Peter Kelley, Vice President of
the Friends, will be their representative, and Harriet Onello has expressed an interest
in representing the C.O.A. Board to serve with him.
Dorothy also reported that hopefully Beth Kiernan, if appointed to the C.O.A.
Board, will then be assigned as a member of the Senior Health Monitor Subcommittee,
replacing Barbara Rubin, who is unable to continue in that capacity because her work
office is moving to Lowell
The Reports of the Executive Director were received. Before proceeding with
these reports, Linda introduced Hare Tapanidou, the Student Intern from Cornell, who
will be assisting her with the Intergenerational Program and also the development of
a wellness program. She will be here until December 4th.
The following reports were then presented by Linda (copies previously furnished)
Meals on Wheels Statistics for June, July, and August, and Financial
Review of the Program for Fiscal Year 1988-89
Library Report for June and July
Update on Home Care Issues - Minuteman Home Care (funding cuts)
Minutes of C O.A. Board Executive Committee Meeting of August 21, 1989,
including. Transportation Analysis of Social Day Care Program
Role of the Town's Human Services Committee in Relation
to the C.O.A , particularly regarding a liaison from
the Human Services Committee to the C.O.A. Board
With regard to the last item, it was emphasized that the Town had agreed to the ap-
pointment of such a liaison (as noted earlier in this meeting); the hope is that this
will be finalized by October The Board members were much pleased over this decision,
and expressed the hope that this will help clear up some of the confusion which exists
presently between the C.O.A and the Town, particularly regarding budget structures
Linda announced several dates on which various programs of interest will take
place at the Center; she also reported that new health programs, as well as the Adult
Education senior classes, are starting Further, the Friends of the C.O.A are hope-
fully going to purchase a new Xerox machine for the Center.
The matter of Food Stamps was then brought up. John Curry reported that the
Lexington Savings Bank will no longer handle this program in the town, and that there
is a problem in getting someone else to do it. He has approached other banks with no
success -- one part of the problem seems to be the low number of participants (only
28 people receiving this assistance at present) Discussion took place as to possible
alternative ways to handle the matter No conclusions reached.
Barbara Rubin reported regarding the Senior Health Monitor Subcommittee (report
sent out August 1, 1989) The Subcommittee is moving ahead; it is now in the process
of developing a request for a proposal to be sent out to the two top finalists who
are bidding with regard to providing in-home nursing service.
Kevin Grimes reported on a meeting of the Wellness Committee held during the
summer They have developed some sense of philosophy and goals, and are currently
working on a proposal. (Steve Baran, the Town's Human Services Coordinator, met with
them on August 22nd.) He read the philosophy statement which had been developed; the
next step was to be a meeting with the Board of Health, in which connection Ruth Butler
was working on a proposal, both short term and long term. He presented a proposed
draft, and asked the members to submit any thoughts on this to either Linda or Ruth.
The matter of candidates to serve as community representatives to Minuteman
Home Care was considered; this organization has restructured its Board and now wants
two people from each member community The credentials of four interested candi-
dates, along with Ruth Butler, who is currently a representative, were available and
were discussed. It was pointed out that Ruth would like to continue, at least for
another year (the terms are for 3 years) Linda was asked for-her recommendations,
and she reviewed the four other candidates. After some further discussion, Dorothy
Boggia moved that Ruth Butler and Suzanne Hill be appointed to serve as community
representatives to the Minuteman Home Case Board for a three-year term. Seconded
by Harriet Onello. Motion carried. (Notes It was the feeling of the members that
the election should be for the full term -- then if Ruth wishes to resign after one
year, she can be replaced at that time )
No further business Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
a-t� E Cid
Esther E. Carlson, Interim Secretary