HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-03-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Wednesday February 3. 1999 meeting in the Conference Room, School Administration Building, as amended February 10, 1999 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kelley at 7.40 p.m. with all other PBC members except Cannalonga and Himmel present. Also attending were School Committee Chairman Barrie Feltz, School Building Operation Director Moynihan, Jack Deary of Kennedy and Rossi, Philip Lanoue and Anthony Capezza of Lexington High School and HMFH representatives Philip Lewis, Arthur and John Miller, who arrived shortly afterward Financial update from HMFH was reviewed and taken up again at the end of the meeting. HMFH agreed to provide a break-down of their proposed fee, including a break-down of credited fee for work performed. Minutes of January 20. 1999 were approved as amended. Notes from the January 27 meeting, which did not attain quorum, met with favor informally Draft phasing plan for LHS was presented by HMFH for discussion. Many questions were raised by Moynihan, LHS administrators and committee members. Among topics of discussion were student eating areas, staging areas,placement of temporary classrooms (on floating structural mats, Johnson advised), delivery areas, utilities and connections for technology continuity traffic patterns, parking numbers and locations and possibility of changing school schedule so that construction could take place in one shift beginning at the conclusion of the school day at no extra cost to the Town. Lanoue promised a creative approach to possible changes and adjustments to program during construction. Noted that all site work would have to be done after conclusion of work on the buildings. It was agreed thata HMFH will meet with School Department representatives for further discussion and refinement of the phasing plan. Education Specifications for each of the three schools were distributed. These must be approved by the School Committee in advance of the submittal due by March 1 Architects assured that they would obtain updated 10-year school population projection from the School Department as required and would make sure that the population bases for the plans are O.K. The specifications (on pages 4) assure that space parameters in the plans are within the SBAB s minimum and maximum limits. Traffic-parking problem at Clarke is pushing against setback limitations for legal as well as wetlands boundaries. Therefore immediate consultation with the town Engineering Department and Conservation Commission were deemed essential. Moynihan will contact Engineering and the landscape architects will go back to the Conservation Commission with possible site plan changes. Clarke's number of parking spaces is virtually down to the legal limit, possibly below if 20 upper parking lot spaces are eliminated in creating a turnaround for student/family dropping off there. HMFH personnel also pointed out that envisioned site plan changes would put back a large portion of the site work cost savings achieved last summer. PBC Minutes of February 3, 1999 -Page 2 Advertisements for Owner's Renresentative/Proiect Manager will go in the Lowell Sun and local papers on or about February 14 and will also be posted on electronic bulletin boards and other places. Athletic Fields Proiects at High School. Clarke and Diamond are being proposed by the Recreation Committee and Selectmen to be included in the schools project. An article is in the Warrant for the spring Annual Town Meeting for an appropriation. Moynihan will give HMFH the scope of work for this so that it can be included in the submittal for reimbursement. Bridge School roof and HVAC work proposals from two engineering firms will be reviewed with Moynihan by PBC members Bruckman and Johnson in the near future. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erna S. Greene, Secretary