HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-04-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Tuesday November 4 1997 Meetina in Room 105 , Town Office Building, as approved November 25 , 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7 10 p m by Chairman Bruckman with other committee members Johnson, Kelley, Poinelli and Touart , as well as Director of School Building Operation John Moynihan and project manager Fay DeAvignon present Also attending from HMFH were partners John Miller and Mario Torella, and architects Dorthea Hayes and Philip Lewis APPROVED were the following minutes as submitted February 1 and 22 , 1997 July 1 , with designation changed to "notes , " as this was a meeting called and run by the School Committee August 21; and the minutes of August 19, 1997 as amended APPROVED were an invoice for the month of October for services of Fay DeAvignon and a memorandum on status of finances for Design Development from John Moynihan, who noted he would like to leave about $100 ,000 in the account to cover possible legal fees Schedule and how to set it debated, with School Committee input to be sought after DeAvignon and the architects have worked up two or more possible phasing scenarios for all four schools in Phase I of the total project This will be done for the December 9 meeting, with weekly intermediate progress reports to the PBC HMFH schedule handout (on 11 x 14" paper) was questioned about the gap between completion of design development and the beginning of construc- tion documents for the middle schools and Harrington Moynihan ex- pressed considerable concern that the high school schedule, which does not contain a schedule gap still will not get under way until the very end of summer 1998 Architects responded that a minimum of six months are needed to prepare construction documents Will all four Phase I schools be sufficiently far progressed to meet the June 1 submittal deadline, committee members asked? Miller assured that all drawings and plans would indeed answer the SBAB requirements , noting that his firm has never experienced rejection of a proposed project Dates for 50 percent completion of progress drawings High School and Harrington November 18 , Clarke December 2 and Diamond December 9 Hiah school peak nroiection query of last week was revisited and further explained by the architects When planning for the schools first began, only five-year projections were available During the second five years of the ten-year projections , however, the high school population could peak at 2 , 200 The architects commented that the 2 ,000-pupil school could probably accommodate 10 percent more students for a few peak years before school populations begin to decline, according to projections Diamond Middle School entrance modification elevation sketches were shown The depicted entrance tower, an echo of the library's , met with committee disfavor, and the architects were asked to come up with another idea that did not remind of leaky library or prison turrets PBC Minutes of 11/4/97 - Page 2 Another problem at Diamond is a sanitary sewer that runs under the narrow hall to the library and cafeteria, in front of the entrance to the gymnasium The planned new wing would be on top of the sewer and the trunk line would have to be moved to run outside the perimeter of the building, and also outside the boundary of the wetland According to the architects, the sewer is under town DPW jurisdiction Clarke elevation drawinas and dramatic entrance canopy met with pleasur- able committee response The tightness of the site will necessitate obtaining a variance from the Board of Appeals The addition's roof height will also figure into the consideration (see handout on Clarke zoning code review) Plans for locker room reconfiguration (reusing, repainting all existing lockers and providing new ones only for increase population) showed equal facilities for boys and girls and private showers for handicapped people The separate handicapped showers drew questions Answered that handicapped people are likely privacy of showering away from the hord to appreciate ADA/handicapped facilities are to be further enhanced by adding an extra elevator at each middle school to supplement current elevators in remote locations Architects were advised to run their plans by Emily Silber- berg, who has surveyed all town buildings for ADA compliance Handouts on science rooms give prices and alternate configurations of cabinets and tables at the middle and high schools More meetings are to be held with the staff (set up through DeAvignon) to finalize Poinelli pointed out that the current trend in all universities is toward micro-scaling use of chemicals Less elaborate equipment would be needed Those present reported the schools were not there yet Hiah School staff feedback on plans now calls for three large teachers ' workrooms , rather than little cubby holes Three have been tentatively located These are needed since no teacher has a "home" room desk Rearrangement of space for these would actually add one classroom, bringing the total number of high school classrooms up to 81 Forthcomina meetinas on schools include an informal meeting with two Conservation Commission members Friday morning with Stacey Bridge of Carol Johnson and a Building Needs Conference, now scheduled for Friday, November 21 with John Moynihan and SBAB staff Cary Library is scheduled to go before the Historic Districts Commission on Thursday, November 6 A week earlier, on October 30 , at a meeting with PBC members Johnson and Poinelli , abutter Douglass and Steve Hurley, it was agreed that landscape architects for the library and for Mrs Douglass would work together A joint library-PBC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, November 13 (changed to Wednesday, November 12 , at the Library) Among issues are ways to provide handi- capped access at each of the two major public entrances , as ADA re- quires A ramp at the rear could be as long as 70 feet Meeting adjourned at 10 35 p m Respectfully submitted, e Secretary