HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-31-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Tuesday March 31 1998 PBC Meeting in Estabrook Hall , Cary Memorial Building, as approved April 7 , 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7 10 p m by Peter Kelley, Chairman of the PBC in the absence of Library Building Committee Chairman Walter Pierce Present were the following PBC members W Bruckman, P Johnson, P Poinelli and M L Touart, Library Staff C Mahoney and J Triessl ; Design Advisory Committee members J Frey, B Creager, S Hurley and B Whitman, Town Meeting Member Bigelow Moore; and architects for the project M Bennett and S Hale Preparations for Thursday's HDC hearina were outlined by the architects, who pointed out that only an hour was scheduled for the hearing and that likely discussion would most likely concern only the first-listed item 1 Handicap ramp on the Clarke Street side of the building 2 Historic windows 3 The ceramic slate roof 4 Pre-cast stone-based siding Elevation drawings, not completely finalized were displayed Samples of materials will be brought to the hearing Concerns aired Library Director Mahoney pointed out that she is concerned that delays in construction could be costly However, she has been observing that bidding for nearby similar projects has been favorable She commented that timing for moving the library to Cary Building should be fall I rather than winter TMM Moore called attention to his memo to the library building committee, PBC and architects regarding his concerns about skylights and their requirements for stronger roofs , more maintenance and additional heating and air conditioning costs His concerns were answered by the architects who pointed out that the roof has a drainage pattern to accommodate the skylights The skylights also have light baffles to allow light without direct sunshine glare, and they will be energy efficient The architects later added that the advantages of saved artificial lighting (an estimated $5,100 annually) might very well outweigh any additional air conditioning need PBC members individually stated their concerns about the roof (roof tiles are guaranteed for 50 years; original roof was red, as a contemporary post card shows, original building drawings specify "red slate ") and building envelope materials , inquiring about experience with them Concerns about the south entrance and building's complexity were lessened when a new simplified configuration of that entrance was displayed Member Johnson raised a concern about cost, to which Director Mahoney responded that the library trustees are accepting full responsibility for raising additional needed moneys Prospective donors are being cultivated, she said DAC members were quizzed about their experience with the HDC PBC Minutes of 3/31/98 , page 2 Detailed configurations of the bays and windows facing north and east were discussed, as were comparisons between present and planned main entrance dimensions and levels PBC members advised that only the latest committee-approved drawings should be shown at the HDC hearing or publicly displayed They also commented that the term "mezzanine" for the library upper level was technically a misnomer, as a mezzanine should be only 1/3 of the area of floor below onto which it opens So the upper level was informally termed "a floor with a hole in it " The meeting recessed at about 9 45 to the Cary Building lobby tables , where boxes of building surface material samples that will be brought to the HDC hearing were displayed PBC members urged that color samples be pared down to those already chosen by the architects and committee, especially colors After about 15 minutes of examining the samples, library and DAC people departed and the PBC returned to Estabrook Hall to continue its discussions PBC oversiaht of the library nroiect will require that the committee receive two sets of Design Development drawings ("pricing drawings") and outline specifications that are supposed to completed by April 15 They inquired about how the architects are being paid and urged that the architects be pushed to produce and progress Schools vroiect ad hoc committee contacted architects HMFH without consulting the PBC, it was pointed out The "report" of that group, distributed at last week's (3/26/98) PBC meeting and reported in the Lexington Minuteman of the same date, elicited strong objections by Poinelli When the PBC approved the expenditure of $22 ,000 for the "study" of what kind of a project at the high school could be accomplished for $15 million, the School Committee had already at its Tuesday (3/24/98) meeting approved of the expenditure Committee members decried the process of the advisory committee' s preempting the role of the PBC and several suggested that the approval of the $22 ,000 be rescinded Several actions and motions were proposed, and the chairman was instructed to visit Town Manager with the motion that was passed and action agreed by consensus "Motion VOTED MOVED that if a study for $22 ,000 is to be done by HMFH, such study be under the direction of the Permanent Building Committee and that if the members of the ad hoc advisory group want to participate, they must come to PBC meetings as citizens Furthermore, that John Miller of HMFH present to the PBC (only) for approval at its meeting of Tuesday, April 7 , 1998, the plan of how his firm is going to do this $22 ,000 project "It was further agreed by consensus of PBC members that the so-called report of the ad hoc advisory group be returned to Town Manager White for correction to omit mention of the Permanent Building Committee on the report heading as well as the line beginning, "Appointed by since the Permanent Building committee never appointed any such advisory group or subcommittee " (A copy of the motion and consensus agreement as FAXed to Chairman Kelley is attached ) PBC Minutes of 3/31/98 , page 3 PBC members emphasized in discussion that HMFH must work and report to the Permanent Building Committee Questions were raised about the scope of work that would be used for a scaled down project and whether this would meet the educational needs of the schools and town Members recalled the committee's nearly two years of intense meetings to become thoroughly knowledgeable about School Committee educational program decisions , school enrollment statistics and state standards so they could formulate and propose optimum building solutions Minutes of Thursday March 26 1998 were APPROVED as amended Meeting adjourned at 10 55 until Tuesday, April 7 , 1998 RReespectfull submitted, (/s/�it/e.� `"•J.�cI�ems"" i Erna S Greene, Secretary {