HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-13-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday December 11, 1999 meeting in the Conference Room, School Administration Building, as approved April 20, 2000. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kelley at about 7 12 p.m. with other PBC members Brockman, Cannalonga, Himmel, Johnson, and Touart present. Also attending were Project Manager/Owner s Representative Michael Melnick, Director School Building Operation John Moynihan and Philip Lewis of HMFH, who appeared shortly after 7.30 p.m., as well as Gary Markowitz, who arrived at 8:50. List of new materials distributed: Melnick's meeting agenda, progress report and list of pending issues December 13 letter from HMFH to Peter Kelley RE redesign services requested 12/6/99 Gym window wall non-replacement inquiry to Department of Education told that some paperwork would be required and that the chief consideration in the glass block replacement would be the R-value rather than monetary considerations. LABB wending issues have to be decided by a board from all the participating towns, and Moynihan said it would probably would be difficult for them to find$50,000 now as they scraped together$40,000 a few years ago to make changes to the space, which had all been approved by the building commissioner, including the egress arrangement. Extra classroom space may be gained from use of the high school gym, it was moved but not voted. There will be 10 portable classrooms at the high during construction. Johnson pointed out that phasing plans should be in the specifications for all contractors and subcontractors, to avoid costly change orders or misunderstandings. Ouestioned cost of acoustic doors and other estimate corrections may be needed, it was pointed out by Himmel and others, who looked over the detailed estimates. Lewis noted that estimates for tectum installation may also not be accurate. Add alternates must also be listed just in case bids are lower than expected and more can be afforded. Some of the deducts can also be added at the bottom of the add/alternate list in this case. Air conditioning for the high school auditorium is a notable example of an add/alternate. Asbestos removal cost was also eyed for cutting. Transite panels in the Diamond music rooms were considered easily and cheaply removed and therefore not worth omitting, but it was recommended to cover and encapsulate existing asbestos with 'Flow Fill"in the crawl space beneath the Science Building because people do sometimes work there. Markowitz report of preliminary investigations noted that the fixtures now planned for the high school are not in the Edison rebate program. However, he told of many other kinds of fixtures PBC Minutes of December 13, 1999 - 2 that will qualify In response to committee inquiry, he explained that the rebate program will be in effect for five years as part of recent electric deregulation. He ticked off a litany of examples of savings and displayed a' inch thick book of light fixtures that can qualify for rebate. Lewis asked for recommendations of model numbers of appropriate fixtures for various conditions found in the high and middle schools. In Markowitz' opinion as much as $50,000 could be saved at the high school in lighting fixtures and about half that amount at the middle schools He also recommended pulse start fixtures for the field house. VOTED to authorize spending for two more days of Markowitz' work (he has already spent two days and an invoice for$1600 will be coming) to establish the scope of work for estimating savings and planning better lighting. Markowitz asked permission to get into the high school. Both Melnick and Moynihan responded that this could easily be arranged. A close review of costs and particularly time to redesign removing the first floor bump-out of the science building revealed that the large number of plan changes could not be done without a two weeks' delay in bidding package s going on the street. This was deemed unacceptable by Moynihan because getting the bid package out the first week in January was required for the high school phasing plan to work. On that basis, in addition to the high redesign cost of$230,000. It was agreed to leave the science building as now planned with the bump-out and porch room removed. Other cuts agreed to included the list generated by the school department on Friday, December 10, plus the following: Patio number 2 lighting savings of about$150,000 $35,000 worth of case work at Diamond (notably to eliminate the TV units) asbestos abatement by use of flow fill, (Lewis will take this up with ATC) $40K? sprinklers in gym and field house $70,000 ? Also VOTED to authorize the architects to draw plans to eliminate 2200 square feet of the support wing and to negotiate payment of$18,000 for this work on a schedule not to exceed that estimated. All agreed the high school bid package should be on the street by January 7 Meeting adjourned at 10:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, hAem{ Erna S. Greene, Secretary Town of Lexington Permanent Building Committee School Capital Plan Meeting Agenda December 13, 1999 Pending Issues • Alternates Discussion • Boiler Plate/Contract Form Review/Approval Process • Portable Classrooms Acquisition Process • Energy Conservation Discussion • Approval of Invoices: • Key Decision Issues • Approval of Meeting Minutes