HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-10-PBC-min-LHS.pdf LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL VISIT APRIL 10, 1997 MEETING NOTES Plans On Display John J. Moynihan explained project and guidelines- $17,000,000 existing/$1-2 Million for additional input: 1. Concern about"sick building syndrome" 2. Traffic pattern evaluation: Music rooms and cafeteria i.e.inside and outside 3. Two rooms to seat 125-150 for music rooms (we cannot push beyond 1,400 sq. ft. - State rule). 4. Request from science teachers to have input on design of lab stations. 5. Dressing rooms for performances adequate. 6. Drama room upstairs into "black box" stage for small performances. 7 Folder planned for questions from school to be sent to us. 8. Question on enclosed walkways. 9 Libraries must be centrally located. 10. Cafeterias: How to handle lunch lines? Two cafeterias and outdoor space seems to be answer. 11. PA system and curtains-mechanical system needs improvement. 12. Two big events at once-two entrances? 13. Space-Commons Area: For students not in class. 14. Are we listening -important that PBC gets input. Student input necessary for commons area. 15. Stage floor must be black;preferably not wood. 16. Fill in spaces next to stage that had been planned. 17 Replace mottoes on either side of auditorium. Attendees: P Kelley, P Johnson, B. Bruckman, M. Touart, J. Moynihan t Tony Capezza,5/5/97 12:38 PM,satff comments on renovation plan 1 .] — Mime-Version. 1 0 ~. ~. Date Mon, 5 May 1997 12 38 56 -0400 To moynihan From capezza@sch.ci lexington.ma.us (Tony Capezza) Subject satff comments on renovation plan Cc pavasaris tzimopoulos, samii, webber gsimon, papadonis, mcnally wolfrum, hsadm, maguire John, After your presentation of the proposed renovation plan to our faculty I asked that all special requests be sent to me Below you will find a copy of all concerns and requests sent to me. I have kept them in their original form and arranged by Department where possible As we move to the actual design stage, I feel that the new architects should be asked to consider these topics and speak with these staff members Fr Jeff Leonard, Steve Bogart, Brian 0 Connell, Janet Haas Re Renovation Project This is to summarize and review our concerns and hopes for the upcoming building renovation as it relates to the performing arts areas 1 The existing dressing/practice rooms don t appear in the new ground plan. (At least as far as we can find!) These are essential 2 If the existing health office can be moved, it would be possible to put in a separate gymnasium lobby so that we can avoid the sharing of lobby space during simultaneous events This is disruptive to both events and a potential fire hazard should both events need to evacuate at the same time 3 At least two of the music rehearsal rooms need to seat 125 to 150 people. When Band and Orchestra rehearse at the same time, (which they always do in order to share wind players) our projected enrollment suggests that these are conservative estimates Obviously there would need to be adequate sound-proofing in order to permit 2 groups to rehearse simultaneously 4 Turn G-81 into a blackbox performance/recital hall/dance rehearsal space which doubles as a classroom. Walls into existing Life Skills office can be removed to expand seating capacity 200 - 250 would be ideal, but 50 - 100 would still be functional Would meet needs of smaller music and drama performances and serve to eliminate the enormous number of conflicts we have with current rehearsal and performance schedules in existing facilities Not to mention the imposition of outside rentals on our curricular activities 5 The new stage storage/set construction are (currently M-1) needs to have all exit doors enlarged to fit set pieces and piano through. The piano will not fit through the current doors 6 Special 'sick building' considerations Stage work lights (florescents) provide inadequate lighting for rehearsal and set construction. This is an easy problem to solve by replacing them with now incandescent lights which are much more efficient 7 The current electrical service in the lighting booth bleeds into the current sound system. Causes many problems in recording and Printed for moynihan@sch.ci.lexinaton.ma.us (John Moynihan) 1 Toni Capezza,5/5/97_ 12:38 PM,satff comments on renovation plan µ2 live performance and should be addressed. Y - ~~ ~ 8 Chairs?? I'm sure adequate chairs, which are able to remain in the music rooms will be included! ! Thanks for your consideration and help, there will certainly be updates as new things occur to us We would be delighted for the opportunity to discuss the specifics of these proposals with all of you Name Steve Ellis Affiliation Computer Center E-mail ellis@sch Comments The 5 year technology plan includes an auditorium class projector for the HS that is capable of projecting both video and computer displays. We need to make sure that the current design includes the site prep necessary to install the projector Name Shelley Chamberlain Affiliation administrator E-mail chamberlain@sch Comments Is there a specific location in the conceptual design for my office at the HS? I've been led to believe that I m moving from Clarke, and would like to check out the plans FROM: Jennifer Wolfrum RE. Building plans and renovations I want to follow up on the Friday morning meeting where the next stage of the LHS building plans were discussed. The health teachers and I are concerned that there are no classrooms designated for Health Education and we would also like to clarify the status of our office space. When we met with the architect we presented our ideal set up for health education. Ideally we would like to have three contiguous classrooms with one of the dividing walls being movable This would enable two classes to participate in one activity with reasonable space This would also allow for maximum creativity in utilizing long periods The request for three classrooms would allow for three classes to be taught at the same time which might become an issue as student numbers increase and the schedule changes At a minimum, the health teachers would like two classrooms that are next to each other to facilitate the sharing of materials, etc Our ideal office space would be adjacent or close to the classrooms with enough space for a Health Education Resource area. Our current office space works quite nicely if the teachers can t be located near the Printed for moynihan@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us (John Moynihan) 2 �µ Tony Capezza,5/5/97 12:38 PM,sat_ff comments on renovation plan classrooms and would require a minimum of touch up. It is important that.. I have my office space next to or very close to the high school health teachers as well as connected with office space for Chris Seaquist, my secretary and Terrie Shearer Health Education teacher for the elementary schools We also find that it is very helpful to share space with Dana Ham as it enhances our working relationship and maximizes services for students and staff We would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience regarding the feasibility of our requests We would like to hear about your thinking and plans for Health Education classrooms and office space Thanks for your attention to this I Name Robin Ladd Affiliation student ( class of 1996 ) E-mail 941add@cua.edu Comments As a former student, I am pleased that something is being dome to improve the ever aging high school I think that a lot of the ideas suggested by the architect is on the right idea to improve the school but there are some things that I do not like For example, I do not agree with the architect s idea that enclosed walk ways would increase circulation and thus improve the campus community feeling One of the things that I thought was special to LHS was the lack of enclosed hallways Although it made it difficult to travel in the winter open walkways are better Enclosed walkways can get easily crowed and uncomfortable Also, it prevents someone from stop and talk to someone they see on their way to class The only enclosed walkways I suggest be built would be to connect the second floor of C to Science and C to E. Another proposed change that I do not agree with is the building of a major cafeteria. Large cafeterias are noisy and harder to control if some thing happens Throughout my high school years, I often ate in G because it was small and quiet In this environment, I could do my homework or study before my afternoon classes or just have a nice conversation with a friend. I do not think that I could have done this in a large cafeteria environment Currently my major is architecture so I have particular interest in the school s improvement I would to heard how everything is going once and a while Good luck in the renovations I Printed for moynihan@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us (John Moynihan) 3 1 Tony Capezza,5/5/97 12:38 PM,satff comments on renovation plan 4 •Name Scott Webber Affiliation administrator E-mail webberesch.ci lexington.ma us Comments As department head in English, I have two concerns at this time First is that there be adequate central storage for our core texts Second, is that teachers have work space and conference areas Teachers need a place to work--correct and plan--and an are a in which to hold conferences with individual students This are should afford privacy to enhance the quality of the conversation. Thanks LHS Nurse requests Flo Maguire asks that 1 Her entire area be reconfigured and comply with ADA standards 2 Lighting be upgraded 3 Climate control be considered ( venting is a real issue ) 4 Add an eye wash facility 5 Her floor being retiled 6 An emergency exit be provided 7 Science Building elevator be made to conform with ADA standards The ten items below were sent to me prior to my formal request Some may be duplications I include then here in fairness to the senders who s names I did not record at the time 1 What will be the actual # of student lockers? 2 Where will dram dressing rooms be located? 3 Music rooms relative size .soundproofing? 4 Why TWO prep rooms next to S22 and new room? 5 When will specific offices be identified? 6 METCO feels office is too small and isolated again. 7 S6 and S25 seem too small 8 Will stage issues ( curtains and weights ) be evaluated? 9 What about staff work areas? 10 Herb Webb asked if we could swap the guidance ( CHJ) with the Tech Center Printed for moynihan@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us (John Moynihan) 4