HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-12-PBC-min.pdf e m • y R�3...I g I/ 3 , `r hZ TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Tuesday September 12, 2006 meeting in LHS Construction Trailer. Permanent Building Committee Chairman,Phil Poinelli called the meeting to order at 7 14 p.m. with other PBC members Bruce Creager, Peter Johnson and Rich Sperandio present. Also in attendance the Owner's Representative, Bill Kealy,Project Manager, Carl Oldenburg,Project Coordinator,and Clerk of Works, Gary Kaczmarek, Bill Hartigan,Director of Facilities, from the School Committee, Olga Guttag and Tom Griffith and representing TLCR,architect, Santiago Rozas. 1 The Project Manager asked the Committee to nay CTA's Payment Reauisition No. 16 in the amount of$366,624.00 for the Fiske School A motion was made by P Johnson to approve payment of Requisition No. 16 in the amount of$366,624.00. B. Creager seconded the motion and all were in favor to pay the Requisition 2. The Project Manager introduced CTA's Change Order No. 14 in the amount of $19,285.34 for the Fiske School for approval of payment. A motion was made by P Johnson to approve payment of CO No. 14 in the amount of$19,285.34. B. Creager seconded the motion and all were in favor to pay the CO 3. The Project Manager announced that personnel and the contents of the construction trailer will be relocated to a new trailer at the rear of the Fire Station 4 The Library nunchlist is almost completed. Remaining are the entry mats,and restoration painting of the historic wood doors. There have been problems getting the painters to return to finish the doors. 5.Analysis is still being done on the chiller. The company holding the 5-year warrantee on the chiller has declared bankruptcy The Town's insurance is picking up part of the claim. 6. Consensus(including Town hired engineer)is that the chiller is fine where it is and would not necessarily function better out of the pit. 7 A preventive maintenance program will begin for the schools once work has been completed at the Library 8. Playground sub-Committee needs to meet to approve the Design Proposal of layout L1.3 before it can go into effect. The plan shows 12 feet from the curb to the backstop (ball field)with a 3-1 slope. B. Hartigan to make copies for the Playground sub- Cotnmittee and the PBC. It was suggested that committee members e-mail whether they ( are in favor or not of the design. 9 The Town Manager will oversee the transfer of funds from the Recreation Denartmcnt to the project budgets for the irrigation systems installed during construction at both the ins'-% a rah F Page 2 PBC Minutes September 12,2006 Harrington and Fiske. 10. P Poinelli made a motion to accent the irrigation system for the fields at the Fiske subiect to the Town funding the Droiect from other sources. B. Creager made the motion to approve the irrigation system with other sources of funding. P Johnson seconded the motion and all were in favor to approve the motion. 11 The new sidewalk at the Harrington should be completed by the end of the month. 12. Final nunchlist work is being done at Harrington. Both EMCOR and Systems Contracting have been trying to regulate the HVAC system. The problem could be electrical. There has also been a problem with water faucets. 13. Con Com has issued an Order of Conditions at the Harrington regarding the storm water. Con Com is meeting on this tonight with a person from Samiotes representing us. It is believed that the build up of storm water is a maintenance problem. B. Hartigan to check with the DPW about maintaining the drains. 14 The School Department says that the air handling system are not functioning nroverlv in the High School Auditorium and the science building. TMP says that the final balancing was not done at the High School because the job was done in sections. Amanti asked for one balancing document instead of a document for each section. He maintains that he sent that document. 15. Peabody (High School GO lawsuit is still unresolved. 16. A balance of$290.000 remains from the middle school nroiect. 17 The Proiect Manager recommended that the Town Meeting be asked to re-allocate money remaining from the Fiske project to the Clarke and Diamond for removal of the column at Diamond and egress problems at Clarke. 18. The PBC suggested that the stair and egress problems at Clarke by fixed ASAP 19 P Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. B. Creager seconded the motion and all were in favor to end the meeting. Respectfully( Submitted,/ &4€. �('J ite ea) ara Shapiro C/ Secretary