HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-08-PBC-min.pdf ms fi �dB g`� � �� TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS ��' PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of Tuesday,May 8, 2007 meeting in PBC Conslruction Trailer. Permanent Building Committee Vice-Chainnan,Jon Himmel called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. with other PBC members Bruce Creager,Eric Brown and Dick Perry present. Also in attendance the Owner's Representative,Bill Kealy,Tom Griffith from the School Committee,TLCR Architect, San6ago Rozas and Architects,Mike Lawrence and Janet Slemenda from HKT. 1.Because T. Griffith had a simultaneous(8 p.mJ meetin�with the School Committee the Chairman offered to let him voice his concerns first.Mr.Griffith said he was mainly interested in the wells at Fiske and when they would be operational. S.Rozas from TLCR explained that one well was working now(he had just visited the Fiske School)and is maintsining temperatures to cool the building.He said that as soon as the well caps were installed,he would have all wells turned on.He also said for temperatures around the low 80's we only needed one well going.But when we get to the 90's and as above we would need rivo or three operating wells. 2.Mr.Griffith left after discussingthe upcoming hiring of a new commissionin�agent to recheck the HVAC systems at the Hattin�ton and Fiske Schools.It was agreed that a firm would be hired and work through TLCR,the Architect of Record. 3.HKT's Janet Slemenda and Mike then presented a list of possible Bid Alternates for the DPW building. 4.Possibilities include:Remove cold storage shed;remove industrial equipment such as racks,lifts,work bay equipment and fuel island at a savings of$1,200,000;site paving$300,000(to be done by Town C DPW};remove FF&E($200,000);cut back on landscaping;remove the waste oil heater;remove rain harvesting, skylights,and the green roof. 5. HKT and the Committee analvzed problems and costs of a11 the above as well as hazsrdous materials, abutters' relations and a proposed schedule. HKT said the schedule calls for 95%Working Drawings on June 5 and 100%bid documents by July 9. 6. The question on document reviews azose and we will be �ettin�quotes&om various firms including Redicheck and Richazd Wlute. 7. HKT left and the Committee discussed the punchlists and the Fiske ram�.It was decided then to wait for a decision from the Town Manager as to whether or when to build the Woodland Road ramp or to appeal for a vaziance from the Architectnral Barriers Board. 8. The Project Mana e� r reported that Chauman Poinelli had arranged for a contract amendment with FIDg'H for the Diamond and Clark Schools to design solutions to problems(brought up by the Building Inspector and the Fire Chie fl which have prevented the issuance of an Occupancy Certificate for the schools. 9.The P.M.also presented a copy of the Draft Audit for the Harrington School. 10. The P.M. also informed the members that final settlements had been reached on the Library and on the HarrinQton School,and explained the Harrington settlement. 11.E.Brown moved adjoumuient seconded by R.Perry and all were in favor— 10:10 p.m. � Raspectfully Submitted, .--���� William A. Kea1y, roject Manager