HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-12-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Minutes of March 12. 1987 meeting in Room G-15, Town Office Building, as approved March 26, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kennedy at 8.00 p m. with other committee members Edson, Scanlon and Touart present; John Kennedy arrived shortly. Also present were staff members Maclnnes and Coscia, School Committee member Wik, Capital F. penditures Committee representative Spector, Selectmen/liaison McSweeney, Chartwell consultants Aitchison, Ralands and Heninger, as well as local newspaper reporter Lisa Redmond Minutes of February 12 1987 were accepted as amended and cor- rected Agreed that copies of corrected minutes would not be sent out unless changes were substantial (Copies of corrected minutes will be sent out to Chairman, Town Manager and Maclnnes Please correct typo not noted at meeting date is 1987, not 86) Minutes of October 1 and 16, 1986 were accepted as submitted Progress Report No. 5 review. Bowman and Bridge design work is complete The new lockers and carpet at Bridge look very good Bids for renovations are being reviewed For the other schools TAMS has about 12 people at work About a week 's slippage has occurred so far Aitchison does not consider it serious. The engineers are keeping on schedule Replacement screens at Diamond and the high school have been inspected and are OK but not impressive for all the money Committee members expressed a plea for installation of telephone available to users of the Field House when school offices are closed (one had been removed from the passageway due to vandal- ism) Maclnnes said consideration would be given to installa- tion of one in the Field House itself since that building is locked when not in use and can be monitored Bid Packages Schedule is now divided into three after further negotiations with TAMS according to the Issue #5 timeline (2/12 revised 2/16) Bid Package 1: Estabrook & Fiske Bid Package 2: Harrington, Clarke (all ) Diamond and H.S Bid Package 3. Balance of Estabrook (library) , Fiske (library and storage) Harrington (library & elevator) Diamond (library expansion and office alterations) , high school (A-F houses, lockers, elevator, auditorium & add-ons) Noted that the majority of code items except for elevators are in the second package Maclnnes requested plan handouts in 8 1/2 x 1 9 PBC Minutes 3/12/87 p 2 11 inch size to explain building modifications to PTA groups etc Budget Report No. 3 was reviewed with committee asking who received copies of it They also questioned TAMS use of design contingency funds for electrical work Aitchison responded that theoretically these funds should be used There is also a change order contingency for the construction phase Another query• Why do numbers keep changing from month to month'' There appears about $30 000 difference between appropriation and cost estimate Also, committee members wondered why an item entitled 'KLQ under- statement of overhead, " was still showing Rolands assured that it will eventually disappear He also explained that a zero in the "Original Budget Amount" column meant that it was not originally estimated A zero in the "Current Budget Amount" F column means that it was cut out All Lexan removal and replace- ment is still included Some of the removed items will be done under the school maintenance budget TAMS helped monitor these decisions a month ago Rolands' financial report was commended Schedules for roofing work are on time and work should begin before vacation All bids are now in Asbestos survey will be done by Briggs at the rate of one school per week, with Bowman and Bridge first The work is scheduled to be done in the first two-thirds of summer so that replacement can also be completed F that vacation There is also a 30-day waiting period after bid award Asbestos removal will probably done in summer, 1988. Package 1 A week's design slip was noted Package 2: Bids will close May 6; award to be May 13 Committee members questioned what is do-able, and also noted that Cutler still has to finish the roof at Bowman Meetino with TAMS Trio (Axelrod Iwerks. Manford) concerned mostly plans for the Field House A storage area carved from the main floor is to be added and the weight room is to be moved, revising the locker area. The wood basketball floor is to be replaced with a poured rubber one The weight room will have a new rubber tiled floor The present weight room is to be conver- ted to a team room Committee members expressed concern about reduction in lockers Response additional lockers will be added in other spaces such as the team room. The weight room is to be accessible to women Present plans do not call for roofing the storage area. If a roof were to be added it would have to be designed. A long discussion on the floor ensued The base will be concrete and it will be an updated version of what is at Clarke, including lines. Basketball people have commented favorably on this plan Asbestos A February 23, 1987 proposal report revealed that Briggs price is just about half of TAMS' A further proposal 2 PBC Minutes 3/12/87 p 3 from Briggs on March 6, 1987 gave a $21,850 price for combined options 1 and 3 This is what Chartwell recommended, and the committee VOTED to accept this proposal for options 1 and 3. (Bid summary attached for those not at the meeting) Bids for Bridoe/Bowman Constructioin were reported The base bid was $789 447 and the budget estimate $795,445. Of the subbid components, only the glazing was rejected but will be carried by the general contractor Most subbids were close to estimates. VOTED to accept the base bid with no alternates. An only-one base bid situation was deplored by Messrs Kennedy. Aitchison commented "that's the marketplace High School Reroofing Bids were received seven strong, but Hartford, the lowest, withdrew due to miscalculation The second lowest was Morello who in the past has had problems getting bonding Committee agreed to accept his bid, pending further checks into his financial position performance and payment for materials Chairman will be apprized of any problems. Removal of Covina at Clarke filed subbid of NAACO (bond included) was recommended Budget $26, 250; bid $24,500. VOTED to accept A Management Workshop on Value Enoineerino is to be conducted by Chartwell on May 27 to 28. Recommended to include about three representatives each from TAMS Chartwell and the PBC/schools. This will take place after preliminary drawings are completed There was some discussion about furnishings and whether or not added classrooms will contain blackboards. Committee members commented that these should be assumed. Plans for spaces like libraries already contain perimeter built-ins. Approval of Bills as listed by Chartwell was VOTED (List attached for those not present ) The meeting on plans for the high school has been rescheduled for May 28 A May 5 meeting with the staff will precede it Signoff on Bid Package 2 is scheduled for April 2, 1987 Clerk of the Works provision possibilities were discussed For $14,000 Heydecker could provide the services of his person Briggs could provide similarly. The town s buying this service appeared to be the favored course After scheduling meetings for March 26 and April 2 1987 at 7.30 p.m. , the meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p m. �� E! i ! inmttee Sad/ 4� 3