HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-12-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS PERMANENT BUILDING COMMITTEE Mi 1.2, 1i8i meeting in Room G' 15 Town Office Building a* amended and accepted March 14 1987 The mpeting was called to order by Chairman Kennedy at 8 p m , with cther committee members Edson, John Kennedy Scanlon and Touart present Other attending were Faul Newman, James MacInnes Emanucle Coscia, Ian Aitchison John Heninger and reporter Li `a Redmond Others arrived later , as noted below Minutes of January 8, 1997 were approved as submitted Minutes of January 15 and 29 were approved as amended pro�lress. EepoIts Noted that the staff meetings generated good feelings Some input fcn' minor changes was received Generally plan` were liked Replacement cf Proscenium Screens is to be done during the week after vacation —ons week late" but not interfering with activitie^ Brigg is starting up soon, with roofing suhhids due February .)5; ashe tc and high school subbids March 11 and also thres other ,chools in Mard) [ -mtingencv allowance has now been increased ti 1J percent and thi i deemed more adequate Aitchison pointed out that the e: periance uf work on Bridge and Bowman schools should prove valuable in carrying out the remaining projects All roofs ars anticipated tc be don' by August 31 of this year TAMS is proposing to regroup the job and revise the schedule No matter what Fiske and Estabrook are to go first because two classrooms are needed by September 198 at Estabrook Harrington, Diamond Clarke and part of the high school could be done over the ,iecond summer Ba* ically the plan would be to put in stage 1 th* small =r if 'contained items that could be done by 6eptemter" 198; Stage II would encompass larger items TAMS pre 'ented two packaging options, of which Aitchison prefers Option A because of its earlier start (in May) Phase II would L libraries with the high school lohh last TAMS will accept Aitchison F Verson of Option A, which include* sections A ani B in th*, tir t contract VOTED to accept Aitchi ,on s recommendation with Estabrook priority one over Fiske Work on the first Lontract whould be completed by October or No`/ember 1 '87 Heninge, said hc would revise his time—line schedule according Fo thi vote 8riAgs their representative Bob Bnnica arrived) plans are now 90 percent complete The Blue Book prices the work at $414 WO and Brigg^ estimate i $927, 000 The root at Harrington i in 1 1 i r•}j(.. Minutes t. a. ?/8 p r_ bad shape and there: is a leak: near the auditorium at Diamond There will be add •Cels : ii this work At the high school field house PVL is recommended to :8 feet down from the peak and then shingles are commended Windows above and at the link should be s.. lc:.se,d All work is: on schedule, though some questions remain on the field house Briggs recommends that. old ;Mingles be removed to check the condition of the decking below Thi will assure a better job Spec- can be written for performance or with = elected styles (three'') F'{r'igg :> recommends shingles with irregular tabs However , the committee approved regular shinolesOne good brand is Timberline e. uept that all their selections are in dark colors Boarding up of the skylights and roofing them over i, recommended Mac Innes expressed perference for aluminum because it:. is easy to paint over and c:loesn t- Bade Replacement decking would be at a unit price Nk t_ed that no roof work could be done at Clarke during school time Committee a•.kcd about Briggs ability to perform asbestos wor k BonniI.:er said the" have nc insurance but that his firm could do survey and inspection work (through their industrial hygiene department) and that they would gladly submit a proposal Noted that TANTS price for this work is very high Heninger- commented that he would advise to get several asbestos proposals In addition Briggs is already into asbestos work at. Clarke removal of coping) and could e; tend their contr act Would advertising be nee-es ary Aitchison has a list of certi+ieci asbestos contractors none of them is "licensed" Briggs will be consulted before deciding Lour ,e of action Budcir=t. r Zvi sic.trts have fol1iwed a.l1 changes and Rol ands (who came in about 9 p m ) lia, arrived at revised tentative figures showing i a iitact about balanced budget of '$11 , 870,, 000 This will be finali ed in a fewday with summaries by category and school An e.' ample of change paying was halved With TAMS trig A:.i__lrods_ iwerks and Hanford. At E.stabrook Two more classrooms will be added at the end of the corridor and four new small spaces will be installed under the roof overhang near the entrance Other possibilities for the ' library are being considered but all will cost more than originally budq ted At Fiske A new conference room will be: added near the entrance- and tutor-i .d space near the rear entry The library will be in the kindergarten area, with an 18-toot: diameter ampit.heatre/story tel area h Bi, Minutes .- 1.2/87 -- p At Harrington the library and a classroom will be enlarged E ir••t:ing spaces will be revamped for tut.oria.l. and computer purposes At Clarke the darkroom will be reduced by the telephone room Two small rooms will be made into a computer- room At Diamond a 12 by 15 oct addition will be made to enlarge the 1. i.brary„ with an oct agonal reading room There will be no space addition to make th, teachers workroom (to come from a c 1 a :i B r o o m) Question raised about furnishings for the new libraries No mane, .is currently budgeted i I'l f or mE?'t 1 U r7_I"I{?f!t]_I'I fli_Fit:I1 a Ci to J. Pd Monde February :." RE Llar-ke„ Diamond and Fiske at Diamond Wednesday., February 25 RE Est;_abrctok and Harrington at E-'t 'abr ooh: Thursday, Mar-ch 26 RE High S,:hool. at High School Science Hall (Press release with full detail enclosed) Bill pc.yments 'approved To KLQ for work on Bridge $15,525 KL-.O for work on Bowman 625 Briggs for Harrington, Llarke, Diamond & FIS 14, 575 TAMS for work — all schools 91, 500 Charwel. l January work , all schools 1.4„ (3(x) Barbat.o (final e) cept for slight leak repair-) 17, 095 Beacon Publications (for ::advertising arpet) 19 9(i E ec.uti a:: session was VOTED unanimously by roll call vote at lu 45 p m and the meeting was adjourned at 11 05 p m , until t hur .a;d y March 1.2 at B p m i\&_ ,pc*ctf ui :I. submitted, 94414-- Erna S Greene , Secretary to the Fear m a n e nt:. Building Committee Minutes of Permanent Building Committee E ecutive Session 2/12/87 at 10 4j p m The problem' with the KLQ report were noted Problems were enumerated and listed, but solutions were not really provided No backup data was found Many of the costs were understated Therefore TAMS people has to meet additionally with staff to find out what the problems really were and how they might best be solved Other bidders had similar assumptions about the nature of the kLQ rwpurt Aitchison reported TAMS is requesting an additional :5 percent or $22, 000 for this e tr work Also the changes in phasing/packaging necessitated b' the Estabrook classroom priority has caused TAMS to a�4: an added $8,000 or a total of $�0, 00«0 Edson recommended the payment of $8, 000 of the e` tra $7 000 be conditional on the plans being ready May 1 Question raised if taking the asbestos work away from TAME, would bring on potential a tra fees VOTED to approve payment of V0 000 to TAMS, with one naye vote Meeting adjourned at ] ] 05 p m | 4 /