HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-08-PBC-min.pdf TOWN OF LE :LI`,l('ra-FCJI',Iq MASSACHUSETTS P ERMANEENT BUILDING COMMITTEE: Min Lit_:e,_r., of Jsar'n.lary. cW.,,_ 11E37 mc,E:e't:i.t-lcl, in Room 8-15„ Town Office_ Building, act epteci as submitted 2/1.4/87 The meeting was called t.c- order by Chairman pro tern Edson, with other committee member s J Kennedy and li L. Touar t pr esent Quorum was reached when Ken Laurence arrived at. B ',`':; p In Others attending included Construction Consultant Ian Aitchison and his Chartwell as .ociates Brian Ro ands and John Ho-eninger , and staff Coscia and Maci • e. School. Committee Chairman Clough arrived at. 9 .0 p m fili.r'lu'tlsi o'f _ Di_'c.eriiber a and '1>' 1986 were accepted a- amended ElgArict is tight, Aitchison reported Bridge and Bowman schools are OF: but the other schools are a concern Total cost is $11 B million, of which 31. J million will be consumed by fees and $1 million allowed for conttengencies Noted that on alterations in to 'U percent should be allowed for contingencies On this project 15 percent is the allowance for all schools e: crept Bowman and Bridt7le, for which only fi ei percent i allowed Concern e pr-es c:ed that TAMS would have tto cut close and there would be no room for options or "wi :h list" The bottom line the consultant pointed out,, is a shortfall of $>7Crn, onfl F' innec.:ly pci.rrted out that a possible bidding strategy would be to formulate a base bid with acid-ons and alternates I l..it scions raised how the shortfall arose The answer appears to lie in TAMS reticent more careful analysis of the k:L2 report Tightne-ss is especial for the high school , in term: of time as wc.11 as money Two bid packages is e. possibility A public meeting will be held on preliminary drawing- ;, with final review and bid advertising in May Bids would be opened June 21 Aitchison also noted that TAMS found insufficient backup material in the k:LD repor t Therefore they are taking more time to prepare plans and asking $25, 00') additional for this Ftewiew of Fire Screen Replacement at I-li.,i1FiSchool.._.anr.IDiamond. Atter TAMS Lhss F i ng ar ounci, rebid diel not appear economically feasible :and therefore the e:ontract was awarded to B I'i F•''rodl.icti.ons according to committee vote. of December '9 1.986 Installation will. be in 'two months Aitchison will pressure to ha. '' the job clone during February .ac ation Mac..Innes reporters that l{ N Productions measured for- the screens this week Ir'1_f_r,aL e±ci ,_`'?C an t C:1.ar j' quoted by Briggs at 5 ;, 200 with a detailed report and $1 , 600 with a2-page letter report The less FEC Minutes of 1/8, 87 e pensj -e; report was chosen Results of the scano already done, are not optjmistic4 the entire roof may have to be replaced Figlq-Hoof, recommended by Briggs was PVL/rubber sheet Shingles would he x^ $30, 000 saving Even though the warranty would Le for material only longer life would be anticipated from , hingles VOTED that the top 10 to 15 feet to the travel stop be PVC and then shingled from there down ( A silver coating might be put on top ) All roofs are to be bid together Bowmjap_Sc hool ~Rslgf.„ Cutter s work was delayed and then discontinued after only the upper and middle. level areas were cnmpleted Ordering insulation apparently had been delayed The contractor will invoice for the work completed and said he would repair leaks HE 'decker will write the contractor about this Committee accepted this procedure without prejudice The contractor will remo`qc the stockpiled m=terials and presumably resume work between January and March MacInnes e; pressed ' concern about the pre `ence of a flatbed and wheelbarrJw on the site Kennedy commented, '/Just let s make sure the 20-year roof is good " ].ArELRe]geI1. was delivered Ly Ron A/ e]rod, Chris Iwe|' ks and Barbara Manford E amples of base drawings now inthe computer were /hown Thsy havc checked what is in the kLQ report and how ' it answers th needs at each school Solutions to all problems | were not given in the report Architectural and mechanical dilemmas were not all worked out These are covered in '/program 'hangs » sections on each of the si `chool in their report The high school auditorium was cited as an e` ample of under tima+ing and the proposed location for the Estabrook library was described as inappropriate TAMS team al `o cited erample of where deci ions would have to be made quickl on such items are need for e tra classroom space in the high .chwol scien' e building A careful consideration of all in option 7 must be done immediately Noted that About 6h percent of the alteration, are Essential code and safety compliance About seven weeks time overrun has already been spent in revi `w of the kLQ report E!1gpq,, Preliminary design - February 5 to be followed by PR[ design approval for five schools Februar 26 public meeting on fi�e schools March j - TAM; meet with LHS staff March 1 PBC approve high school preliminary designs March 2* - Public meeting on high school designs May 1 Out to hid with working drawings Jur/L 18 Bid close/opening June '5 - Bid award ! June J» Construction to begin 2 | | ^ PBC Minutes g+p The tri meeting was scheduled for Thursday, Januar y 15 at e pm TANS is to get information material to Town Manager s office for the committee on Tuesday, JanuarygG ± dtatu,, Renyrt from Brie Rolands will be updated +or ne t week s meeting Concerne pressed that. some of the paving Rowes° may become contingencies as it appears that the amount of work to be don has ept up by 10 to 12 percent A general overhead %rcfJ, of 15 pcent has been assumed MOVED approve pe =en! of bills on the attached list as amended t the meeting) Noted that Hartford has performedr+grwork on the Bridge Schoolroof i€1na adjourned at In p m m+ctlul mrltLed 944441td Sur-, Erna S Greene, Secretary tothe committee (