July 2, 1986
Minutes Approved October 1, 1986
Present Bill Kennedy, Herb Grossimon, Jim Scanlon, Ted Edson, Al Daniels,
Mary Lou Touart, Ken Laurence Also present Jim Maclnnes, Bob
Harris, Sheldon Spector and Mannie Coscia
Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 8 10 P M. Mr Quann of KLQ said
there were two bids received from General Contractors for repair work at the
Bridge School and passed out a bid result sheet indicating that the low bid
shown was incorrect and that it should read $344,634 The low bidder was
Barbato Construction Corp of Stoughton and the second bidder was R. W Hyde
Construction Inc with a bid of $344,800 Mr Quann was asked if Barbato was a
good contractor and he said they know of them and they are a small but good
firm He also said Dick Heydecker checked with Barbato and their work load is
such that they will be able to begin work immediately
Sheldon Spector asked if the insurance covered all of the cost Mr Maclnnes
said it included the remainder of the roof Other items of the renovation will
be done as one of the first schools thereafter This part is to be done before
Jim Scanlon arrived at 8 20 It was explained that there being no electrical
bidder that the general contract bid included an allowance of $24,000 for the
electrical work Mr Quann explained to the Committee that they could go out
now and solicit bids for the electrical work without having to advertise again
Motion was made by Mary Lou Touart, seconded by Herb Grossimon and it was voted
to accept the bid of Barbatos at the corrected figure of $344,634 Motion was
made by Mary Lou Touart, seconded by Herb Grossimon and it was voted to
authorize the Chairman to sign the contract document with Barbatos
Ted Edson arrived at 8 45 P M.
Mr Maclnnes said he had filed the RFP for the construction consultant with the
DCPO on June 13 It was published in the Central Register on June 25 and the
legal ad was in the Minuteman on June 26 and will be in again on July 3 The
responses are due to be received on July 18 He said he had already received
inquiries from 13 people
Bill Kennedy asked KLQ for a schedule as soon as we have a signed contract from
Barbatos Mr Quann said he would work on one Mr Quann was excused from the
Bob Harris asked about the time frame in which Bridge School would be in
compliance with the requirements of handicapped accessibility He was told the
rest of the work is to be done the following year Bridge will be the first
school to be brought under compliance during Phase II of the project
Permanent Building Committee 7/2/86 Page 2
It was decided that the subcommittee would meet at 2 00 P M. on Friday, the 18th
and on July 23rd at 7 30 P M. to review the bids It was further decided that
the full committee will meet on July 30 at 7 30 P M. for the purpose of
interviewing the recommended finalists
The Committee reviewed the amended RFP for architects submitted by Ted Edson and
made further amendments It was moved by Mary Lou Touart, seconded by Ken
Laurence and voted to authorize Ted Edson, Bill Kennedy and Jim Maclnnes to
review the amended RFP and to get it out on the 8th of July to be published on
the 16th and to ask for quotes by July 30th and that it will be published in the
Minuteman on the 15th and the 22nd of July
There being no further items for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 10 00
Phyllis Smith
Recording Clerk