September 18, 1985
Present Bill Kennedy, Jim Scanlon, School Committee Designees Mary Lou Touart
and Ken Laurence, Town Manager Bob Hutchinson, DPW Director of
Planning and Administration Manny Coscia and Phyllis Smith, Recording
After it was noted that Ted Edson and Al Daniels had called to say they would
not be able to attend the meeting, Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order
at 7 40 P M. Minutes of the meeting of August 21 were distributed and reviewed
by the Committee
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the minutes of the
meeting of August 21 as submitted
Manny Coscia distributed copies of a draft application he prepared to the
Designer Selection Board He raised the question whether the Committee is
looking to hire a consultant or a designer He said based on the requirements
whoever we hire he or any of his consultants cannot be hired to work on the
project He and Bill Kennedy pointed out that there are two exceptions; one
being repair projects for $25,000 or less and the other if the architect asks
for a second opinion Bill Kennedy said he feels this will hurt as designers
won't entertain giving us a proposal because they will be locked out of the
actual design itself
It was felt that the scope of the project could not be completed until the
school department furnishes its list f
Discussion ensued over whether the Town would be looking for an architectural or
engineering firm and how the scope of the work should be structured. Also
whether the contract should be geared to a time contract basis or a lump sum.
Bill Kennedy felt that if we come up with a not to exceed figure and pay on a
daily rate basis we are not constrained by cost except by an upset figure Then
the one problem would be to get a good upset figure
The Committee discussed who should get information material in addition to the
Committee and it was felt that the School Department (through Geoff Pierson) ,
Town Manager and Dan McCabe for the Capital Expenditures Committee
Mary Lou Touart said the Committee should start getting a look at the schools;
however, she felt it would be a good idea to get the list first She said some
of the older sections of the high school such as the locker rooms and the old
part of the Art Department are in bad shape Ken Laurence indicated that the
School Department has everything the Building Committee has at this point
including the original Town listing He said he would call and get a time frame
from the School Department
Bill Kennedy said he would like to put something down for the next meeting
relating to what the Committee needs from the consultants and how far we want
them to go in the RFP
Ken Laurence asked if the Committee saw any need to go to the Design Selection
Board for information Manny indicated he thought it might be a good idea as
they may give us a job that contains everything we want. He said the person to
talk to is George Beaton at One Ashburton Place Ken Laurence said he would see
him first thing in the morning He is going to check on the restriction that
the designer not do any of the architectural work on the projects
Mary Lou Touart suggested the Committee not wait another month to meet and also
suggested getting out to see the schools Bill Kennedy said they would need the
list from the schools before the next meeting It was decided to hold the next
meeting on October 2; however, if the list isn't available at that time, the
meeting will be cancelled
The schedule of events for receipt of proposals and selection process was
discussed and the Town Manager indicated he would bring a bar graph schedule to
them at the next meeting
General consensus was that decisions needed to be made fairly quickly on the
1 Incorporating the school list into the scope and how detailed to make
the scope
2 Whether to go with one project or to separate the school buildings out
from other public buildings with both under $25,000
3. Get as much guidance as we can from the Design Selection Board
The Committee will meet next on Wednesday, October 2 at 7 30 P M.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 45 P M.
Phyllis A. Smith
Recording Clerk