HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-14-COA-min.pdf C ' Toust9 I txti t, Council on Aging Lexington, Mass 02173 Box 636 Minutes of the Council on Aging Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1981 Present V Ch Weinstein, J Clark, S Clark, S Goodwin, A Green B Rubin, W Sen, L Tropeano Staff J Melcher Vol Treasurer W Benway Observer M Williamson INDEPENDENT reporter Absent Ch J Rooney, G Harris, B Luckmann Staff E Morehouse The meeting began at 5 05 pm A quorum was present In the absence of Chairman Rooney the Vice Chairman, R Weinstein presided There was no reading of the Minutes of March 10th meeting The treasurer 's report was read Almost right on the budget MOTION Moved, seconded and passed to accept the report as read Coordinator' s report Nancy Banks had called and said as there had not been a quorum at the last meeting, the votes should be taken over The Council on Aging is having a float in the Patriot' s Day Parade with the Young at Heart Singers taking part Some old=fashioned bi ycles will follow the float pedalled by Ruth and Bob Sawyer The Board members were asked to help with the float on Saturday at 1 30 at the Public Works Department, if possible The Friends of the CoA would like to have another fund-raiser A raffle has been suggested - the prize would be a weekend for two, worth about $500 00 Chances would be sold from May to September Telephone calls have been dropping off in the CoA office in March and April, down to about 150 a month About the same number of people continue to come into the office Probably the Consumer Hotline Maps\ at Middlesex Community College has been getting some of ,S°j a the calls 14 F11 tt �+ p Scauron �4rn�o@j Minutes of the CoA (cont) (2) April 14, 1981 Attendance at the Congregate Meals has been down for the past two weeks perhaps because of other senior activities on those days We have asked Dr Cosgrove of the Board of Health to have a blood pressure clinic here - on the day of the Congregate Meal itself In Wilmington the Rotary Club provides a van for the Council on Aging Some of the corporations in the vicinity have a van to provide trans- portation for their employees in the morning and the evening Perhaps arrangements could be made with one of them to allow us to use their van during the day if necessary, such as transporting people to the Congregate Meal Board Reports S Goodwin reported on MMHCC recommendations made by the Advisory Council MMHCC has asked the Federal Government for two wheel chair vans to be delivered by August of this year A letter should. be received this week Corrections noted re Minutes of March 10 Arnold Green was present at the March Board Meeting Arnold Green had been present at the exploratory tour of the Muzzey Junior High School last month, In the fourth paragraph on page 2 cut Title XX Page 2 second paragraph delete statement starting (n b W Sen suggested that we put out a question box as to how the Congregate meals are going The Lex CoA has been awarded a grant from MMHCC in the amount of $1418 81 in order to purchase needed serving utensils for the Congregate meals and also a much needed typewriter for use in the CoA office MOTION Moved, seconded and passed to permit the initiation of a second day for congregate meals for a two month period Re Nutirtion Centers The attendance slackens during the summer People come in for the combination of eating and the programs If you provide meals on two days the attendance falls off on the first day Infor- mation has not been publicized in the Minuteman, only in the Newsletter Special programs after the meal bring out the people There are not really that many needy people attending Suggest having three planned programs per month including Bingo on the fourth Thursday Costs Assumption was made that we would pay to the Church $30 00 per day Adjustments could be made with the Church regarding our previous contractual use of that rocm (see attached letter from Weinstein clarifying meal costs) MOTION Moved seconded and voted to authorize MMHCC commodity reimburse- ments MOTION Moved seconded and voted to authorize J Melcher to contact Cathy Cooper in order to obtain assistance of a senior aide when we increase days for congregate meals (3) Minutes of CoA (cont) April 14 1981 Update on budget proposal No decisions made as yet Town Manager has not replied to discussions with him re cutting the local share in MMHCC's service for 1982 ($2244 00) On the agenda of the next CoA board meeting will be the discussion of the advisability of approaching the Town Meeting on the issue Goodwin stated that the services provided to the residents of Lexington by MMHCC resulting from the Town 's share would be valued up to $130, 000 J Clark queried where staff salaries are included It was noted that a letter from Mary Ellen Eastbridge had been received The meeting was adjourned at 6 05 pm. The next meeting of the Council on Aging will be on Tuesday May 12 , 1981 at 5 OOpm in the rooms of the Council on Aging Signed / ` / Marguerite A Cronin / (Secretary pro tem) MAC/evm