HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-14-COA-min.pdf lie_0 'Outor n(E Loa O{, Minutes of the Council on Aging / -4-2 Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 1980 Council on Aging Box 636 Lexington, Mass 02173 Present Ch W Son, V. Ch R Weinstein, Treas. J. Carlson, S. Clark, B Luckmann, S. Goodwin, A. Green Staff J Melcher E. Morehouse ( Sec pro tem, CoA) Observers D Barrington, League of Women Voters Wendell Benway, prospective Council member Guest Joyce Lee McAteer, Field Rep , DEA Absent : J. Rooney B. Rubin L. Tropeano M. McDonald, Friends of the CoA The meeting was called to order at 7 .!j.0 p.m Sen introduced the guest and two observers to the Council There was a discussion of the Minutes of the April 8, 1980 meeting MOTION Moved, seconded , and passed unanimously to accept the Minutes as amended. Treas . Carlson gave an in-depth explanation of where we stand as budget expenditures to this date The lack of the expected additional funds as budgeted puts a squeeze on the CoA for the last two months of the FY80 MOTION Moved , seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the Treasurer' s report as presented Issues which arose from the April Minutes and Budget to date are : 1 It is imperative that the CoA move as soon as possible with a needs assessment and proposal for a Lexington Nutrition Site. 2 The CoA should approach Ted Patterson, minister of the Church of or Redeemer, to ascertain use and cost of Great Hall for Nutrition Site g.oRN/y _ /aKri5_Ii nigm c4Ymolo? k (2) Minutes of the Council on Aging Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 1980 3 The Coordinator of the CoA has been verbally notified that staff salaries are going to be put through the Town personnel department as of FY82 4. It is mandatory that all meetings be followed up with a written letter of understanding to appropriate persons 5 It is urgent that the CoA budget be formulated early for a July first deadline Chairman' s Report Sen read a letter from Ted Petterson re the rent pro- posal of Church rooms 104 and 109 as additional space for the CoA This letter will be sent to Town Manager's office for consideration Staff reports Melcher reported on meeting with Nancy Banks, Assist to Town Manager. This was the first of a continuing weekly information sharing meeting with the CoA and the Manager' s office The thrust of the first meeting was ways in which the CoA can increase its visibility in Town The CoA is 1 Having bumper stickers made 2 Manning a CoA booth in Lexington over the Memorial Day weekend festivities. 3 Having a bake sale at Countryside on May 22nd !} Distributing informational fliers throughout the Town. 5 Designing a brochure to be placed in public access places b Expecting Town Manager, Hutchinson, at the July Board Meeting 7 Appointing a senior citizen to the Transportation Committee There ensued a discussion of the elderly housing situation in the Town of Lexington and their long term care needs ACTION MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that an ad hoc housing 1 committee be appointed by Sen to consider housing options for the elderly A discussion ensued re the economic viability of continuing the Mini-Bus MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to extend the Mini- Bus through September 1950 The fee will be increased to $1 00 per ride Special reports Goodwin brought us up to date on tight fiscal budget of MMHC Two new ,members of the staff were identified Farin Hemmingsen as Nutrition Project Director and Robert Miller as new Deputy Director McAteer from the DEA reminded the CoA that State Statutes define the role of Councils on Aging as a town agent 'There is a conflict with the Lexington CoA By-Laws and with job definition and job description of the Coordinator of the CoA McAteer suggests : 1 Monthly CoA reports be sent to Town Manager and to Appropria- tions Committee 2. We establish a media committee to promote CoA on radio and in newspapers 3. Form a Speaker' s Bureau (3) Minutes of the Council on Aging Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 19d0 4. Research the Town real estate tax records to determine the amount of tax dollars paid by senior citizen real estate owners to the Town during one year. This work could be accomplished through a high school work-study program, or college practicum McAteer left Silver-haired Legislation Movement literature to be read The Council was informed that F'rankDiMaria is leaving on May 22, 1980 New Business Weinstein is in the process of rewriting the CoA statement of service as drafted by Melchor The Nominating Committee action was deferred to June meeting MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting ac 9:20 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Lexington Council on Aging will be on Wednesday, June 11 , 1980. &//Sign Arlise V. Morehouse Secretary, pro tem, CoA