HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-11-COA-min.pdf TOWN OF LEXINGTON COUNCIL ON AGING P 0 Box 636 Lexington, MA 02173 MINUTES OF MEETING on October 11, 1978 Present Ch W Sen, V Ch R Weinstein, Treas J Carlson, Sec D Williams, S Clark, S Goodwin, A Jackson, B Luckman Staff J Melcher, Coordinator Observers Students from Boston College D Barrington, LWV Observer Absent F Cooper, C Miller The meeting was called to order at 8 10 p m CORRECTION TO MINUTES of September 13 Roy Weinstein is replacing Al Brown as Alternate to Home Care Corporation MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved the Minutes of September 13 (with above correction) and the Minutes of October 4 The Treasurer submitted his report for the FY ' 79 to date MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously accepted the report of the Treasurer Three current bills (Minibus, Stationery, Curry Copy) were then approved CONGREGATE MEALS The question again arose concerning Congregate Meals at our present site It is not possible to have them in our present location Since people must be bused to sites, they can be bused to Bedford or Arlington Heights TRANSPORTATION The Town MBTA Proposal was discussed The suggestion was made that Providers take care of our special needs The Secretary was asked to contact Elaine Dratch of the Transportation Committee to ask if she could come and talk to us about this at our November 8 meeting CHAIRMAN'S and COORDINATOR'S REPORTS It was stated that more help is needed for the Office immediately The Coordinator has prepared a Job Description for another job in the Office Various statements were made concerning the need for continuity in the Office Many action requests continue to come in which involve new programs This points up our need for more help Weinstein stated that affirmative action must be taken into consideration Our staffing pattern must consider our future requirements The discussion revealed the many areas where help TOWN OF LEXINGTON Council on Aging Minutes of Meeting of Oct 11, 1978 is needed - it must be someone who can take responsibility It was concluded that we have a need for a new Staff position - a person who can do problem solving and assume responsibility We should put someone in the FY ' 80 Budget (1) Job description should be made up and properly titled (2) Job should be classified by the Town (3) Job should be advertised MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved the adoption of a Job Description for an Administrative Assistant Subsequent to the Council meeting Ch Sen had a meeting with Nancy Banks, Assistant to the Town Manager and Personnel Director, to discuss the staffing pattern She will take action to get our Office position descriptions out and get jobs classified as regards salary Whether it is a part-time or a full-time job and the salary is to be determined by them OFFICE FURNITURE The new furniture in the Office, given to us by Ginn and Company, is greatly appreciated, and a thank-you letter has been written to them MOTION Moved, seconded and unanimously approved that a plaque be made and placed in the Office, showing our appreciation to Ginn and Company for its contribution JLG REQUEST After discussion concerning a request by the Jewish Leisure Group for bus transportation to and from Belmont, the following motion was made The CoA in general felt that the CoA supports only Town-Wide activities, and that it is not for a specific group of people MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that we refer the matter of the request of the Jewish Leisure Group for bus transportation to and from Belmont to the Entertain- ment Committee for its recommendation J Melcher then presented a request for a salary adjustment It is believed that she is at an Executive Level, and procedures should be started to make this a reality After discussion of her job and the time involved, the following motion was made MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed with one abstention, that the job status and classification of our Coordinator be clarified HOME CARE REPORT S Goodwin reported that a sliding scale for Home Care is now being provided which allows people to be given more home care Under the new regulations the annual gross income single individuals, 60 and older, may have and still qualify for homemaker and transportation services, has been raised from TOWN OF LEXINGTON Minutes of Meeting of Oct 11, 1978 Council on Aging $4800 to $5200 The gross income limit for a couple has been raised $100 to $7300 It is expected that the number of home-delivered meals will soon be expanded TRI-COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES, INC , EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT A Jackson stated that it is possible to have programs for citizens of Lexington, but that it is too much for our two Council members, A Jackson and C Miller to undertake (a) One idea presented is a program through Mt Auburn Hospital, to be given at the Hospital It would mean that we would have to transport people (b) It is possible to have an exercise program for men and women - up to 30 people It would be necessary to get the people for the program and to find space for it The Mt Auburn Hospital program is free, with no expense for senior citizens (c) A Dance Program of 30 to 60 min per week is also possible, but the teacher must be reimbursed Some public libraries have given space for this but our library is not interested FRIENDS OF THE LEXINGTON CoA S Clark would like to have names suggested for the initial officers We could write letters to some organizations asking for suggestions D Barrington, LWV representative to the Council, was asked if she would inquire if the League might provide such a representa- tive MOTION Moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that we adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10 20 p m , �Je`!,n7P #_ Dorothy4; Williams Secretary