HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-10-COA-min.pdf COUNCIL ON AGING P 0 Box 636 Lexington, MA 02173 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL ON AGING MEETING on January 10, 1979 . u, i Present Ch W Sen, V Ch R Weinstein, Treas J Carlson, Sec D Williams S Clark, F Cooper, S Goodwin, A Green, A Jackson, B Luckman, C Miller Staff J Melcher, L Morehouse Observer D Barrington (LWV) Guests Marion Fitzpatrick, Jep Streit The meeting was called to order at 7 35 p m Corrections to Minutes of November 8 - Last two paragraphs, page 1, FY ' 79 should be FY ' 80 Correction to Minutes of December 13, page 3, CoA Brochure - should read "C Miller reported that funds might be available " MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously the Minutes of December 13, with the above noted correction J Carlson then presented the Treasurer' s Report through December 31, 1978 ( MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously the Treasurer's Report Bills from C & W Transportation approved COORDINATOR'S REPORT was given (copy attached) In response to the request for more office help, the following motion was made MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that we allow an extra three hours a week for office help, to come out of the Contributions Account ELDER CHORUS Marion Fitzpatrick was present to report on the Elder Chorus, stating that it was artistic support for the elderly Thirty-two people signed up for it, and they have 20 loyal members MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Council supply $250 of CoA Development money as our contribution to the Elder Chorus HOME CARE CORPORATION S Goodwin passed around a brochure of the Home Care Corporation which contains phone numbers of interest to the elderly MMHC needs a location where they can have the whole operation in one spot An Alternate appointment is still needed for the Council on Aging on the Home Care Board - person can be any age and does not need to be a CoA member The Alternate can have a vocal part as he/she would not only _-ke the place of a regular member in that person's absence but also 4PUN„s" ce would be asked to be on one or more committees Council members a "� should telephone S Goodwin with suggestions ;a �P„�, �eW '\none EXIXGTO/ Lexington Council on Aging 2 Minutes of Meeting of January 10, 1979 FORUM ON AGING W Sen plans to attend a meeting with Superintendent of Schools Lawson, along with W Page and J Gardner FRIENDS OF THE CoA No other meetings held since the last CoA meeting ELDER CHORUS The DEA grant and monies made to this Chorus has not come in A request was presented to the Council for "advance" money to pay the director of the group Meanwhile, the members of the Elder Chorus have voted to use the name, "The Young in Heart Singers" MOTION Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Council authorize the expenditure of $600 for the Lexington Elder Chorus, provided (1) that the Comptroller indicates reimbursement can be made, and (2) that the CoA funds account upon which this sum would be drawn would be at the discretion of the Treasurer CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Ch Sen reported that a copy of the Human Services Survey report has been received and would be in the Office The Site Selection Board had met, and since Munroe School was to be released back to the Town by September 1979, the Committee recommended that a Senior Center be located there on the street floor This possibility will be explored The Coffee at East Village Library had about 35 people in attendance At that meeting the suggestion was made that a project or program be started to have some of the seniors write early family histories, and a program planning meeting is scheduled for January 18 LUNCH PROPOSAL Jep Streit, the Assistant Minister at the Church of Our Redeemer presented a proposal that would arrange Thursday luncheons, to be given by some young girls from the City of Boston The girls would come one day a week for seniors to come for lunch The Church has given $150 to start the program, and funding might be found later on, if successful This would prove to be beneficial to the girls by helping other people They will be paid a modest salary and transportation, and staff supervision will be provided For every 2 or 3 girls, 10 to 15 people would be served, the seniors perhaps donating 75 cents It would start off with a few numbers to see how it progressed MOTION Moved, seconded, and voted, with one Abstention, that this once-a-week eating program through the Church of Our Redeemer be supported by the CoA The program would probably begin about February 8 RECREATION/LEISURE GROUP B Luckman reported on the activities of this group The suggestion was made that the group prepare an Annual Budget, even though estimates would have to be made, considering number of buses for trips, etc etc TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE This committee is continuing its work and activity (reported in the newspaper) It is working on the idea of a shared van, and contributions that must be made The Council then voted as follows to go into Executive Session to discuss the Job Description for the Part-Time Coordinator, salary, etc Weinstein, yes; Sen, yes; Clark, no; Luckman, no; Green, yes; Miller, yes; Cojo'per, yes; Jackson, yes; Carlson, yes; Williams, yes Dorothy TnTilliams, Secretary Lexington Council on Aging, Coordinator' s Report, January 10, 1979 Newsletters mailed, 2945 Telephone calls for December, 376 Visits, 262 Volunteer hours, 279 Mini Bus riders- 47-1/2 (1/2 means only one way) We have had many emergencies this month Some days it is all that we can do just to keep up with the telephone calls I fear that we missed logging some last month because of the rate at which they came May I ask for three extra office hours per week for Lee Morehouse? We have never been busier, and I can certainly use her A volunteer, Jeanne Kalber, is now coming in once a month to help on the Trip Account A CoA Recreation/Leisure Committee meeting was held Jan 4 with AARP and Sr Citizen' s Club attending - the Jewish Leisure Group did not send a representative Plans were made for the next six months; Barbara Luckman will give a report The Senior Citizen' s Club has asked us in writing to pick up the tab for transportation for their trip to Gloucester January 25 , and $200 plus Janitor' s fee for their Valentine party in February (plus Church donation) J J Donovan of the Department of Elder Affairs dropped into the office to give his good wishes and to compliment us on the fine job we are doing He follows our activities closely and uses us as an example to other CoAs The Senior Activities Center started Tuesday with seven people My niece will be the hostess for a week or two until the Friends of the CoA get organized A petition is being signed concerning the Health Clinic contemplated for the CoA office The response is excellent I hope this program will be implemented by early Spring The Department of Elder Affairs sponsored a Nursing Home Ombudsman course here for three days during late December Although it was very interesting and informative it was a terrible time of year to give such a course I wish Connie and I could have participated more often Barbara Rubin of the Gerontology Department of the Middlesex Community College has asked for the use of our room each Monday AM for ten weeks starting in February for her course on Introduction to Social Geron- tology In payment for the course, Middlesex will give two vouchers for the course I am interested in taking this course, and it would be a very convenient time for me I polled the Executive Committee on this as Barbara had to have the answer very quickly The Gloria Stevens Exercise Group started January 4 and is most successful The charge is $1 per visit Twenty women signed up for the group They donate the money to our Meals-on-Wheels program Lexington CoA Coordinator' s Report, 1/10/79 2 PLUS REPORT ON SENIOR CITIZENS SURVEY Friends of the CoA will meet at Sandy Sarmanian' s Monday night to form an Executive Committee Their regular meeting will be held on January 22 They are filling out government forms at present It is up to the men of the Board if they want a Fund Raising event this year Las Vegas night has been proposed for the entire town, but it will take a great deal of planning to make it successful Joe Rooney has offered the help of the Lion's Club, but I think it is time we contact him and make preliminary plans if we are to do it Two more afghans and three shawls were donated by the women to Jackie Davidson for the Middlesex County Hospital Gifts to the Meals-on-Wheels have been coming in well We have had emergencies this last month so have used quite a bit of the gift money We will write another letter for the Newsletter Gifts to the office have been two hot plates and an offer of a coffeemaker when I decide on the best one Joan Melcher 1/11/79 REPORT OF SENIOR CITIZENS SURVEY The Senior survey has been a worthwhile project Although the housecalls have been limited, the reception has been good The people who were phoned who did not want to participate seemed to be well informed, wanted the information on the phone, and were genuinely interested Most receive and do read the Newsletter It has been discovered that most Senior Citizens who live with their families are incapacitated in some way (arthritis, hearing, physical problems) They seem to be happy but are always glad for a visitor This project is not finished There must be ten more phone calls made and several visits to be made Called 62, House Visits 18, Calls to go Approx 27 Sue Bush