HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-24-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, August 24, 1977 Visitors ' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA A Jackson, A.Paranya, W Sen, D Williams, J Carlson, M Ritter Staff J Melcher Observer: J Sen 1 The meeting was called to order at 7 30 P.M. by Acting Chairperson Ann Jackson. Minutes for the July 20th meeting were approved as distributed 2. Treasurer's Report Merion Ritter reported that of our total F78 budget of $17,240, $2 , 869.66 has been expended to date. This includes our payment of $2 ,244 to Minute-Man Home Care Corp. $116 of the F77 Budget was returned to the Town. Current bills Telephone $66. 86 M-M Voc (Newsletter) 87 25 M.Ritter (Postage Due) 9,24 J Melcher (Rubber bands, $11 Harbor Trip tip, $5) 6.00 It was moved and voted to approve payment. 3 Transportation Sub-committee reported that patronage of the Mini- bus during the summer continued to be discouragingly low, and pro- posed that the Mini-bus service be discontinued as of Sept 1 , 1977. It was moved and voted to accept this recommendation, Dorothy Williams and Bill Sen were asked to notify Dave Eagle at C&W Trans- portatation of the Council's decision. 4. Joan Melcher proposed that the CoA reconsider the question of allow- ing Sr. Citizen Club Cards to be used as identification in the Dis- count Program. It was moved and voted that use of both Sr Citizen Club cards and MBTA passes be permitted as identification in the Discount Program as well as CoA cards, Joan Melcher was authorized to send a letter of notification to Mr. Tropeano of the Sr. Citizens Club and to all participating merchants. 5 It was moved and voted that former Council members continue to re- ceive CoA minutes. 6. Mrs. Melcher said that she would like to take a course in Crisis Intervention Counseling to be given at Middlesex Community College this fall Tuition is $75. The CoA members agreed that this was a good idea and that money for tuition could be taken from the Special Gifts Account. It was moved and voted that the Secretary write to the Bd of Selectmen asking permission to use $75 from the CoA Special Gifts Account to pay Mrs Melcher's tuition for the Crisis Intervention Counseling course. 7. Co-ordinator's Report a. Couseling Collaborative is offering a course "Living with an Elderly Relative" for which they are charging $30 for four weeks. If the enrollment exceeds 10 - 12 people, CC has asked if they could hold the class in the conference room next to the CoA office. (Consensus opinion CoA cannot properly allow use of Town facility for a private activity for which a fee is charged. ) b The Bd of Selectmen has asked to meet members of the Council on Aging to discuss acceptance of unsolicited funds. All funds must be channeled through the Bd. of Selectmen. They will wait until the new Council members are sworn in and new officers elected. c. M-M Home Care people would like to meet with the CoA to discuss present and future plans, especially those relating to transpor- tation, The date should be as early as possible. (Suggested date : September 28th CoA meeting ) d CoA members Cooper, Goodwin, and Weinstein were unable to attend tonight' s meeting as they had made arrangements to attend on August 10th and are now out of town, e, RSVP Volunteers over 60 can be reimbursed for driving costs, with- in limits However, RSVP cannot insure drivers f, MBTA Pass Day will be Tuesday, September 20th, at Cary Hall, 9 30 to 2:30 P M A typist and volunteers to help people up the stairs will be needed g Second boat trip (45 people) was as successful as the first one. h. Taxi Discount Booklets are now in the CoA office i, The 1977 Share-a-Crop Program is now operating successfully in both villages. j , Meals - on-Wheels, July, 1977 Total meals 293 Total clients served 24 Total volunteer hours 150 Total Co-ordinator hours 76 Total Co-ordinator miles : 247 6 k. Calls, July and August (to date) Home Care, 5; Mystic Valley, 1 ; Tri-Community, 3. 1 Meetings 1 ) Attended, with S,Merfeld, Jane Adolph's class on "Working with Aged People" which was excellent, 2) With D.Williams, attended Home Care Regional meeting in Burling- ton. Explained were Hill-Burton Act , Home Care organization, and Fuel Rebate Plan 3) Attended, on Rivka Gruber' s invitation, a Mystic Valley MHC meeting planning a workshop on "Living with an Elderly Relative" , a series of evening meetings scheduled for fall. 8 A letter from Ms. Battin, Ch. , Bd, of Selectmen, relating to the new Taxi Discount Program was read. To be filed 9 Dot Williams briefly described the new Area Agency on Aging organization being developed under Home Care. 10 A memo from Temple Scanlon regarding an offer to the CoA of a copying machine, free except for the cost of the paper used, was read. Joy Sen and DotWilliams were asked to investigate the proposition. 11 The next CoA meeting was set for September 14, 1977. Agenda: Regular reports Briefing of new members on CoA history and programs Briefing by Jeff Shaw on town procedures and liason Discussion of officers' duties; election of officers 12 The meeting adjourned at 9 20 P.M Respectfualyubmitted, Ann G. Paarranya 4 Secretary