HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-22-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, June 22 , 1977 Visitors ' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA S Goodwin, A Jackson, A Paranya , M Ritter, J Stumpp, D Williams Staff J Melcher Observers J Carson, W Sen, L Tropeano 1 . The meeting was called to order at 7 47P M by Ch Jane Stumpp Minutes for the June 1 , meeting were approved as distributed 2 Ch Stumpp announced that Joseph Rooney has decided not to accept re-appointment to the Council on Aging because of the pressure of his other commitments It was moved by Ann Jackson, seconded, and Voted that the Secretary send a letter of thanks to our two retiring Council members , including the hope that they will continue to make/ themselves available to the CoA as resource persons 3. Co-ordinator' s Report a Trips Boston Harbor trip was another success. Baseball Game , July 28; all costs paid by the participants Sept 15th Where's Boston, Sky Walk, and lunch at Quincy Market Busses paid by the CoA Oct 13th Cathedral in the Pines and Old Forge Restaurant Plan for two busses , paid for by CoA. b Met with Louis Tropeano and three other Board members of Sr Citizens Club, explained CoA programs, and discussed ways of co-ordinating our efforts CoA may use Sr Citizens Meals Tax exemtion in Mass The Sr Citizens Board members were invited to attend CoA meeting on June 22nd, and we look forward to working together in the future c. Lexington is sponsoring a meeting of CoA Co-ordinators from sur- rounding towns on June 28th at 10 A.M Ten people have accepted Lexington CoA members arewelcome to attend. d Dorothy Williams , Shirley and Estelle Goodwin, Roger Jodrey, and I attended the opening of Congregate Meals in Bedford, and were de- lighted Arlington and Burlinton sites open soon Lexington seniors may attend any of these Lexington CoA must assist with transpor- tation At present we rely on volunteers A volunteer to organize transportation woild be useful. If the meals program gets popular enough we might use a bus several times a week e On June 10th attended a Home Care Meeting in Acton on "Working with the Blind" A veSy informative program, worth having in Lexington, too, f Dorothy Williams and I attended a Pre-retirement conference on June 15th at the Dept of Elder Affairs, which was most interesting Should CoA perhaps sponsor such a course in the fall? Frayda Cooper would be a good consultant Pamphlets on the subject will be added, to CoA members' folder Consensus Course is a good idea. g Senior Citizens would like another Harbor Tour in the late summer h Mr Steve White of Parker Dance Studios , Lowell , has a program of ten sessions of dancing where seniors can learn old and new dances that do not require partners Charge 75¢ per hour, per person, pay- able by the session Seems like a good possibility; could be adver- tised in our Newsletter i Meals-on-Wheels will be funded for one year by Board of Public Trusts Report later from S Goodwin j Transportation Subcommittee will report on meeting with Dave Eagle Stop & Shop plans to discontinue its shopping bus during summer Swimming program will stop for summer after June 22nd. k. Dr Clune will make the Op-Art Room at the H S available to Sr. Citizens in Sept Dorothy Williams to report. 1 Lorna Knapp of RSVP called about John Carson's volunteering to do Individual Financial Planning and Estate Planning This would be a good program to initiate as long as Mr. Carlson is willing m. Sylvia sends birthday cards to M-on-W clients. Should she be re- imbursed? Voted that CoA pay for cards and postage n Should CoA send Newsletter to merchants in the Discount Program? It would cost about $13 extra per mailing. Moved, seconded, and voted that CoA Newsletter be sent to merchants in Discount Program o Should CoA office be closed during Co-ordinator's vacation week beginning July 13th or kept open with volunteer staff? Voted to use volunteers and keep office open 9 - 1P M. 4 Dorothy Williams reported that Dr Clune has moved the H S Op-Art Center to a first floor room in Unit E The Center will be open to Senior citizens from 9A.M -5P M beginning in September Joy Sen will follow this up for the August Newsletter There was discussion about the advisability of having a senior volunteer at the Center for part of the day; no definite conclusion was reached 5 The Transportation Sub-committee reported on their meeting, June 8th, with Dave Eagle of C&W Transportation At present, the transportation program is running at a considerable deficit, and patronage in May was discouraging (See Report, attached) The Treasurer reported a balance of $2 , 148 94 and estimated bills of approximately $1 ,077 00, leaving an unexpended balance of F77 funds of $1 ,071 .94 as of June 22, 1977 Since funding for transportation was included in the CoA F77 budget , it was moved, seconded, and voted that the Lexington Council on Aging pay $750 to C&W Transpor- tation to help defray the deficit incurred in operating the senior shuttle for F77, contingent upon approval by the Town Manager It was also moved, seconded, and voted to continue the transporta- tion program until September when it will be re-evaluated 6 Treasurer's Report Current bills are S Merfeld Salary 1325 00 mileage 30 00 J Melcher salary 424. 00 Telephone 58.46 M-M Voc Newsletter ------------- -- 71. 00 C&W Harbor Trip busses, approx 150 00 J Melcher misc office supplies 4 86 It was moved, seconded, and voted that these bills be paid It was moved, seconded, and voted that up to 8200 00 be deposited to the CoA postal account for Newsletter postage. It was moved, seconded, and voted that Merion Ritter be empowered to continue to act as Treasurer for the CoA until a new Treasurer can be elected. 7 Rev Shirley Goodwin read a letter from Mr Gaynor K Rutherford announcing that the Trustees of Public Trusts are willing to finance the Lexington Meals-on-Wheels program for the fiscal year begin- ning July 1 1977 in an amount not to exceed 83,980 The Secretary was instructed to write a letter of acknowledgement and apprecia- tion to the Trustees. 8 Rev Goodwin reported for Home Care that Winchester has joined the Minute-Man Home Care Corporation M-M is now working to increase Title III monies in order to increase serviceto area people who are above present income limitations. Lexington is lagging in its utilization of client services; more publicity is needed about the availability of this service 9 The next meeting of the CoA was set for July 20th when the new mem- bers appointed to the Council will be present. Agenda will include orientation of new members and program evaluations 10 The meeting adjourned at 9 47 P M Respectfully submitted, Ann G Paranya Secretary