HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-01-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, June 1 , 1977 Visitors ' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA A Jackson, A Paranya , J Stumpp, D Williams , S Goodwin Staff J Melcher, S.Merfeld Observers J Carlson, Dr G,Szonyi 1 The meeting was called to order at 7 45P M by Ch Jane Stumpp Minutes for May 11 , 1977 were approved as distributed 2 Meals-on-Wheels reported that in May, 244 meals were served to 21 clients ; 32 volunteers gave more than 106 hours of service ; and the Co-ordinator worked over 68 hours 3 The Transportation Sub-Committee , Bill Sen and Dorothy Williams , dis- tributed a report on the present status of the mini-bus program and recommendations for future action ( copy to be filed with these min- utes) So far the bus has not attracted the anticipated number of riders, but C&W is still interested in pursuing the program It was moved, seconded, and voted that the Sub-Committee members meet with C&W personnel , explore the situation, and discuss the range of options , including the possibility of deficit payments 4 Co-ordinator' s Report a Trips Newport trip was very successful ; no complaints , and requests for a repeat trip visiting different houses Boston Harbor boat trip is filling rapidly 62 reservations so far Two busses will hold 88 people The Council moved, seconded, and voted approval for using 3 busses , if necessary Baseball trip is set for July 28th, Senior Citizen' s Day at Fenway Tickets to game are *3 00 Cost of the bus will be paid by those going b May Newsletter was slightly delayed by the snowstorm and by a break- down of machinery at M-M Voc A vote of thanks is due Joy Sen and Jan White who produced this issue The next Newsletter should go out around the end of August Joy Sen is willing to work on it again c Transportation is flagging, with very few riders in May (See Trans Sub-Committee report for details ) d Seven representatives of the CoA attended the Conference on Aging at Kennedy School , June 1 Consensus was that there was too much entertainment , not enough time or depth to the workshops. e Mr Hutchinson has advised the CoA to have at least one member, and preferably two, at each Selectmen' s meeting Joe Rooney and Joan Melcher attended the last meeting f There have been requests to have a coffee-maker in the CoA office It was moved, seconded, and voted that any action on a coffee-maker be deferred, preferably until the CoA has permanent quarters g Joan Melcher and Dorothy Williams will attend a Dept of Elder Affairs meeting in Boston on June 15th to discuss Home Care 5 Jane Stumpp formally announced Merion Ritter' s resignation from the Council on Aging, expressing appreciation for the fine job Merion has done as Treasurer and regret that Merion has had to leave the Council 6 Friendly Visitors had a successful meeting on May 24th, at which Rivka Gruber of MVMHC discussed depression as it affects older people and ways to cope with it, stimulating questions and discussion by the group Friendly Visitors will meet again on June 28th at 2 P M 7 Ch Stumpp raised the question of CoA members ' attendance at meetings Members present agreed that regular attendance is important Discussion ensued about the possibility of setting a limit on the number of con- secutive absences permitted unless extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated Members were in favor but agreed that the legality of such a ruling would have to be checked out 8 Dorothy Williams ' proposal that an orientation session be held for new appointees to the CoA was supported by the rest of the Council Such a meeting would include a review of the responsibilities and duties of CoA officers , and of the Co-ordinator Ann Jackson pointed out that all members of the CoA will be expected to serve on sub- committees and to attend meetings of other Town Boards in rotation Bill Sen pointed out that we must list our Sub-Committees Already functioning ( some informally) are ; Transportation, Recreation, Educa- tion, Support and Health Services ; proposed are Legal and Financial (Business Management) 9 On the suggestion of Ann Jackson, it was moved, seconded, and voted that a copy of the Town Manager Code of Ethics be mailed to all CoA members 10 Dorothy Williams reported that Bernice Weiss ' s research on funding revealed, among other things, that money is definately available for building or renovation of Senior Centers ; for transportation - funding for vans on an 80-20% basis ; and that it is difficult to get funds for direct services 11 Joan Melcher proposed calling - and hosting - a meeting of co-ordina- tors from neighboring towns to discuss programs, common concerns , and problems The Council approved the idea and authorized Joan to proceed 12 Treasurer' s Report Bills Outstanding To Sylvia Merfeld - mileage , M-o-W' s , 238 miles $28 56 Ingalls - Xeroxing Newsletter labels 34 20 To Merion Ritter - Postage Due 5 88 C&W Trans - Bus to Theater Group Rehearsal 5/18 30 00 Meals-on-Wheels Expenses Labels 1 6 40 Recording tape 8 78 Masking tape 1 35 Can Opener 53 10 Freezer Packs 13 45 Total 30 51 To Joan Melcher - Tip for 3rd Newport driver 5 00 CoA Subscription - The Older American 2. 00 Total $136 15 It was moved, seconded, and voted to pay these bills 13 Shirley Goodwin reminded the Council that congregate meals in the Minute-Man area will begin shortly and should be publicized Rev Goodwin was directed to write publicity for the Lexington Minute-Man and to confer with Carl Dolan about designing a flyer for general dis- tribution Transportation for persons wishing to go to congregate meals sites will have to be arranged through the CoA 14 Next CoA meeting will be held on June 22 , 1977 Agenda will include Final F77 financial review, Transportation Sub-committee report , Final report on program evaluations 15. The meeting adjourned at 9 40 P M Respectfu ly submitted, Ann G Paranya 00 Secretary