HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-23-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, February 23 , 1977 Visitors ' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA S Goodwin, A Jackson, A Paranya J Stumpp, D Williams Staff J Melcher Guest W R.Page Observers N Marsden, B Weiss , J.Zoerheide (LWV) , A Green, A,Maher, C Miller, W Sen, E Goodwin 1 The meeting was called to order at 7 45 P M by Ch Jane Stumpp, and minutes for the January 26th meeting were approved as distributed. Ch Stumpp announced that the Town Manager would be unable to attend, as he was unexpectedly involved in moving his family to Lexington, 2 Ann Jackson reported on a meeting on February 5th with Mrs Gillam of M-M Vocational and Jayne Tapia of Tri-Community Health. As a result , plans are being made to set up a program for the fall which will use M-M students to work with the elderly. It will be necessary to get the Lexington Housing Authority' s permission for students to work in the housing projects 3 Mrs Jackson also presented to the Council her proposal that the CoA develop tools for review and evaluation of CoA programs , plus an Activity and Program Review Sheet which she has devised It was moved, seconded, and voted that the report be accepted with thanks, and that a detailed discussion of the proposal will take place at the next CoA meeting on March 9, 1977. 4 Rev Goodwin reported that M-M Home Care Corp handled a total of 36 cases during January, of which 35 are on-going, For Lexington, 5 oases were handled, of which 4 are on-going Total expenditure for Lexington Home Care cases to date is 13338 03, of which U254 43 was spent in Janu- ary He also dealt briefly with conflicts developing between M-M Home Care regulations and new edicts from State and Federal agencies. 5 Treasurer' s Report (Ann Paranya for Merlon Ritter) Current bills Telephone 1164. 75 D Williams ( for printing of additional pages for Discount Booklets) 5 00 C&W Transportation ( bus to take senior citizens to Library Film performance 30 00 Ingalls (Office supplies) 4 46 Total ----S104 21 were approved for payment The Comptroller' s office has approved the use of the CoA account at Leader Federal Bank for payments for Meals-on-Wheels Clients pay the CoA weekly for Meals-on-Wheels ; we pay Symmes Hospital once a month 6 CO-ORDINATOR'S REPORT a The CoA sponsored a bus for seniors (about 25) to one of the Library film presentations at Clarke Jr. High. Reviews of the film were mixed, but the bus ride was appreciated b Fifteen women attended a successful Library Tour and. Coffee Hour on January 26th c The Friendly Visitors Committee has formed a second group which has had two instuctional sessions, are currently making their first visits , and will meet again on March 1 , for a follow-up session d The Newsletter has gone to press ; plans are to mail it on March 9th e, Nothing new on transportation f Interest in swimming is being shown We are trying to arrange trans- portation (See Item 7, below) g Meals-on-Wheels started on Feb 14th with 3 clients ; there are now 4 people receiving service Dr Sylvia Merfeld, who is co-ordinating the program and volunteering many hours of service , will be invited to meet the CoA Board on March 9th Clients pay the CoA, which, in turn, pays Symmes Hospital, (See Trees Report , Item 5) We must discuss how to pay a co-ordinator for the program after the first three months a Town-paid co-ordinator or a CETA worker? h Future trips April 21 to Suffolk Downs, lunch and races will be about >6 00. Needed Group of at least 25 May 18th Trip to Newport Lunch, visit the Breakers and the Elms. Ad- mission to houses- $2 50; lunch price not set as yet i Excellent response to Flower Show trip Still possible to sign for this trip, but after March 1 , admission will cost $3 00 j. IDEA Start a library of books relevant to Aging to be kept at CoA office for use of Council members as well as senior citizens Could gift monies be used for this purpose? (Suggestion Try, rather, to get Library to buy more books in this category; displaysuch books promin- ently ) k The Annual Town Report has gone to press without the CoA picture in spite of many calls on the matter by Ch Stumpp and the Co-ordinator. A complaint has been registered with Mr Singley's secretary. 7, It was moved, seconded, and voted that the CoA sponsor a bus for swim- mers to M-M Vocational on March 2nd 8 William R.Page presented information on Warrant Article #65, explain- ing the purpose and the proposed Forum to acquaint the Town with results of research on aging It was moved, seconded, and voted that the Coun- cil members study the material relating to Article 65 and be prepared to reach a decision on it at the next CoA meeting on March 9th 9 Mrs. Williams reported that a senior bus passenger had inquired about procuring an extra, folding step which could be attached to the CoA senior bus It was moved, seconded, and voted that the CoA investigate the possibility of getting such a step and offer to pay for it 10 Bill Sen reported that he and Prof Roos will meet with Dave Eagles of C&W Transportaion and Gladys Kane of Emerson Gardens to plan a campaign to encourage greater use of the CoA bus by Emerson Garden residents Mr Sen also raided questions about a Drop-In Center and said he will start to formulate ideas about a Center/s 11 Ann Paranya announced that a senior play-reading group is being planned to meet monthly at Follen Church Lucia Hutchins will act as leader First meeting will be on Sunday, March 13th Notices will appear in the Newsletter and the Minute-Man 12 Agenda for March 9, 1977 will include meeting and hearing Dr Sylvia Merfeld, co-ordinator of Meals-on Wheels ; discussion of the Jackson proposals, and also of Warrant Article #65 13 The meeting adjourned at 9 55 P M. Respectfully submitted, Ann G Paranya, Secretary