HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-12-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, January 12 , 1977 Visitors ' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA S Goodwin, A Jackson, A Paranya, J Stumpp, D Williams Staff J.Melcher Guests Jon Pynoos, Judith Seifert , Ann Cobb from Minute-Man Home Care Corp 1 . The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P M. by Ch. Jane Stumpp, who introduced Mr Jon Pynoos , Director of M-M Home Care and two staff members , Judy Seifert and Ann Cobb Mr. Pynoos first gave a brief resume of the history of Home Care in Massachusetts Funding for Home Care comes mainly from the Federal government via Title III and Title XX funds Title XX money is used for client care Admin- istrative costs are met by Title III funds ( 80%) and local contrebu- tions (20%) Each town's assassment is based on the number of needy persons over 60 residing in the town (1970 census) , A small amount of Title III money (about $8, 000) can be used for clients who do not quite meet the income restrictions The Mass Dept of Elder Affairs supervises Home Care Corporations Policy decisions are made by the Board of Directors who represent the participating towns SSI recipients are automatically eligible for Home Care services. Single persons with incomes of $Uoo or less per month ( couples , $600) are also eligible for service Minute-Man Home Care has been providing homemaker services for sev- eral months , and chore services are now available A meals program (Title VII , nutrition funds) is now in the planning stage Mr Pynoos confirmed the fact that Lexington may join the meals program later on, and that until then, Lexington seniors may attend meal sites in other towns. Mr Pynoos also stated that the Corporation will be able to provide the Lexington CoA with data showing the services being received by Lexington residents and the cash value of those services. The present Home Care staff of 8 consists of: Director, Deputy Dir- ector, Client Services Supervisor, Fiscal Manager, 2 Case Managers, Clerk-Secretary, and Meals Supervisor 2 After a change of wording in Item #3, relating to the use of an IBM typewriter font from the Town Office , the minutes for December 8, 1976 were approved as distributed 3 Ch Stumpp reported that the Bd. of Selectmen had approved an in- crease in the Co-ordinator's salary from A3 per hour to $4 per hour The Council discussed this and expressed disappointment that the CoA' s original request for $4.25 per hour had not been approved. 4. CO-ORDINATOR'S REPORT a Newsletter mailed last week (Jan 3) Thanks , as usual, go to Dot Williams b Meals-on-Wheels Alma Coleman, Symmes dietician, can serve Lex- ington on a week' s notice Lexington CoA must supply thermo boxes to keep meals hot in transit The program can start as soon as a co-ordinator is found Mr. Cook (Personnel Admin ) says the CETA worker application is"in the works" Tri-Community Health Services want to know when Meals-on Wheels will start. FISH will be contacted for ideas about a co-ordinator for the program c Grocery program for shut-ins has started One client the first week; more expected in the bad weather Pam Carvey is working hard; Mr Breslin is most encouraged; Anne Scigliano is being very helpful about publicity. d Transportation sub-committee will meet on Thursday evening, Jan 13, with Prof Roos , a consultant on transportation living in Lexington, who has volunteered to help us He became interested in CoA trans- portation problems through Bill Sen e I represented CoA at swearing-in of new Town Manager Talked with Mr Hutchinson and found him aware of CoA activities and problems . CoA should invite him to a meeting very soon. f Carl Dolan has incurred some expenses in the course of his volunteer work for the CoA Can he be reimbursed? ( Council agreed that Mr Dolan should submit bills for expenses as others have done in similar circumstances ) g Two referrals to Home Care Corp have been made this month h Mrs Jones reported that her tree had been removed by the Town; she was pleased that CoA had been interested enough to get it done for her i I have enrolled in course on Death and Dying at Church of Our Redeem- er. Will report on it later j . Friendly Visitors Committee has had several planning sessions A meet- ing of the first group of visitors, , to share experiences , is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 14th, and we are ready to call In a new group of visitors for training sessions. k Shirley Goodwin delivered ten plants ( from Ch. of Our Redeemer) to shut-ins and volunteers in the name of the CoA and deserves our thanks 1 Four volunteer drivers are needed on Jan 26th to take ladies from East Village Drop-in Center to the Library for the 11 o' clock tour m. Mrs Florence Calkins has been added to the Tel-a-Care list to be called 5 days a week. 5. It was moved, seconded, and voted that the CoA approve the purchase of thermal containers for the Meals-on-Wheels program, these to be bought when the program gets under way 6 Dot Williams reported on a meeting of the Community Center Committee Two possible sites for a multi-age center are Hancock School and Muzzey Junior High School Next Newsletter will be published about March 1 Cot members should be on the alert for news items for that issue 7 Ann Jackson suggested 1 ) That the CoA evaluate its programs and plans as a basis for deciding on new directions. 2) That the Council prepare a manual for the use of new CoA mambers Both proposals were enthusias- tically received 8. It was decided that Mr Hutchinson be invited to attend a CoA meeting in February - on the 9th or the 23rd Jane Stumpp will invite him 9 Next meeting of the Cot on January 26th will be devoted mainly to trans- portation. 10 The meeting adjourned at 10 30 P.M Respectfully submitted,