HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-26-PB-min Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 1 of 7 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on Wednesday June 26, 2024, Virtual Meeting at 6:00 pm Planning Board members present: Michael Schanbacher, Chair; Robert Creech, Vice-Chair; Melanie Thompson, Clerk; Charles Hornig, and Michael Leon, associate member. Also present were: Abby McCabe, Planning Director; Meghan McNamara, Planner; Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development; Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director and Kiruthika Ramakrishnan, Planning Coordinator. Michael Schanbacher, Chair of the Planning Board, called to order the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. For this meeting, the Planning Board is convening by video conference via Zoom. Lex Media is filming this meeting and will record it for future viewing here. Mr. Schanbacher conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the Planning Board and members of staff present could hear and be heard. Mr. Schanbacher provided a summary of instructions for members of the public in attendance. It was further noted that materials for this meeting are available on the Town's Novus Packet dashboard. The Board will go through the agenda in order. Development Administration 5 & 7 Piper Rd. – Continued public hearing for a major site plan review proposal for a multi- family development in the village overlay district (Continued from 5/22) Mr. Schanbacher said that the Board has previously continued the public hearing on the application of Morgan Point LLC for approval of a major site plan review under §135-7.5 [Village & Multi-Family Overlay Districts] and §135-9.5 [Site Plan Review] of the Zoning Bylaw and Article VI of §181-71 [Stormwater Management Regulations]. Ms. McCabe informed the Board that this was a continued hearing from May 22nd. She reported that the applicant was not ready with the revised plans yet, they have submitted a written request to continue the public hearing to the Planning Board Meeting to be held on August 14th at 6 p.m. on zoom and had also requested to extend the final action deadline. Mr. Creech moved to accept the Applicant's request to further continue the public hearing for 5-7 Piper Road to the Planning Board's Wednesday, August 14 meeting at or after 6:00 pm on Zoom and extend the final action deadline to October 30, 2024. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED 25 Hartwell Ave. – Continued public hearing on a Definitive Subdivision application to subdivide the lot into three lots on a small cul-de-sac (Continued from 5/8, 5/22, 6/5) David Robinson, the Project manager for Allen and Major Associates represented the applicant. Mr. Robinson stated that the application was for 25 Hartwell Avenue, for a zoning freeze for a definitive subdivision and explained that they had revised the earlier plans based on staff comments and agreed with all the conditions mentioned in the draft decision. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 2 of 7 Ms. McCabe informed the Board that staff had reviewed the revised plans and feel that it is ready for approval with conditions. Ms. McCabe also informed the Board that the applicant wanted waivers for postponing submission of the test pit data and construction phasing plan, asking to submit them at the time of construction. Mr. Creech moved to approve the request for two waivers to postpone the submission of the test pit information and the construction phasing plan to be submitted prior to construction. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to approve the Definitive Subdivision application from Greatland Realty Partners for 25 Hartwell Ave. with the conditions outlined in the draft decision reviewed this evening. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to close the public hearing for 25 Hartwell Ave. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to have the Chair sign the decision and correct any typos. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED 40 Hartwell Ave. – Continued public hearing on a Definitive Subdivision application to subdivide the lot into three lots on a small cul-de-sac (Continued from 5/8, 5/22, 6/5) David Robinson, the Project manager for Allen and Major Associates represented the applicant. Mr. Robinson stated that the application was for 40 Hartwell Avenue, for a zoning freeze for a definitive subdivision and explained that they had revised the earlier plans based on staff comments and agreed with all the conditions mentioned in the draft decision. Ms. McCabe informed the Board that staff had reviewed the revised plans and support the waiver requests and feel that it is ready for approval with conditions Mr. Creech moved to approve the request for two waivers to allow the submission of the soil test pits and construction phasing plan to be submitted prior to construction, instead of right now. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED. Mr. Creech moved to approve the Definitive Subdivision application from Greatland Realty Partners for 40 Hartwell Ave. with two waivers and the conditions of approval outlined in the draft decision reviewed this evening. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 3 of 7 Mr. Creech moved to close the public hearing for 40 Hartwell Ave. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to have the Chair sign the decision and correct any typos. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED 28 Meriam St. & 32 Edgewood Rd. – Public hearing to amend the May 8, 2024 site plan review approval for the special residential development Mr. Schanbacher opened the public hearing on the amendment application from 28 Meriam Street Lexington LLC. The application is to amend the site sensitive special residential development approved on May 8, 2024 for 8 dwelling units in three new buildings and to renovate the historic house for 2 dwelling units (10 total dwelling units). This amendment proposes to change the configuration of Building A from garden style to townhouse style dwelling units, the roof line for Building C, and associated parking, drainage and landscaping. Mr. Schanbacher informed the Board that Mr. Peters was not present for the meeting and hence Mr. Leon, the associate member, is being called in to serve as the 5th voting member for the site plan review application. The applicant team included: Jason Brickman, Ben Finnegan, attorney Fred Gilgun, Project Engineer Michael Novak, and Jamie Osborn. Mr. Finnegan gave a brief background for the reason for the amendment and explained that following the approval of the Site Plan Review application, a neighborhood group reached out with their concerns and to accommodate their concerns, the applicant team came up with amendments to the project. Mr. Finnegan shared the revised architectural plans, revised site plan and the revised landscaping plan and went over the proposed amendments in detail. The changes revised building A to be two stories above the garage rather than three and changed building A from garden style to be townhouse style; there is no long an elevator in building A but there are options for one in each dwelling unit. One of the garages in building A will be for one car instead of two. Building C has been revised to have the craftsman style roof. Summary of Peer Reviewer and Staff Comments Ms. McCabe summarized the Peer Reviewer’s comments on the revised plans and added that the peer reviewer found that the proposed design complies with the stormwater regulations. Ms. McCabe added that the peer reviewer asked for minor revisions and the updated stormwater report would be reviewed by the peer reviewer and staff and can be a condition of approval. Ms. McCabe also stated that Planning Staff had determined that the amended plans complied with the GFA regulations and current parking requirements and added that the Planning staff recommended approval of this amendment with the conditions mentioned in the decision. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 4 of 7 Board Member Questions Mr. Creech asked the applicant if the stairway configuration would change due to the changes in the revised version. Mr. Finnegan explained that the stairway configuration would not change and the buyers would have the option to go for either elevator or storage closets. Mr. Leon asked about the distance between the existing historic house and the proposed building B. Mr. Finnegan explained that Building B shifted 2 feet closer towards Meriam Street and it did not get any closer to the historic house. Mr. Schanbacher opened the hearing up to public comments. Public Comments Steven Woit, 30 Edgewood Road, appreciated the applicant’s efforts to revise the plans to address the neighbors’ concerns and asked the Planning Board to approve this amendment. Christina Kinard, 24 Meriam Street, supported the amendment and asked the Planning Board to approve the amendment. Mr. Creech moved to approve the amendment to the site plan review approval granted on May 8, 2024 for 28 Meriam St. & 32 Edgewood Rd. with the following conditions: 1. The trees planted on the neighboring properties at 24, 31 & 35 Meriam Street shall meet or exceed the caliper inch requirement of 42 replacement inches and the species must be from the Planning Board’s Preferred Planting List or the Tree Committee’s recommended list and shall be native. The trees shall be planted in the next available growing season (fall 2024). 2. The applicant shall update the stormwater report revised through June 12, 2024 to address and incorporate the comments (1-10) in the memorandum from Thomas C. Houston of PSC dated June 21, 2024. The revised stormwater report shall be submitted to the Planning Office and PSC, PC for review and approval. 3. The applicant shall submit building height and average natural grade forms to the building department and zoning administrator to confirm height compliance prior to issuance of any building permits for any of the new buildings. 4. All other conditions in the May 8, 2024 Planning Board’s approval shall remain in full force and effect. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Leon- yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to close the public hearing on the amendment to the site plan review approval granted on May 8, 2024 for 28 Meriam St. & 32 Edgewood Rd. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Leon- yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Mr. Creech moved to allow the Chair to sign the decision and correct any typographical errors. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Leon- yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 5 of 7 32 Brookside Ave. (formerly 10 Stedman Rd.) - Public hearing to amend the approved Definitive Subdivision approval to modify the driveway and drainage structure locations and turnaround easement The Planning Board next discussed the application of Homes Dev. Corp. to amend a definitive subdivision plan under §175-6.0 of the Planning Board’s Subdivision Regulations for the lot at at 32 Brookside Avenue (formerly 10 Stedman Road) - Map 24, Lot 87 in the RS Zoning District. The proposal is to amend the 2010 Definitive Subdivision approval regarding the installed subsurface drainage structure location and to not require the hammerhead turnaround area. Ms. McCabe gave a brief background of the application under consideration. The applicant, John Esserian of Homes Development Corporation, was represented by his attorney Frederick Gilgun. Mr. Gilgun explained that the slope of the house led the applicant to design the house closer to Stedman Road to avoid ledge removal and blasting. Mr. Gilgun also told the Board that the applicant will work with the Fire Department to provide for some sort of turnaround easement to be used by emergency vehicles. Mr. Hornig, who had participated and approved the 2010 plans for the same address, informed the Board about the two options that were discussed in 2010, one being the turnaround hammerhead and easement and the other being to construct Stedman Road through to Farmcrest Avenue. Mr. Hornig said that his position is still the same and that he wanted a solution that meets the needs of emergency services and the public and was as good as the existing easement before releasing it. Michael Novak, the applicant’s Civil Engineer, shared a set of plans showing a proposed solution for the applicant. Mr. Hornig wanted to know the largest vehicle that could turn around with this new proposal. Mr. Novak said he will have to work on the details. Mr. Hornig also asked the applicant to list the barriers to extending Stedman Road. The applicant explained that this may not be practical from the neighbors’ point of view. Mr. Hornig reiterated that the solution that the applicant has to come up with has to be functional as the original approval intended and asked for a full set of plans reflecting the changes since 2010 including a stormwater analysis. Mr. Creech and Mr. Leon agreed with Mr. Hornig. Mr. Leon reiterated that the alternatives have to be carefully examined to judge their suitability and to make sure the fundamental purpose of the original intent of the easement is achieved. Mr. Leon also emphasized that the applicant has to ensure that the current stormwater management requirements and Fire department’s requirements are complied with by the proposed alternative. Mr. Schanbacher reiterated Mr. Leon’s suggestions and asked the applicant to come up with a viable solution that would comply with the requirements of the Fire Department. Ms. Thompson asked the applicant as to why the turnaround was taken out of the plans. The applicant admitted that it was a big mistake on his part. Mr. Creech did not favor the idea of extending Stedman Road as it would impact the neighbors and the site around the parcel. The Planning Board discussed and Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 6 of 7 asked the applicant to come up with creative solutions that would meet the goals of the initial easement that was approved by the Planning Board in 2010. Ms. Page stated that, based on her conversation with the Conservation Director and Assistant Fire Chief, a side by side comparison of stormwater calculations of what was originally required and what was built is required. Ms. Page also asked for a confirmed calculation of the total impervious surface and asked the applicant to design an infiltration system to factor in the changes due to the present driveway. Ms. Page also added the comments from the Fire Department that the turnaround that was built was not big enough for them to turnaround and would have to back up on their way out, which is not ideal for them. Ms. Page emphasized that a turnaround is required per fire code for this dwelling unit and that the Fire Department liked the idea of constructing Stedman Road from Farmcrest Avenue to Brookside Avenue and wanted it to be fully paved for at least 18 feet. Public Comments Robert Hewett, 23 Hilltop Ave, expressed his view that based on the geography of the location, an ideal solution for emergency services has to be worked out. Mr. Creech moved to continue the Public Hearing for 32 Brookside Avenue, formerly known as 10 Stedman Road, to Wednesday July 31st at or after 6 p.m. on zoom. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Board Administration Board Member Updates Mr. Creech updated the Planning Board members about the Town Manager Search Screening Committee’s meetings and shared the timeline for the selection process. Staff Updates Ms. McCabe informed the Board that EOHLC had approved the economic feasibility study which was part of the Zoning for MBTA Communities, according to which the requirement for inclusionary dwelling units in properties with 14 or more units would be 15% Amend Planning Board Procedural Rules Ms. McCabe recommended updates to the Planning Board’s procedural rules focusing on the Associate Planning Board member’s ability to act on Special Permit applications in the absence of one of the 5 voting members of the Board. Ms. McCabe added that she had also made some minor changes regarding the timing and frequency of the Planning Board meetings and the submission deadlines. Mr. Creech moved to approve the changes to the Planning Board’s procedural rules reviewed here this evening. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2024 Page 7 of 7 Review Fall Meeting Schedule The Board members reviewed the schedule presented by Ms. McCabe for the meetings to be conducted in Fall 2024 Review of Draft Meeting Minutes: 6/5/24 Mr. Creech moved that the Planning Board approve the draft Minutes of the meeting held on 06.05.24 as presented. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4- 0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Upcoming Meetings: July 17, July 31, August 14, August 28 Ms. McCabe reminded the Board about the upcoming meeting on July 17th. Adjournment Mr. Creech moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of June 26, 2024. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 7.52 p.m. Lex Media recorded the meeting. Material from the meeting can be found in the Planning Board’s Novus Packet. List of Documents 1. 5 & 7 Piper Rd: Request for continuance/ extension of constructive approval date, dated 06.20.24 2. 25 Hartwell Ave: Staff memo dated 06.21.24, draft decision with findings and conditions for 25 Hartwell Definitive Subdivision 3. 40 Hartwell Ave: Staff memo dated 06.21.24, draft decision with findings and conditions for 40 Hartwell Ave. Definitive Subdivision 4. 28 Meriam St & 32 Edgewood Rd: Staff memo dated 06.20.24, Peer review memo dated 06.21.24, draft decision with findings and conditions 5. 32 Brookside Ave: Staff memo dated 06.21.24, revised staff memo with additional comments from Ms. Page dated June 25, 2024 6. Draft meeting minutes from June 5, 2024 RECEIVED 2024 58 prn TOWN CLERK �j'� T 1 3 Jul, a W own of Lexington LEXINGTON MA 3 � APRILY71 ;N01 CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO G.L C.39,SECTION 23D OF PARTICIPATION IN A SESSION OF AN ADJUDCITORY HEARING WHERE THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBER MISSED A SINGLE HEARING SESSION(THE MULLIN RULE): [NOTE:CAN ONLY BE USED FOR MISSING ONE SINGLE HEARING SESSION] 1, Robert D. Peters(name),hereby do swear and certifyunder the pains and penalties of perjury as follows,- 1. ollows:1. 1 am a member of Planning Board (board or committee) 2. 1 missed a.hearing session on the matter of 32 Brookside Ave. Definitive Subdivision Amendment public hearing which was held on June 26, 2024 3. On 2229&07f30J2p241 examined all the evidence and testimony received at the hearing session that l missed'which included a review of(initial which one(s) applicable): a. official audio recording of the missed hearing session:or b. X official video recording of the missed hearing session;or C. official transcript of the missed hearing session;or d. X official maps, plans or submittals relevant to the hearing session This certification shall become a part of the record of the proceedings in the above matter. en Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury thls�� da Na , 20 . 1,n{ wr Signature of Board or Committee Member Received and recorded as part of the official record of the above matter: RECEIVED Date: By: 3:40 pm, Jul 30 2024 a Position: LEXINGTON MA