HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-22-COA-min.pdf Lexington Council on Aging Meeting, June 22 , 1976 Visitors' Center, Second-floor Meeting Room MINUTES Present CoA S,Goodwin, A Jackson, A Paranya, M Ritter, J Rooney, J.Stumpp, D.Williams Staff: J Melcher Guests D.Eagles (C&W Trans. Co. ) , H.Asp (Rec Dept. ) , E.Dratch (Trans. Advisory Com. ) Observers D Moy (Minute-Man) , B.Weiss (LWV) 1 . The meeting was called to order at 7 45 P M. by Ch Jane Stumpp. Minutes for the June 8th meeting were approved as distributed It was agreed to change the regular agenda order to accommodate our guests. 2, Mr David Eagles of C&W Transportation Co stated his company's in- terest in developing a transportation plan to help senior citizens.; C&W has varied types of vehicles , including 12 passenger mini-busses and vans which accommodate wheel chairs. They have plans foe adding a large coach. Discussion centered around the kind of system most feasible for Lexington Dial-a Ride, a shuttle system, a fixed route with possible diversions, Mr. Eagles said C&W would need some firm data the locations of senior citizens who want transportation, the destinations they want to reach, in order to establish possible routes. It was agreed that this data will be produced by the CoA office by the August 10th meeting of the Council A notice about transportation will appear in the Minute-Man. Mr. Eagles or Mr. Maloney of C&W can be reached at 862 - 3400. Mrs. Major is available M-W-F at 862-4747 and on T -T at Emerson Gardens , 862 - 2255. 3. Mr. Harold Asp, representing the Recreation Dept indicated their willingness to work with the CoA in developing broader programs for older citizens. He also said that there may be a possibility of using Hayden facilities if interest is shown and pressure exerted. Swim lessons now given at the Res from 6 30 - 7 30 are open to seniors. Building shuffle board courts would be expensive and would require a warrant appropriation. However, small expenditures for equipment are possible. Mr Asp suggested exercise programs and the possibility of nature walks through Citizens for Conservation. He pointed out that when schools are used, custodial fees must be paid. Some workers on the Rec Dept staff are being trained to work with the elderly Mrs Williams pointed out the need for someone to do research on available moneys from trusts and special funds, 4 Mrs. Melcher reported that the past two weeks had been mainly a period of searching for information. Her report 1 . Talked to Mr. Gabriel Baker to learn about SCORE 2 Mr. Jack Gardner and Mr. Baker both volunteered to help advise elderly on taxes. 3. Plan to talk to Anne Kenn regarding a Friendly Visitor program. Have invited Chris Moore to sit in with me. June 23 at 1 P.M 4. Talked to Scott Plumb on how Arlington is running its transporta- tion for elderly. Should get someone to talk to Mr. Bruno, who owns Lexington Cab. 5. Talked to Peg Cole , Home Care Supervisor. She will drop into the office. Talked about how to set up Meals-on--wheels Program. Must canvass town to see how many people are interested. Put a note in Newsletter? Fund raising, Day for Elderly? Need funds to get start- ed Can have some Federal funds for staples. 6. Called Mr. Deforest Matthews re Adult Ed. Courses at the High School Lorna Knapp re RSVP Diane Tainter of Arlington re Outreach 7 Dial-a-Smile Not a new idea, but why should people pay money? Start a volunteer program. Put a letter in Minute-Man. 8 Received a letter from Lincoln, Nebraska re Handyman Program. 9. Sent letter to Ron Fitzgerald re swimming program. No answer. What should the follow-up be? 10. Talked to Bill McCarthy re Eldercare Meals vs Meals( on Wheels) . He will find out how much his company could furnish meals in Lexington for. 11 . Greek Church women have volunteered to prepare Newsletter#3 for mail- ing. Took the offer 12 Discount Program letter ready for mailing. Date , please? (mid-July) 13 Thank you cards for thanking volunteers should be bought. 5. The Treasurer, Mrs. Ritter, reported payment of bill for $10. 71 for material for the office bulletin board. CoA has received a $50 gift from the Methodist church. Mrs. Ritter explained that the CoA currently draws on three accounts the $5,000 warrant funds , the $2 ,000 State grant, and gift accounts. A question was asked about using gift moneys to help volunteers in taking courses , buying books. It was agreed that the CoA could buy books for office reference which could be lent to volunteers. 6. The possibility of congregate maels for seniors at M-M Regional was discussed. Will be investigated further. 7. It was moved, seconded, and voted to change the CoA meeting time to the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, beginning on July 14th, ex- cept the first meeting in August, which will be held on Tues. , Aug. lOth. 8. Mrs. Williams has located a Waltham firm to do the decals for the Dis- count Program, and showed the Council her proposal for adapting the CoA logo for the decal, which was approved. Mrs. Williams also asked how many ID cards to order. Suggested that she order at least 1 ,000; check price to see if larger quantity would be cheaper. Mrs. Peg Cole has suggested that ID cards could be issued at Greeley and Vynebrooke , Walk-in centers, etc. as well as at the CoA office, Agreed that this is an excellent idea. Mr Rooney reported that the CoC was reluctant to approve a general discount because some of Lexington's senior citizens do not need finan- cial help. The Council felt that it would be impossible to make dis- tinctions and that the chances of abuse were minimal. 9, The Friendly Visitor program will be getting under way. Mrs Anne Kenn, Co-ordinator of Services for the Elderly at Mystic Valley MHC will help with training sessions 10. Expansion of CoA board again discussed. There is no special Town Meet- ing scheduled as yet. It was suggested that Lexington Town Counsel, Norman Cohen, be consulted about plan to use possible new CoA members as associate members of the present board. The Secretary was instructed to add the name of the Ch. of the Bd. of Selectmen to the list of those receiving CoA minutes. 11. Rev Shirley Goodwin reported that the Minute-Man Home Care C orpora- tion will be located at 1241 Mass Ave. in Arlington. Mailing address P. O. Box 483, Arlington, Mass. 02174. Eleven communities have definit- ly joined Home Care, which will have an administrative budget of $95,345. Services to the amount of $260,000 through Title XX funds will be home care, chore services, and limited transportation to people who meet income qualifications. Information and Referral service will be available to all seniors A director will be hired by Friday, June 26 12. The next meeting of the CoA will be on Wednesday, July 14th. 13 The meeting adjourned at 10 40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ann G. Paranya Secretary