HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-12-LHRC-min-copyTown of Lexington Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,June 12,2024 Conducted in in person and remotely on Zoom LHRC MEMBERS PRESENT Christina Lin,Chair (CL);Dana Bickelman (DB);Colleen Dunbar,Lexington Police Department (CD); Stephanie Stonefish Ryan (SR);Courtney Apgar,Clerk (CA) Liaisons:Eileeen Jay,School Committee (EJ),Mark Sandeen,Select Board (MS) The minutes recorded by Courtney Apgar,LHRC Clerk 1.Welcome/Call to order a.Quorum was met with 5 members present b.Suggestion by CL to sign up for the LexPride newsletter to stay abreast of Pride events in Lexington 2.Minutes Approval a.Minutes to be approved at next meeting 3.RFP on Lowell St Parcel a.No comments by LHRC 4.LHRC CHarge a.Language on removal of members does not exist on other committee charges. i.MS sees no reason for LHRC to have that language when other committees do not.Per MS:Questions about how members are removed should be taken up with Select Board and/or Town Counsel.No committees have the ability to remove members from their own committee,as appointments are through Select Board or Town Moderator. ii.Plan is to remove that language from LHRC charge. b.Appointment of members i.Change from Select Board and Town Manager to appoint members to just Select Board ii.Suggestion to change members from School Committee,Police Department, and Town Staff to liaisons (non-voting members) 1.CL suggests keeping committee to 9 members,which means appointing 3 more members to replace members being moved to liaison status.General agreement of members present. 2.MS cautions that enlarging the committee can become burdensome. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE •LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 3.Right now,LHRC has 6 voting members (once aforementioned members are moved to liaisons).Need an odd number of members. 4.CL:5 is too small,so perhaps 7. 5.Change quorum to be defined as a majority of member then in office. iii.Discussion of whether LHRC should have a member of LPS administration as well as a School Committee member,as their perspective is often different than that of School Committee.Should discuss with LPS. 1.Per EJ,it has historically been one or the other,depending on availability.In recent history,has been School Committee member. iv.MS:This charge does not resemble other committee charges,so might be important to look at other charges and align format to match. v.Advisory Council 1.Goal is to ensure that LHRC is hearing from people representing the diversity of citizens in Lexington,even when the committee does not reflect that diversity vi.Select Board will take up LHRC charge on June 24th,2024 5.Committee Updates and inputs/suggestions a.Liaison to committees i.Lexington Interfaith Community Association (LICA)is looking for a liaison from LHRC 1.DB is willing to assume that role ii.Commission on Disability looking for Liaison 1.CA will take that role iii.Council on Aging is also looking 1.DB already goes to those meetings,so will take that role iv.Lexington United Against Antisemitism (LUAA) 1.CL and SH already go,but could use another liaison v.CD suggests that we at the least try to make sure a member is able to attend community events if possible. b.Social gathering in Aug/Sept i.Plan for week of 8/12/24.Will discuss further when more members are present. c.Meeting formats for next cycle i.Do we want to meet twice per month? 1.Twice is harder to schedule,but allows us to be more reactive to events 2.Could call second meeting when we have more to discuss,but scheduling is an issue. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE •LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 3.Meeting once means meetings of 90-120 minutes 4.Perhaps earmark time for second meeting,but only actually attend when we have business to discuss,and plan for second meeting to always be remote. d.Loretta Ross online class 7/23-8/15 i.Training course for “Calling In”that meets evenings,tuesdays and thursdays, remotely. ii.Town would cover the cost of the course for LHRC members. iii.CA and SR can take the course.CL will follow up with members not in attendance. e.Member updates i.DB:citizen wants to bring a documentary about Gaza to the community center and host a potential screening with some part of proceeds going to charities benefitting Gaza.What does LHRC think. 1.SR recommends that someone on the committee prescreens the film for content before getting involved. 2.Sounds like a fundraiser,so maybe would make more sense to hold it at the depot or Venue.Should not be associated with the town unless changed to a free screening. ii.School Comittee has elected Eileen Jay as Chair. iii.Questions about special education enrollment have come up around space availability (students have been placed out of disctrict due to space). Presentation given about this issue at last School Committee meeting. 1.Autism has become primary diagnosis.Data about recent enrollment can be found at link in last School Committee meeting agenda. iv.LUAA presentation recently about rise of White Nationalism and role antisemitism plays in the movement.“Skin in the Game,”article by Eric Ward about this issue worth reading to address how we think about who belongs. 1.Important to think about how we show support without fueling hate. 2.How do we help with polarization in the upcoming election season? a.Braver Angels is a group that helps facilitate conversations like these. 6.Vote for Chair and Vice Chair will be taken up in the fall 7.Meeting adjourned at 10:o5AM 8.Next Meeting is Wednesday,June 26,2024 at 9:00 AM 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE •LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420