HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-01-HSC-min.pdf Human Services Committee Minutes September 1, 1993 Present Eva S Glick; Donna M Hooper, Chairman; Eva Havas; Richard W Safford; Rosalyn S Gittleman, Jeanne S Luongo, Jolley Anne Weinstock, Human Services Committee candidates; Stephen Baran, Human Services Coordinator Demographics Steve Baran said that he had some concerns about the draft report on Lexington demographics Acceptance of the report was deferred pending discussion Selectmen' s breakfast Eva Havas and Donna Hooper will attend the Selectmen's breakfast scheduled for September 10 V/ Meeting with RePlace representatives to discuss budget The meeting with RePlace has been scheduled for September 14 and will be attended by Eva Havas, Donna Hooper, Rick Safford and Steve Baran Interview with Jolley Anne Weinstock, candidate for membership on the Human Services Committee Mrs Weinstock described her work as an outpatient social worker for a VA study on Alzheimer' s She was involved in helping patients make the transition from outpatient status to long term care This required organizational and public relations skills and the ability to help families under stress She said that she had an ongoing interest in the Human Services Committee having applied for membership once before She had an investment in the Town and community three children have graduated from the Lexington schools, and she is a member of the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee She was interested in services to the elderly as well as to youth and had been aware of RePlace funding problems She was interested in the interface between health and human services and was curious about the implications for services to youth in the Town since the School Department was advertising for a health educator Interview with Rosalyn S. Gittleman, candidate for member, Human Services Committee Mrs Gittleman also mentioned a special interest in the elderly since she had a gerontology certificate and was carrying on continuing studies in gerontology I- Minutes, Human Services Committee Page 2 She had a long experience in helping old people as a volunteer and was looking for a different kind of experience related to groups and programs rather than exclusively volunteering to work with individuals Interview with Jeanne S. Luongo, candidate for membership, Human Services Committee Mrs Luongo had concluded, after attending the last meeting of the Human Services Committee, that it was the most appropriate committee on which she could seek membership Her interests were in the handicapped, elderly and youth She had been occupied for many years with three teenagers but now she felt freed up to take on other responsibilities Because of her interest in the handicapped, she thought she would have time to additionally become involved with the Enablement Committee It was agreed to recommend all three candidates to the Selectmen for membership on the Human Services Committee Mrs Gittleman and Mrs Luongo were recommended for three-year terms and Mrs Weinstock was recommended for a two-year term to fill a vacancy left by a member who had resigned /RePlace Concern was expressed about RePlace's low utilization, inappropriate and limited use of the Hotline, its failure to continue to provide drop-in services, its apparent lack of a basic purpose and the difficulty experienced last year while negotiating a budget of obtaining adequate data Other issues RePlace having a monopoly on services to adolescents; the need to clarify the responsibilities and involvement of the School Department in youth services; and the unclear potential of Lexington youth for becoming involved through community service in human services These matters will be mentioned to Leo McSweeney who has agreed to attend the meeting of the Committee taking place on the 22nd Ann Irving resignation Donna Hooper announced that Ann Irving had resigned There was some discussion of having a dinner to celebrate Ann's five-year- long contribution to the Committee Fair Housing statement The Committee expressed its support for the Fair Housing Committee' s statement recommending fair and affordable housing on the Met State property