HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-02-HSC-min.pdf Human Services Committee MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1993 Present Donna Hooper Chairman, Eva Glick, Eva Havas Ann Irving Ruthie Liberman Richard Safford Absent: Steve Baran Human Services Coordinator MINUTES OF May 5, 1993 The minutes of May 5 1993 were approved with the following amendments Page 2. Children s Issues This section was amended to read "The Committee discussed alternative options for learning more about children's needs forum vs. focus groups. Focus groups were favored as a means of assessing needs including children in kindergarten. there is a growing population but not enough programs " HUMAN SERVICES COORDINATOR REPORT In his absence, Steve Baran submitted the attached report of recent Human Service Coordinator activities. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Donna Hooper reported that she had written a letter to the Editor/ Lexington MinuteMan seeking new members. It was anticipated that the letter would appear in the 6/10/93 edition Leo McSweeney was unable to attend the meeting of 6/2 but is planning to attend the committee s next meeting on 6/23 at RePlace. Ms. Gerri Weathers, Chairman, Fair Housing Committee, was unable to attend the meeting as scheduled. Donna will check with Steve Baran to see if Ms Weathers wishes to reschedule for the August meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Census . The Census Committee continues to edit drafts of the report. After the next meeting a copy of the report will be forwarded to the Planning Department for comments Disabilities Rick Safford attended a June 2nd meeting sponsored by the Lexington Housing Authority pertaining to assessment of Lexington s housing needs for the disabled. He will check with Rita Sullivan, LHA Director to obtain a copy of the needs report to be produced by consultants The ACCESS Group/B C. Stewart & Associated. Minutes of 6/2/93 cont Page 2 COMMITTEE REPORTS, cont. Recreation No Activities Elderly. No Activities Children s Issues/Youth Services The remainder of the meeting 6/2/93 meeting is reserved for discussion of options, suggested at the last meeting, for learning about children s needs. DISCUSSION ON CHILDREN'S ISSUES• To establish a time-frame for activities to be completed, it was questioned when the Request for Proposals for FY95 Youth Services needed to be issued. Steve Baran will be requested to investigate this process An appropriate time frame might be to conduct interviews and assessments during the month of September and compile findings during October Rick Safford suggested it might be effective to conduct a 2 stage process with qualified agencies initially being requested to inform the Town of its needs ,and then the Town issuing an RFP for services. Further discussion suggested the target group be youths from grades 6 through 12. Focus groups of parents and youth were recommended along with the distribution of a short questionnaire Use of PTA's as a possible conduit for questionnaires at meetings was recommended along with possible use of 'back to school nights and large groups of parents Interviewing PTA presidents was also suggested. Inclusion of a questionnaire with the first 1994 Lexington Public Schools newsletter was also suggested. A meeting with the Superintendent, principals, and guidance was recommended either right before the end of school or during the summer Questionnaires students, parents Focus Groups Students, parents Minutes of 6/2/93 corn Page 3 OTHER RESOURCES TO CONTACT Churches Police Department Interfaith Group Chamber of Commerce Participation by youth could receive possible credit from the high school requirement for Community Service Ruthie Liberman volunteered to pursue writing letters to colleges to possibly retain an intern to crunch the questionnaire data. Donna Hooper mentioned that Steve Baran was inquiring about an intern through Salem State College. If he was successful, this project may be something to add to the intern's list of activities. Ruthie Liberman suggested the group develop a concept paper which will clearly explain what the committee sought to accomplish. This will help those with whom we will be contacting to better understand our goal and purpose Discussion pursued regarding our goal, focus, etc. Donna volunteered to develop a draft copy of the concept paper by June 9th for Eva Havas to review and comment (copy attached). The paper will be finalized for use It was suggested that after the forums/questionnaires, as phase II the committee might inquire with other towns what are they funding for human services? Discussion on questions for possible use by a teacher with middle school students during the last week of school for ideas/thoughts to be included on the questionnaire included. I What do you typically do after school, weekends, holidays, vacations, summers, etc for recreation. 2. Where do you like to "hang-out"? 3 Who do you turn to confide in? - peers, family, church, etc. 4 If you had a friend who told you he/she was abused, what would you do? 5 What kind of facilities or programs and experiences do you think is missing that you wish Lexington offered? Minutes of 6/2/93 cont. Page 4 Issues generally revolved around recreation and health/safety Suggestion was made that maybe we could get free food, etc donated by organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce to encourage youth to participate in the focus groups/forums/questionnaires Donna Hooper will contact the Superintendent of Schools to inform him of the committee s plans and wish to meet with him in the near future Ann Irving will contact the director of Guidance, Bob Miner to touch bases with him and schedule possible meeting before school ends for the summer Eva Havas will check with a teacher at Diamond Middle School to see if she has time and would be willing to pass a few of these questions by the students for input. Committee will meet again during the summer to continue with the project and be prepared to go ahead during the month of September