HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-13-HSC-min.pdf ( � M[0DTES HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE January IS 1993 Present Renee Cochin and Donna Hooper Co-Chairmen ; Ann Irving Ruthie Liberman ; Rick Safford Steve Baran Human Services Courdinator (Recorder ) 8i | | 8 | out Executive DireoLur RePlace Hearing Impaired A warrant article will be prepared for Town Meeting calling for a feasibility study by a Selectmen-appointed committee to make ary Hall accessible to the hearing impaired Rick Safford talked with Mark A 8attiLe contractor whu estimated the cost to be $ 1 200 for a simple portable system and $3 500 for a more extensive system RePlace budget Bill Stout provided the LommitLee with memos and budget ( see attached ) The following issues were discussed Utilization Anticipated RePlace utilization in FY ' 98-- diffLnu ) ty of projecting from FY ' 9-4 figures to date since the larger part of crisis utilization occurs between January and May The staff member from RePlace who dealt with crises in FY ' 91 is now performing some v" the same functiors in the schools while working for the Schoul Department HLurly rate The RePlace hourly rate has up until now only been for face- to-face interviews , but RePlace has actually been billing for collateral ( see memo activity as well Bill said that reimbursement fur one huur of counseling takes into account two hours of collateral activity and one hour of administrative time Blue Cross/Blue Shield allows $54 per hour DSS pays $50 per hour John Hancuck pays $40 per hour up to $ 1 , 500 per year ( Minutes Human Services Committee 1 / 13/93 Page 2 Long term A number of families without insurance are in need of lung-term counseling Is there some potential for the Human Services Emergency Fund paying for some of this? The high school would refer to RePlace if RePlace were able to take on this kind of case Could the Town pay for a longer stay in treatment uf up to eight sessions at $48 per hour ' Group RePlace has a new group for parents of younger children We have been paying $42 per session for the first three group interviews Is this fair since a lot of staff time goes into organizing a group? On the other hand , does RePlace charge by the number of individuals in a group e g 10 group members x $42 members = $420 per hourr In the future RePlace billing should distinguish between group and individual interviews Indirect It is difficult to quantify time spent on professional development contavts , being availab | e , in-service training, etc New cases Limited approximately $55 per year Peer leaders 200 session hours are anticipated in FY ' 93 The largest benefit is to the kids who do the counseling There are now IS on staff and 16 are being trained Violence / battering RePlace is encouraging schools to take this up through the Life Skills and CAPP programs in the middle schools The relationship with the Support Committee for Battered Women is getting underway Two of their staff are coming to train RePlace peer | eaders , and sessions are being planned for middle and high schools for FY ' 94 RePlace has proposed $3 400 to be budgeted for Peer Program Coordinator for four additional hours ; $2 000 to reimburse the Support Committee to do training Renee asked why Bill had not earlier proposed new services in view of changing needs Bill replied that RePlace thought the Town was comfortable with paying for both primary and collateral interviews ( It was agreed that there needed to be a policy to avoid double billing the Town should be the provider of last resort ( Minutes Human Services Committee, 1 / 13/93 Page 3 Agreed I Reimburse up to 6 hours short term counseling @ $48 per hour 2 Reduce rate per client in group sessions to 50% of the counseling rate with payments of up to 6 per hour 3 Other services Peer leadership LEXCAPP Violence prevention 4 In meeting with the Selectmen, the Committee will explain how rate was derived; make comparison with other insurers; recommendations to be cost-based ; emphasize that RePlace is providing services to people who have no other place to go