HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-18-HSC-min.pdf Minutes Human Services Committee 6/ 18/91 Present Renee Cochin, Bob Cushman, Co-Chairmen; Dick Dougherty; Ann Irving; Dennis Murakami ; Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator (recorder) Absent Jack Sarmanian The purpose of this meeting at the home of Renee Cochin was to make plans for FY ' 92 Areas of interest initially identified were money options, special needs and youth services in the schools ( potential for School Department to bill Medicaid? ) A tentative work plan featuring a needs assessment was distributed by Steve who stressed 1 inductive thinking to avoid Committee preconceptions of what the Town needs; 2 consumer orientation; 3 PR through meetings, newspaper, etc The Plan included the following sections (a)assess need for human services ; (b) inform community on need for human services ; (c) advise Selectmen on appropriations; (d) evaluate Lexington Human Services Fund Committee concerns with parts a & b were 1 avoid reports getting shelved ; 2 determine fact-finding format--"hearing" ( just getting input) or "forum" (dialogue + input) ; 3 undertake background work (Census data, school budget, comparisons with other towns, etc ) It was agreed that some form of "report card" on how the Town was doing in social services would add to the Town' s interest in the products The decision was reached to focus in the next year on the needs of youth up to the age of 18 The following areas were initially identified child care, child abuse and neglect, high school drop outs, delinquency, AIDS prevention, school guidance, hunger, homelessness, special needs, mental illness, recreation, sports, summer camping and child advocacy At the same time that youth is the focus of a needs assessment, the Committee will be concerned with recreation as it affects the elderly ( limited opportunities for the elderly) and special needs population ("Sing Along" @ $ 1 , 600 cut from Recreation budget, summer camp) ; and cut backs as these affect the elderly A tentative time table for the year was identified August finalizing plans ; September and October focus interviews with individuals and groups ; November forum; December recess ; January follow-up; February community report card