HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-02-HSC-min.pdf Minutes Human Services Committee 1 /2/91 Present Renee Cochin and Bob Cushman, Co-Chairmen; Dick Dougherty; Barbara Levine ; Seymour Mandel ; Jack Sarmanian; Bill Blout and Jerry Howell (RePlace) ; Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator Absent Ann Irving ; Dennis Murakami Minutes 12/ 19/90 The Minutes of the meeting of 12/ 19/90 were approved with one exception Estimated income from Trustees ' investments is around 8 9%, not 6% Report of Human Services Coordinator Steve reported that Human Services fund expenditures for the period July 1 , 1990 - December 31 , 1990 totalled $4, 146 including expenditures for camperships and food pantry ( $890) The Trustees provided $5, 000 as a beginning balance, and income during this period from donations amounted to $750 The balance in the fund at the beginning of this year is $ 1 , 603 Work on preparing bids is going forward with interviews ongoing with the administrators at RePlace and CMARC Sheri McCann at CMARC reported that it is becoming more difficult to get contracts Income has decreased from $55, 000 per month to $40, 000 per month Human Services Fund Steve is endeavoring to follow up on all recipients of the Fund and is working with Bob Cushman on a procedure to use a loan concept for as many recipients as possible Bids Committee members questioned whether a late start in setting up bidding procedures would permit of the best possible outcomes Steve invited Committee members to help, said that he was planning to proceed as expeditiously as possible as required by law Dick Dougherty, commenting that bidding was now legally required, offered to assist in reviewing an initial draft which Steve shared with the Committee RePlace budget request RePlace budget figures were presented by Bill Stout, Director, and Gerry Howell , Treasurer RePlace is requesting $80, 700 involving fewer hours of service and a salary increase Minutes, Human Services Committee, 1 /2/91 Page 2 The Agency is experiencing considerable success in fundraising from individuals $34, 969 in FY ' 90 Most of this represents a response to a telethon approach which only covered a portion of Lexington residents The telethon will be repeated this year On the other hand, the recession is likely to limit contributions $37, 000 is projected for FY ' 92 RePlace was asked to provide a second quarter statistical report as soon as possible along with projections based on past experience Bill announced a Hancock Church award of $70, 000 over three years beginning January, 1992, conditional on the money being raised The Committee congratulated Bill on his success The School is contemplating drastic cuts in Guidance The RePlace school counselor (half-time in school , half-time at RePlace) is now completing second p g the year of a three-year Mass Department of Education grant The DOE grant was cut back considerably this year leaving barely enough in the budget to fund the School Counselor Bill said that he was experiencing difficulty in devising rates for the educational portion of what the Town might continue to contract for in relation to RePlace services It was suggested that even if it proves to be too difficult to estimate rates that there be full reporting of numbers of sessions and an attempt to come up with outcome indicators Community Foundation Steve reported on his investigations into the community foundation concept including a discussion with the Executive Director of the Cambridge Community Foundation ( $2, 500, 000 in assets, $45, 000 in annual income) A subcommittee composed of Bob Cushman, Renee Cochin and Seymour Mandel will meet on 1 /7 to pursue the matter with particular emphasis on clarifying the purpose of such a fundraising body Steve questioned whether it was necessary to set up an additional entity since most of the functions of a community foundation were already in place, other than fundraising--through the Human Services Committee and the Trustees of Public Trusts ( including a Human Services Fund ) Frequency of Meetings Renee reported that Steve had suggested to her that Committee members might meet less often and devote time ordinarily spent in Minutes, Human Services Committee, 1 /2/91 Page 3 ( meeting to becoming acquainted with other human service-oriented community organizations This will be taken up as the first item on the agenda next time Respectfully submitted, e [(IL— ictiel v----- Stephen ran L