HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-HSC-rpt, annual.pdf (—) Human Services Committee Annual Report January - December, 1989 In 1989, the Human Services Committee continued to work with other town agencies, seeking to promote or develop initiatives to meet the human services needs of Idexington citizens of different ages and circumstances The Committee was actively involved with the School Department in planning for the addition of a school - based counselor to meet the non-academic counseling needs of students This position has now been filled by a social worker and is jointly funded by the School Department and Replace The Committee also worked with the School Department to identify treatment resources available for young people with substance abuse problems In order to further focus community attention on substance abuse problems among young people and provide the town with a forum for discussion of this sensitive subject, the Committee presented a panel on Substance Abuse and Youth jointly sponsored by the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee and the P T A Council Standing Committee on Substance Abuse The five panelists participating were individuals with professional expertise and extensive experience in working with children experiencing these problems Among the points they emphasized were the importance of community-wide commitment to addressing these problems and the C need for the school system, families and law enforcement agencies to be active participants in both preventive and remediation efforts They also stressed the need to strike an appropriate balance between maintaining discipline and providing effective intervention and support to young people in trouble Issues confronting Lexington citizens with special physical and developmental needs were given special planning emphasis during the year The committee reviewed the mandate of the Lexington Citizens with Special Needs, which is concerned with overcoming barriers to achieving access to housing, recreational and other resources for people with mental and emotional disabilities The -- Enablement Committee which is concerned with eliminating architectural barriers that prevent access to public and private facilities for people with physical handicaps, and the Lexington Citizens with Special Needs were encouraged to explore areas of mutual concern on which they might work together The two group's have initiated such discussions To address previously expressed concerns of citizens regarding the availability of town-funded recreational programs for individuals with special needs, the committee initiated a discussion with the Recreation Committee and encouraged interested groups to meet with the Recreation Committee to express and, advocate for their needs ( ) In order to determine how the Committee might serve the town more effectively, it under-took a review of its charge from the Selectmen Among the results of the revlew:,;1s. a- pl,an- to sponsor a need's. asseseheent -t6 &igin in- early 1:990;. ti th a- focus. On, specificissues, t.q_ b,e:lh;f h-li h,ted k . . t � y- '-3aloi ' � , l :, kiF� Human Services Committee Annual Report Page 2 n The Committee continued to review requests for human service appropriations Funded in 1989 were Cooperative Elder Services, Inc ($3, 5000) ; Central Middlesex Association for Retarded Citizens ( $11 ,000) ; RePlace ($73, 000) and Visiting Nurse and Community Health, Inc ($37, 650) Committee members serving in 1989 were Robert M Cushman and Renee Cochin, Co-Chairmen; Richard Dougherty; Leonora Feeney; Beth S Klarman; Harvey D Lowell ; Ann W Irving; Seymour Mandel ; and Sheila D Martin; and Dennis T Murakami Stephen Baran, as Human Services Coordinator, staffed the Committee (I) U v l' J", r ptf, 4,,Mkkaki_� .° �a�£ �t' . "a "eCzka•Z!V=t` '€c.a: figialidP A.