HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-02-HSC-min.pdf Human Services Committee Minutes, 10/2/89 Present Renee Cochin and Bob Cushman, Co-Chairmen; Ann Irving; Seymour Mandel ; Dick Dougherty; Leonora Feeney; Dick Dougherty; Sheila Martin; and Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator 1 Minutes of 9/11/89 Bob was not present at the Selectmen s Breakfast (see page 2, item 3) 2 Minutes of 9/23/89 Page 1 , item 1 The PTA Standing Committee on Substance Abuse, not the PTA Council , has endorsed the Substance Abuse Forum. Seymour Mandel has prepared a letter to be sent to the invitees (not just the School Committee) Page 1 , Item 3, par 2 Change " the current emphasis in direction for the Committee should be in emphasizing planning" to " the current emphasis should be in planning RI U Page 1 item 3, par 4 Change " It was recognized that moving away from advising the Selectmen on how monies should be allocated to specific service providers to determining needs and estimating costs to meet those needs might have to be a two-step process. " to "It was. Selectmen on how contract awards should be carried out to determine needs Page 1 item 3, par 4 Change "The Selectmen may look to the Committee for designating specific agencies in the coming year " to "The Selectmen may look to the Committee to determine needs of various town populations and delineate goals and objectives for meeting those needs " Coordinator s Report Ground breaking for the Post Office ramp took place Friday, 9/29 Nancy Schoch was pleased with her reception by the Human Services Committee The council on Aging has undertaken a review of their ( fee structure, is experiencing budget problems with its Human Services Committee Minutes, 10/2/89 Page 2 �� / \ Meals on Wheels program' has proceeded with an RFP for the Senior Health Monitor program which in the month of September served 30 clients. The Le: ington Citizens with Special Needs was pleased with the opening of a community residence for the mentally ill at 282 Bedford Street and club house for the mentally ill at 286 Bedford Street The Committee s members have been active on the Affordable Housing Options Committee and in revising the wording of its Statement of Purpose It is planning to meet further with the Recreation Committee The Town Manager has requested that Steve Baran set up a meeting with the Police Department to discuss relations between the Police Department and RePlace and training on youth/family problems to be conducted by a trainer from outside of the community 4 Substance Abuse Forum Planning Janet Kessler, school guidance counselor, declined the invitation by the Committee to appear at the Forum. Other from the Guidance Department were considered, but it was decided that there was a sufficient number of � \ \ / panelists Dick , as moderator, will ask the audience to represent the local community as it relates to the panelists who are from outside the community and apply what the panelists have to say to the Le^ ington situation Other preparations for the Forum were discussed including an article in the Minute-man, an article in the newsletter to the teachers, notifying various groups about the Forum, and videotaping 5 Committee Liaisons. Organization for Budget, Recommendations The Committee discussed a liaison to the Council on Aging and appointing members as liaison to a number of local human service agencies Steve urged that the Council on Aging be treated as a special case since it was not a vendor and since it was important for the Committee to improve its relationship with that body In view of the potentially large number of organizations, committees, boards, etc , to which the Committee might relate, Steve suggested that it ( ) designate members to relate to areas of need, e g v Human Services Committee Minutes, 10/2/89 Page 3 | | �� the elderly, special needs, youth, rather than to specific organizational entitities Each member might then relate to vendors and committees concerned with areas of need Renee e'pressed the importance of thorough reporting from Town-funded agencies so that the Committee would be able to justify its recommendations to the Selectmen She thought the Committee should continue to review Town-funded agencies, especially important at a time of fiscal austerity Bob felt that visiting agencies was still in order since the Committee could learn from them what are needs and give them recommendations on how they could be more useful Renee felt that there was a continuing need to review the Senior Health Monitor program since the funds are in the FY 90 human services budget Also, the Committee had an interest in their evaluation mechanism. Respectfully Submitted, /~\ \ / <D\eek)t— Stephen 'Baran, Human Services Coordinator (� | ENABLEMENT COMMITTEE Town of Le' ington Statement of Purpose September 11 , 1989 The Enablement Committee seeks to make the Town of Lexington hospitable and accessible to persons with disabilities in such areas as transportation, housing, recreation and opportunities for socializing; and to make programs, as well as facilities, accessible It works to improve the quality of life for all Le` ington residents by facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into everyday life and by promoting attitudinal awareness among members of the general public concerning the needs and abilities of persons with handicaps A special interest of the Committee is to assure that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap is implemented It also seeks to ) implement the regulations of the Massachusetts Architectural ( / Barriers Board by working with officials towards the accessibility of buildings serving the public; performing accessibility studies of such buildings; educating the public about accessibility; making recommendations to the Human Services Committee The Enablement Committee is a subcommittee of the Human Services Committee and consists of individuals with a concern for the needs of persons with handicaps" Its membership, which serves for two-year terms, is nominated by the Enablement Committee and agreed to by the Human Services Committee The Enablement Committee will recommend a plan, to be annually updated, for carrying out its statement of purpose It will report annually in writing and semiannually through personal appearance on the Committee s activities and accomplishments while periodically reviewing its composition, purpose and charge A liaison from the Enablement Committee will be appointed to the Human Services Committeev and there will be a liaison from the Human Services Committee to the Enablement Committee The Human Services Coordinator will supply staff support to this 1 Committee STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ( 1 /-� Le; ington Citizens with Special Needs October 5, 1989 Eight members serving staggered two-year terms acting as a steering committtee will be named by agreement with the Human Services Committee by September 30 of each year Members will have actual life experience or professional experience related to the Committee s purpose All persons on the mailing list are members-at-large and are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings BACKGROUND The Le| ington Citizens with Special Needs began as a group of parents organized in 1984 to advocate for their adult mentally ill and developmentally disabled children living with them at home in Le; ington The needs of these adults are to continue their lifetime tasks of /�\ growth and development which include separating from their \ parents and becoming as independent as possible while enjoying the companionship of people of their own age It is imperative, as their parents grow older, that such aspirations be realized before excessive dependence sets in or life crises force hastily contrived living arrangements. STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES The Committee, serving as a Subcommittee of the Human Services Committee, will seek to represent all Lexington citizens with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and other lifelong disabilities with particular emphasis on the needs of adults Its tasks will include 1 education of the general public as to the needs of these citizens to the end of integrating them into the everyday life of their home community; 2 organizing advocates so that needs may be met through housing, social , vocational and recreational programs; � enhancing communication within and between public and private sector organizations serving these L.e; ington citizens; ` Purpose, Le' ington Citizens with Special Needs, 10/5/89 Page 2 /� \ > 4 recommending a plan, to be annually updated, for carrying out these tasks; reporting to the Human Services Committee annually in writing, and semiannually through personal appearance, on the Committee s activities and accomplishments; 5 periodically reviewing its composition, purpose and char9e The Human Services Coordinator will supply staff support to this Committee / > \"�/