HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-13-HSC-min.pdf Minutes Human Services Committee 3/13/89 Present Renee Cochin, Co-Chairman; Bob Cushman, Co- Chairman; Dick Dougherty; Seymour Mandel; Harvey Lowell; Leonora Feeney; Ann Irving; Suzanne Larsen, Roberta Black, and Bill Blout, Replace; and Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator 1 The Minutes of the meeting of 3/6 were corrected with respect to clarifying comment of Marylou Sudders on Bill Blout ' s position to the effect that she was not considering eliminating it 2 Steve reported that he and Linda Crew Vine, Director of the Council on Aging, were planning to proceed with competitive bidding in relation to the Senior Health Monitor program Committee members felt that such an undertaking would require their review In view of the extent of involvement of the Committee in working with the present provider competitive bidding would represent a change in policy Steve said that it was his understanding such a procedure was purely administrative and in line with carrying out the intent of the Town Manager He will seek direction from the Town Manager 3 Bill Blout presented a preliminary proposal for school-based counseling calling for additional staffing Present staffing amounts to 4 5 FTEs ' with 1 5 FTEs ' doing school-related tasks and 3 0 FTEs ' involved in outreach and community eduation 5 5 FTEs ' are proposed for a school based program that require 35% (1 9FTEs) of staffing doing school-related tasks with some diminution of emphasis in the future in the areas of outreach and drop-in Bill said further that it was the intention of RePlace to operate as a parallel system, not as agents of the school system and yet work collaboratively with guidance counselors and others as part of a network while providing consultation and support to the teachers The proposal, at this point, was seen as a first step since the proportions of prevention and intervention depended on use of volunteers , existence of a life skills program, etc U Minutes , Human Services Committee Page 2 n Suzanne Larsen said that RePlace was interested in responding to Dr Geiger' s interest in having RePlace involved in the schools RePlace was cautioned by the Committee not to end up simply maintaining the status quo by replacing the present social worker who is leaving Bobby Black said that she was eager to work together with the Human Services Committee in order to reach the goal of prevention 4 Harvey presented the need for the Town to do more in relation to special needs recreation a Programs are lacking for children under the age of 15 b Most of the existing activities are originated by other towns with priority given to residents of other towns c Structure is fee-based thereby possibly C ) eliminating some who would use the program d There is a lack of active staffing The concept of special needs as far as the Recreation Department is concerned seems to include the mentally ill, the aphasic, the cognitively impaired, the physically handicapped, the blind and the deaf Programs may not fit the needs , however, of all of these categories It was agreed to adopt a "win-win" , rather than an adversarial, strategy Thus , the Committee would begin by inviting professionals in the school system related to special needs, i e , Debby Packard Subsequently there could be a meeting with the Recreation Committee, a separate meeting with the parents, contact with Hayden Recreation Centre and then a forum following constituency building in order to create an awareness of need for special need programming as opposed to emphasis on physical structures The adoption of the Collaborative idea was seen as a positive step forward for the Town U Minutes , Human Services Committee Page 3 n 5 The Committee discussed options available now that position papers have been written by Dave Wilson for the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Referrals and by Bob Pressman and Lee Feeney with respect to drug and alcohol procedures in the school system Bob and Renee had met with Jacquie Smith who indicated the interest of the Selectmen to consider the point of view of the Human Services Committee Bob and Renee had expressed the desire to communicate to the School Committee the importance of positively approaching students ' problems A whole continuum of positive interventions should be considered "the school should be an agent for kids , not just a disciplinarian" Steve strongly advised the Committee to adopt a positive stance which would generally accpet the disciplinary procedures for overt use of drugs while advocating a strong emphasis on treatment and prevention "the policy doesn' t go far enough" Renee presented her ideas for a forum that would seek to separate myths from facts and urge supporting young people with joint sponsorship of the School Department, the Board of Health and the Lexington Youth Commission Dick suggested giving comments to the School Committee while announcing the forum This led to a discussion of the need for planning before presenting Specifics needed to be resolved date, place, names of people who can participate Harvey reminded the Committee that the needs assessment forum was done on June 19 It was agreed to send Lee ' s document to the Selectmen and the School Committee with a cover letter Respectfully Submitted, GivyStephen Baran U