HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-13-HSC-min.pdf Minutes, Human Services Committee 2/1 /89 } | �� Fresent Renee Cochin, Co-Chairman; Robert Cushman Co-Chairman Seymour Mandel Beth i: larman; Harvey Lowell ; Ann Irving; Leonora Feeney; and Steve Baran, Human Ser ices Loordinator � l The Minutes of the meeting of 2/ ka~Were corrected as follows item 7 Lee Feeney saw this initiati 'e in terms of the Superintendent and | own Manager haying made a proposal with the Human Services Committee being drawn in later" change Lee thought communication had been more .olid betwen the Superintendent and the Town Manager than between thP Town Manager and the Human Services Committee item 4 Renee cited a need fur demographics and resources, possibly in the form of a data gathering team from a chool of social work " /� \_ '\ change Resources should not be seen as limited to a team from a school of social work The Committee was saddened at the death uf Dick Dougherty -rather Lee reported on substance abuse guidelines and Froc2dure^ Dave Wilson, who was praised for his skill at leading the discussions, wanted comments bv n/17 The ne t meeting of the School Committee was on 2/28, and it was desirable for the Committee to submit a minority report Bob Pressman was likely to file a separate report of his own Lee felt the guidelines in their draft form needed to clarify drug-related behaviors Material on what should be done in the ase of severe problems (see page 4 of guideline) reated the aura oF a witchhunt The school s r' sponsibj \ ity for preventi 'e responi.es were not delineated Psychosocial problems were not clearly differentiated from forbidden or illegal acti ity The Building Administrators re` pon�ihi ] if � r 1- r Fl rar act cn `s opposed to the Team respuns,hilj +v was not meth= clear sinre fhp` Team should not have a disriplinary role Disciplinary action had been unnrecessarily added to item lv column 1 pertaining to what should be done when a student confides a problem Easentially, the approach attempted to bring ^ » Minutes, Human Servires Committee Page 2 /~ \ ( ' together treatment and corrections when this was not appropriate as in the Lase of a teacher s obligation upon seeing a student purchasing drugs as opposed to responding to a student who appeared to be into irated Harvey thought the procedures were too rigid, that the net being thrown out was too wide so that essentially the same approach was applied to students suspected of being under the influence as opposed to students found to be under the influence Epulsion on a third offense seemed unduly harsh Use of the Team in line 71 column 7 to "consider processing a 91Ao seemed inappropriate since itzi members might not be equipped to alway^ know what was abuse and/or neglect The psychology of the Team might aLt to further lien*te +ho``e parents who were '/from the wrong side of the tra' kso Steve aid that the mandate of the Substance Abuse Committee had been to deal with treatment and referrals of students found to ha 'e a problem with substance abuse whereas the Human Servires Committee was dealing with a number of other issues Furthermorev he objected to Lee s characterization / of the Substance Abuse Committee as\ \ having a single `— / perspective Lee agreed that the Committee did represent many points of view Harvey objected to Lee s characterization of the response to be made by the Human Services Committee as a minority report It was agreed that a subcommittee would meet with Lee to prepare input to David Wilson s draft and request that no final action be taken pending more work that had to be done on a preventive, educational approach and appropriate intervention If, however, these recommendations could not become a part of the report, then the Committee should prepare Lomments to go to the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee advising that a longer range analysis should be carried out Renee noted that policy, as opposed to procedures, had 'et to be addressed 4 Following a meeting with Rick White and Deborah Radway and the Committee on 2/6, Renee and Bob had met with Rick White indicating that the earlier discussion in the Human Services committee was incomplete Rick said- he recogni ed the C-Immittee s rroudinn+inj funrtionv said he had *n Artivist �tance tow4i'd human `e' i �e= and viewed the Committe as having onsiderable e pertise to contribute supplementing that of the Human \/ ` Services Coordinator Renee said that she had a ~^/ positive feeling coming out of the meeting and that Minute , Human Services Committee Fage ` ( �� the" had identified =imilar concerns The ne t 'ear s review of the Council on Aging would be conducted in a different manner Renee felt that Rick had minimized the problems invol 'ed in having reports submitted to the SeleLtmen by both the COA and the Human Services Committee, said that she would discuss this further with Lec McSweeney Har 'ey said that he was 'er concerned by the treatment that the Town Manager had recei `ed from certain members of the Committee, felt it had not been appropriate or politically sound The Committee had attributed to him motives he did not have, accusing him of collusion Renee felt there needed to be ensiti ity in dealing with others and that in raising i SURF the interests of the Committee should Le onsidered Lee =aid that the Town Manager should ha 'e had repr� `entatives -From the Human Services Committee on the original Substance Abuse Committee and took e ceptinn to his having =Laid that the Committee was not in ontrol 5 Steve reported on the process to create a community / \ residence for 12 chronically mentally ill residents at \ ' `- 196: Mas Ave He had prevailed upon Mary Lou Sudders to work further with the neighbors before appearing before the Selectmen, and Rick White had offered to make the Town Office Building available as a place where they could meet Steve Doran will chair a meeting vith the neighbor= It was agreed to invite Mar} Lou Sudders to the ne t meeting of the Committee Renee had talked with Stan Finkelstein of the Board of Health and informed the Committee of their March forum on AIDS 7 It was agreed that for the ne t meeting of the Committee Steve should invite Richard Segal , MSW, a social worker in the Medway public schools and formerly the coordinator of school based counseling at Boston Technical High School for Farents and Children s Ser, ices in Bostonv to serve as a consultant on school-based counseling models The Superintendent of Schools and his Director of Ruidance were welcome to attend if they would agree to listen to the models and not offer the model they favored at this p rtirular meeting 8 Special needs recreation will be placed on the agenda- for the nr t meeting of the Committee ( / Steve Baran