HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-23-HSC-min.pdf I1irl,i_il:e: . ,- F.lumE0n .seer'• .r,. se o.9TMi.ttfA..A. 1(n.7.1 Y. Present Renee C,ochi.n, Co—Chairman; Seymour Mandel Be: th F: l ar'•mr'an; Harvey Lowell. ; Sheila Martini Arine :ir log (pr ,ent; r.:lurin3 interview) :and iterphen bar 'an, Human Services Coordinator 1. Minutes of last meEtirn were corrected for item 4 addition- to and departures from the ;-,snior Health Monitor p-r-c:)tir am resulted in a drop in c. e•rlsurP, Town Manager ;hc-rulr.:I be referred to I: y his name and not by I hi title :a:i.nce other per ,on referred to in tali item are referred to by name and not title Arnie Jrainil, candidate for the Human Services Committee, waa• inter ieweed I: Committee members Her trorvj baark .gr•ounc:l in httmari service ., and trai.ninL1 in manAgement were noted It was decided to recommend to the Board if Selectmen that The? become a member of the Committee ' Renee Cochin and S_trth F: 1. 'au-marl will meet with Linda Crew t•'i.ne, Council on Aging Director , on Februtar 1 I't will be wc.t.i :,It-•:,t :1 that a BC.)itrd member be present Budget •f i sure. r.r..•r.'en l;1. stJbm.i.tted by the (,ounc i :1. on Aging were reviwee:l by the Committee, but; it did not vet; fully show r..oc: ts ,reccorr.:l: to separate, programs C ) p'articrularl with re..psct to allocation 0+ ac:lmini trative c 1. t It was decided to disc-us the (..ocmni.tteer int:e:'reF t in having a l-roF:lr ,am budget ,ui:amit:'t',ec1 in this format when reporting to the So 1et.. 't:men 4 Petit i 1armarl reported can that portion of the CCounci. l. on Aging board rnra•e: 't.i.rl.: pertaining to the Senior Health Monitor program budget The budget was -ac.. eptec:l with little d:i. •c-t-ts.:a:ion `" The human •er icse budget wi. l. l be re iewed by the Selectmen on Nlonc:la , February it 8 ..fl The Committee tom: e: :c: cent:ic 'l to the ruts in the CNIARr -:trcl Cooperative Elder - e+r if-s budget This matter will be t; .ken tip I with i. 'c. hlcFwee,rri.• , Selectmen 1i.<:a:i.!:r.:rrl and with RickJ Whits, the Town Ni:aneageer a In the i.nt areect of improving communication Renee i..cic-hi.n will br:, in touch with :Stan Feria lste :in, Ci'ia:i.r-man of the Board of Health r:L to the appropr'-iatene: of a ;joint; meeting Ste ,e Baran commented pc:5<.:: a.';i.va=7. on new trcac. hare set up for Town t: :t++ far th.i pttrpo,.e including department heads from Recreation, Fro•arci of Health Council. on Asgirr:a, anc::I F-Inman 3ee-•r :ic-e< 1 Human ';er icp <,ommittee MinuteF l /2' /89 page (Th / It w�.; ie reed to meet with Pik White and Debby Fadwa' on Monday, Fel:: ruar6 at: -7 F m to di u. s, human services agenda � Fte"P us `ed the advantage cf a `chool •ed rouo.,cling model It was, agreed that thwould be furthpr di `c .ed during the coming rpary and the L.ummitt `e would seek to ma�� recommendations dur ng the .ar regarding whaindr o4 youth `er ires were needed b the Town Rte 'tss. bar an / ) � � �