HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-15-REC-min`OV S IWOgN� OQ 1775 1Q a - F $= w 3 a s V APRIL 19, �FXI NGS�� Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Christian Boutwell, Vice Chair Carl Fantasia Lisa O'Brien Claire Sheth Renen Bassik Weiwei Li Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting May 15, 2024 Tel: (781) 698-4800 Fax: (781) 861-2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in person and via Zoom as a hybrid meeting at 6:30pm in Room 237 of the Lexington Community Center. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Christian Boutwell, Renen Bassik, Carl Fantasia, and Weiwei Li Members Not Present: Lisa O'Brien and Claire Sheth Staff Present: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation, Christine Dean, Community Center Director, and Dave Pinsonneault, DPW Director Others Present: Erik Larson (54 Burlington Street, Lexington), Kathleen Lenihan (School Committee liaison), Nelson Ortiz (1021 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington), Bob Pressman (22 Locust Avenue, Lexington), and P.K. Shin (1024 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington) 1. Public Comment —None 2. Meeting Minutes — April Meeting Weiwei Li moved to approve the minutes from the April 23' meeting and Renen Bassik seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 3. LHS Building Project Discussion Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, indicated that this will be a standing item going forward right after the public comment and meeting minutes sections. A series of FAQs that were issued from the LPS Central Office on 5/15/24 are attached to the meeting minutes. A summit with the Select Board, School Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee, Appropriation Committee, and Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22' and members indicated whether or not they would be able to attend. The School Building Committee (SBC) is moving forward with five (5) proposals. Ms. Battite informed the Committee that Michael Dowhan from SMMA is interested in meeting with Dave Pinsonneault (DPW Director), Karen Mullins (Conservation Director), Melissa Battite (Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Rick DeAngelis (Chair of the Recreation Committee), and Christian Boutwell (Vice Chair of the Recreation Committee). The date for this meeting is to be determined and will hopefully take place before the May 22nd summit. A small group including SMMA, Department of Public Facilities (DPF), and the Town Manager met about Article 97, but Ms. Battite did not know the content of that conversation. Christian Boutwell said that he would put together a one-page synopsis of the five building options before the next Committee meeting. The community survey is still open and Mr. Boutwell encouraged everyone to complete it before it closes on May 16t''. Bob Pressman, resident of 22 Locust Avenue, expressed his displeasure that the Committee was not contacted ahead of time before a detailed memo was issued last month and thought that Recreation should have been able to comment on potential building options before they went forward. With the anticipated construction scheduled to last three years and one year to demolish the old high school, Mr. Pressman thought it would be important to find substitute spaces during a long period of time. Rick DeAngelis indicated that he has met with Peter Kelley on a few occasions about the possibility of preserving the fields and operational characteristics of the Center Recreation Complex. Mr. Pressman stated that the dominant factor will be trying to avoid interference with the students who are at LHS during construction and he believed that building on the fields will be favored based on previous discussions. Renen Bassik asked if it would be possible to get a level -service estimate for how much it will cost to maintain the current recreation activity level during construction. Mr. DeAngelis also wondered what the School Committee would think about field replacement for LHS Athletics during construction. A potential alternative would be utilizing the athletic fields at Minuteman High School. Mr. Boutwell noted that the slide deck from the May 13' meeting that highlights the five building options is posted on the SBC website. Kathleen Lenihan, School Committee liaison, provided the Committee with an update. In terms of what the letter for the various options represents, A equals code upgrades, B equals renovation, C equals new, and D equals new/phases. B 1 is the option that was added and would roughly keep the school in the existing footprint and Option Dla would be phased, new construction where nothing old would be left and it would be a fully new school. Ms. Lenihan added that additional floors cannot be added to the existing buildings. The new high school will be built for 2,400 students whereas the current high school was built for 1,800 students. 4. Liaison Report Weiwei Li, liaison to the Lincoln Park Sub -Committee (LPSC), indicated that the LPSC had not met recently. Mr. Li acknowledged Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation, and Brian Kelley, Chair of the LPSC. Mr. Kelley recently fixed a fitness station sign that was down. 5. Appoint member to Community Preservation Committee Christian Boutwell expressed an interest in serving as the liaison to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC). After a brief discussion, Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to appoint Christian Boutwell as the Recreation Committee's representative to the Community Preservation Committee." Renen Bassik seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. Mr. Boutwell indicated that he would happily pass along the responsibilities associated with updating the Recreation Committee's annual report to other members of the Committee. 6. LHS Boosters Soccer Signs — Nelson Ortiz Erik Larson and Nelson Ortiz of the Lexington High School Girls' Soccer Boosters made a presentation and a copy of the presentation slides is attached to the meeting minutes. Mr. Larson said that they are trying to come up with additional revenue and want to create corporate sponsorships. The current Park and Recreational Facilities Policy prohibits signs from being posted with the prior written consent of the Select Board and this request was asking for an exception. The proposal would be for the corporate sponsorships to take the form of 4' x 8' banners that would be displayed and removed after each home game. Lexington -based businesses only catering to youths and their families would be targeted. Mr. Ortiz informed the Committee that the boosters are looking to support three teams and 80 players in the fall. Bungee cords would be used to secure signs to the fencing, the signs would be made of vinyl, and it is anticipated that there will be between 6-10 signs in total. 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421 Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Christian Boutwell expressed that he wanted the terms and conditions to be pretty specific in any potential agreement. The Committee would vote on the proposal and then send its recommendation to the Select Board for their consideration. Melissa Battite acknowledged that this would be the first time dealing with corporate sponsorships and the proponents could come back to the Committee with a sample of the banner before the proposal goes to the Select Board. Mr. Boutwell was in favor of proceeding with baby steps since this would be precedent -setting and thought it would be a good idea for the design to be approved by the Committee. He told Mr. Larson and Mr. Ortiz that specificity will be their friend when interacting with the Select Board. After some discussion, Christian Boutwell made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to support the placement of up to eight, approximately 4x8, vinyl, corporate sponsorship banners at Lincoln Field #2 and/or Center Track Field by the Lexington High School Girls Soccer Boosters for the purpose of fundraising with the following conditions: • final banner design and content, placement location, and method of attachment will require express approval by the Director of Recreation and Community Programs or their designee; • the banners will be placed on fences only; • the banners will be temporary and only in place during LHS Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity, and/or Freshman team soccer games, to be put up immediately prior to the start of the game (or block of games) and removed immediately following the conclusion of the game (or block of games); and • this recommendation will be reviewed by the Recreation Committee annually following the conclusion of the soccer season." Rick DeAngelis seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 7. Recreation Committee Email Correspondence The Recreation Committee email correspondence from the past month is attached to the meeting minutes. Renen Bassik reported that emails were received on such items as a potential basketball partnership, bathrooms at the Center Recreation Complex, temporary lights, swim memberships, and the Lexington Pickleball Club (LPC) May open house. The Center bathroom open at 7:00am and close at dusk daily and they are cleaned by DPF custodians, based on their work schedule. 8. Recreation & Community Programs Report The May Recreation & Community Programs Report is attached to the meeting minutes. Before the meeting ended, members of the Committee acknowledged Lisa O'Brien, whose term will end at the end of the month. Rick DeAngelis stated that Ms. O'Brien did a fantastic job. During her time on Committee, she served as a liaison to the CPC and LPSC and made capital article presentations at Annual Town Meeting. Ms. O'Brien was very committed and willing to learn. She immersed herself in all things recreation and Mr. DeAngelis thanked her for her faithful and unfailing service. Christian Boutwell added that he was really impressed with Ms. O'Brien's pragmatic thinking within the context of the entire community. Great strides have been made in adaptive services and she is leaving behind a great legacy. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 26'h at 6:30pm. The May 15'h, 2024 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8: 40pm. 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421 4 Respectfully submitted, Peter Coleman Assistant Director of Recreation The following documents distributed at the meeting are attached: • Lexington Public Schools Central Office FAQs: 05-15-2024 • Lexington High School Girls' Soccer Program: Corporate Sponsorship Proposal • Recreation Committee Email Correspondence • May 2024 Recreation & Community Programs Report • Memo on the Reservoir 2024 Season • Areas of Impact Map at Lincoln #1/#3 39 MARRETT ROAD, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421