HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-28-HSC-min.pdf 1 Minutes Human Services Committee 11/28/88 Present Renee Cochin, Co-Chairperson Bob Cushman, Co-Chairperson Harvey Lowell Sheila Martin; Beth Klarman Dick Dougherty Phil Geiger; Florence Koplow and Steve Baran Human Services Coordinator 1 The Minutes of 11/7/88 were approved 2 Steve Baran reported that question had been raised at the affordable housing meeting sponsored by Selectmen and Planning Board by Dick Eaton of Emerson Gardens about the final report on equity sharing There may be another meeting of the Equity Sharing Committee Richard Weiss has announced the intention of Community Human Services to sponsor a congegate lodging for 14 chronically mentally ill people at 186 Bedford St The Committee will invite him to discuss this further 3 Dick Dougherty felt that RePlace seemed genuinely interested in becoming better organized They were making progress with the new MassCapp program for the prevention of sexual abuse , had developed a mission statement and were investigating licensure for raising additional revenue More progress needed to be made in developing third party reimbursements and fee for service for counseling Town funds should not be used for this purpose The subcommittee was prepared to consult futher with Replace on reporting requirements and provide technical assistance for program budgeting and accounting Recommendation was for approving budget request of $73 000 RePlace to move in the direction of Town purchasing specific services Sheila Martin and Bob Cushman recommended $11 000 for CMARC noting that they had used a formula to fairly allocate costs by Town The program continued to move as much as possible in the direction of placing clients out of the sheltered workshop into on-site work assignments Two Lexington clients received on-site assignments last year Cost had gone up, particularly for transportation, necessitating higher request Harvey Lowell and Seymour Mandel recommended $3 500 for Cooperative Elder Services social day care and adult day health care for frail elderly The census has remained steady at 22 per year Some concern was registered at the static nature of this caseload over the last five years 4 Phil Geiger explained that the drug memo of understanding was noteworthy in that it gave the police 2 a clear role with the last column meant as a beginning to point the way toward needed services and a more global and preventive policy It allowed the schools to start in September with a clear set of rules In the earlier policy parents were ideally to be notified In the new policy it was mandatory to notify parents Moreover, guidance counselors were to be given no discretion in informing the principal about students ' problems with drugs since the principal could be expected to behave in a professional way The element of professionalism was important to understand since the principal had authority to grant exceptions to the procedures All staff needed to become knowledgeable about drug use and casual involvement with drugs was not to be treated as a trivial matter Police are involved only when a student is found to be in possession of a drug Parents are to be notified when students are observed to be under the influence Steve Baran will be notified of a meeting that has been called for December 7 so that work can be initiated to investigate available drug treatment services To date, those working on the drug policy have visited Straight and have begun educational efforts with the PTA The Life Skills Program has been put into the FY 90 budget at a cost of $22 , 000 with an emphasis on self- esteem and ego development and recognized as an issue for the community churches government and other mental health agencies Committee members expresed concern at the lack of options offered in that portion of the policy that dealt with other than police matters where enforced counseling was mandated an approach which RePlace was not prepared to use Phil explained the importance of giving a clear message to students An enforced model was better than no model and represented a diversion from juvenile court Consideration has been given to requiring parents to participate as well When a student has been suspended from school readmission should be on terms set by the school K' 3 The outcomes of the new approach to drugs were 1 clear understanding of the consequences of behavior 2 a non-threatening environment; 3 less sale of drugs on school property; 4 a clear message from the authorities 5 a consistent approach with respect to referrals to outside agencies and avoidance of conflict of interest; 6 total involvement of faculty and staff Phil said further that the guidance counselors were not prepared to do deep psychological counseling and had not offered to work after school and at other hours when it would be necessary for them to be available to students He was in favor of school-based counseling, funded from outside the schools to be carried on by an outside social agency either at the high school or at Hayden (office offered by Don Mahoney) and not in conflict with career counseling The present outreach model offered by RePlace involved no office and no hours and was value-free in the sense that students were only informed about the effects of drugs Dick Dougherty advised considering use of present RePlace full-time outreach position for a school-based. counseling program which could be complemented by the use of peer counselors Phil was also in favor of a recreational place where students could go on Friday and Saturday evenings with separate offerings for older and younger students In ending, Phil Geiger expressed his desire to proceed on equal terms with the Human Services Committee and have a symbiotic relationship Respectfully Submitted, C fir IL)) Stephen Baran Human Services Coordinator