HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-08-HSC-min.pdf Minutes Human Services Committee 8/8/88 Present Harvey Lowell Chairman; Bob Cushman, Co- Chairman; Renee Cochin; Marion Shepp Sylvia Perlman; Leonora Zola Seymour Mandel and Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator Minutes The Minutes of 7/18/88 were approved Membership list Bob Cushman' s term of office ends in 1989 and not in 1988 as shown on the list Correction will be made and addresses and telephone numbers added after which the list will be redistributed Senior Health Monitor report Renee reported on the Senior Health Monitor subcommittee which has been reconvened She had the sense that the subcommittee would accomplish its planning task and viewed Barbara Rubin a new member from the Council on Aging Board as positive and pragmatic Renee was not yet sure whether everything could be accomplished by September 30th as requested by the Town Manager The Committee has begun discussing criteria for admission as well as what the case manager would do and was about to review a joint assessment tool developed over the past three years by Linda Crew Vine and others The job description for case manager called for a B A degree , and Renee had hoped for someone with more credentials On the other hand, there would be regular case conferences so that the COA case manager could benefit from other more experienced participants Terry Gent had assured Bob Cushman that the Council on Aging would pay for all of the costs of the program It was not clear what this meant Steve will inquire Letter to Seymour Mandel from Tony Morton of RePlace Seymour was surprised at the tone and omissions of letter from RePlace on the subject of fund raising and Seymour ' s decision to no longer assist RePlace in its fund raising efforts It was noted that Seymour had not at any time received a very complete communication about RePlace fund raising efforts The Committee decided not to pursue the matter of the letter with RePlace Candidates for the Human Services Committee Steve reported that Connie Sprauer remained interested in joining the Committee, but her schedule in the fall might not permit her to participate Harvey Lowell reported that Dick Dougherty would very much like to join the Committee while Leonora Zola mentioned that Suzanne Larsen a psychologist practicing in Lexington was interested Renee will ask Suzanne Larsen to send a letter or resume Steve made available resumes obtained from the Town s Talent Bank The information on the whole was not of recent vintage and included names of candidates who had been considered but not accepted for the Committee It was agreed that it would not be appropriate to contact these people again A discussion followed as to whether there should be outreach for candidates through the Minute-man and the Selectmen, what kind of screening should take place , what criteria were appropriate for reviewing candidates and who should conduct such a review There was hesitation about conducting a vigorous outreach as had been done previously in the life of the Committee since this had led to disappointing some candidates who became involved in an interview process only to be ultimately rejected without necessarily being followed up by the Town in an effort to find some other suitable volunteer position If there were outreach to citizens not already known to someone on the Committee then there inevitably had to be some kind of screening so as to avoid prematurely bringing on someone not prepared to deal with the kinds of human problems that confronted the Committee While there was general agreement that candidates with a professional background, particularly in human services , and/or financial expertise were desirable there was less than full agreement as to the desirability of readily accepting candidates with no background in human services , albeit having an interest in providing volunteer service for the Town Should generalists be welcomed along with candidates having a specialized kind of expertise? The question was raised as to whether advocates for certain consitutencies (minorities the handicapped, youth elderly, the mentally ill, and the economically disadvantaged) belonged on the Committtee if various Town bodies were already constituted with the capacity or potential to carry on such advocacy Would a member of a constituent group be overly inclined to advocate for that group as opposed to considering the public interest? On the other hand, was it conceivable that a member of a constituent group might help the Committe reach a greater understanding of what that group ' s needs might be? Since the Committee had been constitutedto advise the Selectmen, Renee Cochin and Bob Cushman were asked to discuss the matter with them and determine what might be their pleasure in light of the Committee ' s charge The next meeting of the Human Services Committee will take place on August 29 with agenda items including planning for a party new members , and "agenda" items Steve distributed a revised list of agenda items some of which could become the Committee ' s activities in the coming year Respectfully Submitted Stephen Baran Human Services Committee August _5 1988 Robert M Cushman Co-Chairman _3 Smith Ave ,w) 725-1400 (h) 862-0521 (1989) Harvey Lowell Co-Chairman 47 Wachusett Dr ( w) 1-7"4-0774 (h) 862-L976 _988 ) ?enee Cochin 7 Partridge Rd w) 348-5617 (h) 862-9309 ( 1989) Janet W Eustis -5 Potter Rd (wi 727-0900 , x443 h) 361-7984 ( 1988 ) Seymour `?andel 7 Stedman Pd (h) 862-7830 (989 ) Sheila D Martin, 29 Dewey Rd (w) 232-2858 (h) 862-6723 (1990 ) Sylvia Perlman 0 Minola Rd (w) 732-4034 (h) 861-6075 ( 1988) 'anion G Shepp 68 Shade St (h) 862-8642 (1990) Leonora Zola 4 Moon Hili. Rd (w) 727-9550 :6689 :) 362-8495 ;_990) All terms of office are for three years and expire on September 30