HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-03-22-HSC-min.pdf Human Services Committee Minutes March 22 , 1988 Present Robert Cushman, Co-Chairman; Leonora Feeney; Renee Cochin; Seymour Mandel; Jan Eustis ; Marion Shepp ; Stephen Baran , Human Services Coordinator Minutes of 3/ 7 The Minutes of 3/ 7 were approved with one addition transportation remains on the agenda of the Human Services Committee , specifically coordinating Lexpress with FISH and Share-a-Ride , along with special needs recreation Equity Sharing Forum Bob Cushman reported that a final report had been submitted by Abt Associates Due to a computer error, the final preferred option is less attractive than the final option had appeared in draft form, but basically the investment remained feasible with a less attractive 13% rate of return causing more emphasis needing to be put on theinvestment as sound from the point of view of social motivation Another consequence is to make corporate involvement appear more necessary While involving a much larger ( number of investors remains a possibility, this option had not been so thoroughly explored by Abt due to the amount of the bond issue necessary and the small amount of community interest at this point in time This led to a discussion of political feasibility with a sense in the committee that an important indicator would be the reaction to the forum It seemed as if equity sharing should stimulate interest and debate because there were so few alternatives in affordable housing notably school conversion and the donation of town land Any donation of town land could not inclade a guarantee that the land would only go to Lexington residents It was agreed that there should be an c _fort to attract pertinent constituencies , e g , the Selectmen , Planning Board, residents of Emerson Gardens and housing board wh le obtaining Globecoverage It was further agreed that the Committee should attempt to bring in as keynote speakers Howard ( "Jim") Brown, Director of the Joint Center of Housing Studies ( connected with the Joint Center for Urban Studies) and Amy Anthony , Director of the Executive Office of Communities and Development Steve will explore with EOCD representative whether date for forum was open on Ms Anthony ' s calendar The date agreed upon was Thursday , May 12 , possibly from 5 30 p m to 7 p m with Clarke Junior High School or the Estabrooke School as possible meeting sites Town Meeting members would also be invited Bob Cushman will discuss with Paul Marshall logistics for a Human Services Committee , March 22 , 1988, p 2 K, separate presentation of the study to the Selectmen recognizing that Abt was committed to coming out for one day only to make one or more presentations but could not come out on two separate days and that it was preferable for Abt to make their presentation at the forum Replace There was agreement that RePlace should be viewed as an "alternative" kind of program, that a contract should not dictate the kinds of clinical decisions that would be made nor were the objectives of the Town Manager relating mainstreaming of Replace clients necessarily desirable Each program should be defined as well as the unit of service for each program and how many staff are assigned to each program Qualifications should be shown as well as the kind of professional supervision available while United Way reporting requirements with respect to numbers of minorities among board staff and clients should be used on an annual basis Special Needs Housing Committee Marion Shepp said that the Committee for Special Needs Housing was about to hire a consultant who was prepared to assist them in writing a proposal which would be sponsored by LexHab It was possible to apply for the Executive Office of Communities and Development Housing Innovations Fund Wood Street property consisting of an eight-bedroom house and adjoining structure which would lend itself well for staffing was at present available Enablement Committee Steve Baran announced that the Enablement Committee which is a subcommittee of the Human Services Committee will be seeking to become a separate Selectmen ' s advisory committee after Town Meeting A statement was being prepared explaining their rationale Marion Shepp expressed the belief that the Enablement Committee should be made part of a larger committee concerned with all kinds of special needs Respectfully Submitted, Stephen Baran, Human Services Coordinator