HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-03-HSC-min.pdf Human Services Committee Minutes August 3, 1987 Present. Harvey Lowell, Chairman; Seymour Mandel; Bob Cushman; Sylvia Perlman; Marion Shepp; Leonora Feeney; and Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator Correction of Minutes Included in the Minutes of the last meeting on July 6 was a report to the Selectmen on the Mystic Valley Partnership dated July 8 On page 2 of the report, line 5 Patsy Kline of the Arlington Youth Consultation Center is referenced. The name should be Patsy Kraemer Letter to State Advisory Council Leonora Feeney reminded the Committee that a letter was to be sent to the State Advisory Council advising it of the importance attached by the Hu- man Services Con-mitts to services to children and accessibility Steve agreed to draft a letter, and Leonora was asked to contribute Update on Partnership Harvey Lowell said that he had been approached by Kitty McGraw representing the Mystic Valley partnership clinicians in the interest of maintaining Lexington-based clinical services, particularly since this would permit continuing referrals by the school system. It was noted by Committee members that the school could refer to IePlace (although RePlace does not have a license permitting third party reimbursement) The clinicans were hoping that Lexington might contribute monies to pay rent at Mystic Valley on Bedford Street. As it stands now Mystic Valley Mental Health Association will be renting space in Arlington and Burlington but not in Lexington. Steve was asked to update the Committee regarding Mystic Valley Mental Health Association's transition plan, what kinds of services they intend to provide in Lexington, whether outpatient and fee for service activity would be continued and what uses of space were planned. Equity Sharing Feasibility Study Bob Cushman was asked to explain various aspects of his proposal and the purposes of the feasibility study 'A work plan drafted by Steve Baran was reviewed. Looking toward eventual implementation the Committee agreed that it would be adviseable to broaden the involvement of the Town in the study by inviting on to the review Lcommittee representatives of Town bodies, largely those with a concern about housing, and agreed to recruit such members from LexHab, Lexington Housing Authority, etc The Committee also agreed that persons with expertise on housing should be recruited to the review committee, that Bob Cushman Human Services Committee Minutes, August 3, 1987, page 2 should recruit interested securities firms, that Steve Baran should also seek recommendations for securities fines through the Town and seek agreement from Susan Adler that the course being pursued with respect to an advisory committee was correct. It was further agreed that recommendations of the advisory/review committee would be submitted to the Human Services Committee which had responsibility for the proposal. It was understood that the Town had final legal responsibility in executing agreements, executing the RFP procedure and other procedures in legal and acceptable ways REP for Services to Frail Elderly The Committee reviewed a request for proposal to provide visiting nursing combined with case management for frail elderly living in Lexington, such services to be integrated with other services to the elderly The program would put a system in place during the FY '89 year while acting to determine extent of need for services Steve Baran noted that he had worked closely with Linda Crew Vine in developing the REP and had some influence on accelerating a trend already taking place within the Council on Aging planning to the effect of giving more emphasis to skilled intervention to frail elderly in their awn homes as opposed to viewing such services as a form of marketing and outreach with the intentsolely of bringing people in to use the services at the Council on Aging site. At this point Steve was recommending that the REP initiative become transformed into an identifiable program of services to the frailelderly, and it was agreed by the Committee that such a program might be in order providing the funding and services could be clearly identified and tracked. It was hoped that such a program might embrace visiting to frail elderly now carried on through a Board of Health contract (although there was some doubt as to the extent of visiting going on at this time) See attachment showing diagram submitted by Linda Crew Vine (with attachments) depicting an integrated system of services Stan Finkelstein of the Board of Health and Linda Crew Vine will be invited to attend the next meeting of the Human Services Committee Next meting of the Human Services Committee The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Monday, August 17 At that time, along with dealing with agenda articles, scheduling of meetings for the coming year will be discussed. L Suggested Agenda Meeting of Human Services Committee Monday, September 14 at 8 p.m. in Room 111 1. Minutes of meeting of August 17, 1987 2 Equity sharing 3 Services to frail elderly Attachments 1 Minutes of 8/17 2 Equity sharing RFP (for those absent on 8/17)