HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-08-COA-min.pdf MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 8TH, 1987, C 0 A BOARD MEETING - Page 1 MEMBERS PRESENT Terry Gent, Dorothy Boggia, Wendell Benway, - Kevin Grimes, Ed Grant, Louis Tropeano, George Doughty, Connie Foster, Ruth Butler STAFF Linda Vine OTHERS PRESENT Jack Eddison, Mary Brock ABSENT Barbara Rubin The meeting was called to order by Terry Gent He distributed a memo on the Accessory Apartment Partnership and how we could proceed with step two of the Partnership He asked the members to review the proposal and that it would be discussed at the January meeting He also stated that the Senior Health Monitor Program would require lengthy discussion and encouraged members to limit their comments to twenty (20) minutes The Minutes of the November Meeting were accepted as presented REVIEW OF MONITORING TOOL presented by Wendell Benway This tool is to be completed yearly by the Senior Citizens Club The intent of the tool is to keep better fiscal and programmatic statistics by the Council Louis Tropeano felt the tool would be easily completed by the Club The C 0 A asked that a report be given for this year Motion to adopt the usage of the monitoring tool was accepted by the Board SENIOR HEALTH MONITOR REVIEW A Review of the sub-committee's report was given by Ruth Butler and Terry Gent A copy of the reply from Harvey Lowell , Co-chairperson of the Human ServicesCommittee was distributed Wendell Benway expressed his feelings that this was a most important challenge faced by the C 0 A He felt that we should not be afraid to venture forth, the money should not be a concern Dorothy Boggia felt we needed additional time to examine the proposal as presented She felt if we assume responsibility for the program we do not want to fail, but must be prepared to do it well Ruth Butler expressed her desire to see Minuteman Home Care Corporation become involved in the case management segment of the proposal She felt that a better system of coordination among the agencies was desireable, and to avoid duplication of service Terry Gent expressed his concern over the various budget sources and would like further detail on what the Senior Health Monitor actually does He stated he was in favor of the program but not without further explanation and exploration as to how the program is worked, what are the goals, and how do we measure the results? Linda Vine- expressed her hesitation to continue to provide assistance to the Human ServicesCommittee in light of the misunderstanding She encourages direct communication between the two groups ( Ed Grant questioned what our role was to be Were they asking us for a deadline, sponsorship or what? He concludes that they evidently took the view that we were not prepared to do anything F December 8th C 0 A Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 Jack Eddison noted that the November 27th memo to Human Services was merely comments from the sub-committee and not a statement reviewed and voted upon by the Board He also mentioned that as far as liability was concerned he felt that any claims against the C 0 A would be backed up by the Town Terry Gent disputed this matter and claimed that liabiry was something that had to be spelled out clearly and resolved, else he as a businessman would be compelled to resign as he could not afford to jeopardize his own business Jack referred to Point 3 regarding funding If a good case were made to the Town there should be no problem The Town would find a means to provide necessary funding for use by such an important group If the future funding seemed unclear, he suggests that the prospective treasurer of the group should approach the Town Manager for a clear cut plan and he felt certain that backup funds would be provided He also stated that the added cost for additional staff brought on by the increased responsi- bilities on the C 0 A would be recognized by the Town, if properly presented He defined the wording of the responsibilities of the C 0 A as stated in Article 30 of the Town By-laws as "The Council on Aging - There shall be a Council on Aging for the purpose of coordinating or carrying out programs designed to meet the problems of the aging, in coordination with the Dept of Elder Affairs " He believes that this program should be handled by The C 0 A and that there is a need for a lot more discussion and interrelation between the Human Services, and other groups to figure out how to do it right He further explained the role of the Human Services Committee in the Town They examine and review requests for help or funds from the Town and they make recommendations to the Selectmen, who do not have the time or the knowledge of each project to make proper decisions A motion was made that the C 0 A move ahead on the Senior Health Monitoring Program Motion seconded and accepted A second motion was made that a sub-committee, consisting of Terry Gent, Ruth Butler, Dottie Boggia and Ruth Butler be appointed along with Linda Vine, to schedule a meeting with a sub-committee of Human Services to develop and record the details of that activity with the intent that we are going to move ahead to support a mutually acceptable Senior Health Monitoring Program The sub-committee will then report back to the Board at the January meeting as to the direction to be agreed upon and resolved at the February meeting Motion seconded and accepted DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Linda Vine presented a proposal to implement a Podiatry Screening Clinic at the Center (Please refer to handout) Linda developed Procedural Policy for C 0 A Trips and Inclement Weather Both policies were distributed to members - Information was given out on the status of the F C 0 A A recent audit review indicated records were in order, (refer to letter from Ralph Hill, C P A ) - A Library Book Sale Report was received as well as an update on the Meals on Wheels Program The Director ' s Report was accepted as presented George Doughty asked the Board to consider sponsoring a Life Line for in- dividuals in need The members agreed to look at this idea and make recommendations to the F C 0 A Meeting adjourned at 6 10 p m Respectfully submitted )11 _