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NEXT MEETING OF HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE WITH MYSTIC VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION BOARD AND STAFF JUNE 15 (Monday) at 8 P M IN ROOM G 15 MEETING ON RFPs ' SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 22 at 8 P M IN RM G 15 Minutes , Human Services Committee , June 1 , 1987 Present Harvey Lowell, Chairman; Seymour Mandel; Sheila Martin ; Jan Eustis ; Sylvia Perlman; Marion Shepp; Renee Cochin ; Leonora Feeney Robert Cole , Area Director, Mass Department of Mental Health; Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator Robert Cole was asked to explain events leading up to dissolution of the Department of Mental Health Partnership Agreement with the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association and his appreciation of mental health planning for future services to Lexington residents REPORT Dr Cole has been in office since January, had been asked to take the position prior to the death of his predecessor in the position , Ernie Cook , but after Ernie Cook had his heart attack He began by under- taking a systemic review even though there were policy issues that had not been decided A two-day session was held with consultants and program directors A report was issued containing the reactions of the program directors to the report during the first week in March Dr Cole agreed to send a copy of the report and asked for permission to return to the Committee in the company of Connie Dineen , Lexington area board representative , to specifically discuss the report WITHDRAWAL OF MYSTIC VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION FROM THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT A few days after the report was issued MVMHA sent Dr Cole a letter requesting a "workable partnership agreement" Dr Cole failed to understand what was involved since the letter seemed to treat the relationship with the State as if a contract had been drawn up around a specific program whereas the nature of the partnership agreement was different involving 30 paid positions Dr Cole clarified that revenues obtained from services of partnership clinicians were used to buy property , pay overhead and pay non-State clinicians in ways stipulated by the State The State Area Director delegated responsi- bilities to the MVMHA Director While it is possible for the Clinic to bill Medicaid,the kinds of patients that the Commonwealth deems in need of priority treatment tend to be basically indigent and with no third party insurance While attempts were made to negotiate around MVMHAs ' concern , it was soon apparent to Dr Cole that the negotiations might not have a successful outcome from his point of view and that it would be necessary to choose bidders for the partnership clinic agreement Mystic Valleythen was asked to Y present a plan along with Community Partnerships Corporation and the Center for Mental Health and Re- tardation Services (Met-Beaverbrook) in Watertown Three DMH area directors were brought in to make the selection , and the Center for Mental Health , Paul Coty, Director, was awarded the contract Minutes of Human Services Committee , 6/1/87 , p 2 PREVIOUS PROBLEMS WITH SERVICES PROVIDED BY MVMHA MVMHA has had relationship problems with the Area office and elsewhere The Lexington school system Special Ed program has not made referrals over the years The DSS Area Director reported that of 26 children hospitalized in the last year nonehad been seen by MVMHA MVMHA had a problem in responding to mental health crises DMH MANDATE The major issue , commented Dr Cole , the DMH mandatewhich is to serve those with major mental illnesses including a generation of younger chronically mentally ill adults who have never been hospitalized The needs of this population have been increasingly well represented by the Alliance for the Mentally ill It is estimated that there are between 150 and 275 chronically mentally ill adults in the local cachment area This population as well as severely disabled children who have been overlooked 1y many mental health clinics will be prioritized in the furture with special reference to devising housing programs allowing them to continue in their own communities Waiting lists of severely disabled children and young adults who have turned 22 and awaiting housing is a problem waiting to be addressed ORGANIZATION OF SERVICES Dr Cole said, "We hope to meet the general need without turning anyone away , but the priority will be on children with major disa- bilities " This comment was made within the context of a discussion on how clients will be served in the future and the future dis- position of services We can look forward to clinicians who had exclusively been using psychotherapy to make a transition into prevocational , day activity and clubhouse programs The philosophy governing how services would be organized is that of the Balanced Service System and Community Support System DMH administrative oversight organization had yet to be worked out , and it remained to be seen whether the three area boards for the Concord, Mystic Vally and Metropolitan Beaverbrook areas would remain intact, but every effort would be made to encourage local participa- tion for each of the eighteen towns in these areas Joan Macula, Director of Department of Mental Health Services to Adolescents and Children,would continue to be concerned about the "heavy end of child guidance" , but there was a possibility of more reorganization going on beyond the split between DMH an$ DMR with respect to children through an integration of services to children now being provided by the separate agencies DMH , DYS , DSS , OFC and DPH At the case level we can look forward to a heavy emphasis on case management (6 case managers are currently being hired for Mystic Valley) with responsibility for counting cases , writing ISPs , tracking, inputting computerized data with a combination of cliniclfan j 4.- amcl therapeutic functions Respectfully Submitted, Stephen Baran--