HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-05-HSC-min.pdf NEXT MEETING Tuesday, May 5 at 8 p m H Y/1 6 Minutes, Human Services Committee, 4/23/87 CPresent Harvey Lowell, Chairman; Sylvia Perlman; Bob Cushman; Marion Shepp; Renee Cochin; Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator 1 The Minutes of the meeting of April 9 , 1987 were approved 2 Marion announced that there was considerable participation in a new committee being formed to address special needs housing The committee leaders had decided to restrict their focus to needs of highly functioning mentally ill and retarded, and a discussion with Chuck Howard, a developer interested in equity sharing,had dealt with such concepts as shared staff and continuum of care Committee members questioned restricting group to only higher functioning noting that people with special needs would not have to live together; the group was laying itself open to charges of discrimination while spending public funds; mental retardation activists were wedded to normalization approaches; and restrictiveness ran counter to desires for inclusiveness previously expressed as being relevant for the Enablement Committee 3 Renee reported that Town Meeting had approached the 21/2 limit There will be reconsideration of such items as the stabilization fund and public works in a special Town Meeting to be held on May 11. At that time there will be a reconsideration of the operating budget 3 Committee agreed that cost reporting should become a part of FY ' 88 contracts along with some language alerting recipients of funding that future funding was contingent upon submitting reports This was in view of announcement that VNCH and Replace had submitted no reports during this fiscal year 4 With announcement that a Senior Aide had been secured to work with VNCH under CoA supervision it was agreed to have a meeting in June to discuss FY ' 89 RFP planning in relation to compre- hensive services to the elderly Jayne Tapia, VNCH Director; Linda Crew Vine , Director of the Council on Aging; and Garry Davis, Case Manager, Minuteman Home Care Corporation will be invited VNCH funding for the remainder of this fiscal year in the amount of $7, 000 has been secured from the Town 5 At special town meeting advocates for Emerson Gardens will seek permission to delay eviction for single families and those of moderate income This will require a two-thirds vote of Town Meeting and the approval of the Attorney General Harvey Lowell and Bob Cushman are following developments at Emerson Gardens 6, The Committee agreed to accept responsibility for the equity sharing concept which has been shared with the Selectmen and Emerson Gardens tenants and other interested parties It was agreed that the Committee would sponsor a forum on housing alternatives Steve is submitting a proposal to seek funding to do a feasibility study of equity sharing Respectfully SAmitted, Stephen Bara4 Human Services Coordinator