HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-10-HSC-min.pdf Minutes, Human Services Committee 11/10/86 Present Marion Shepp, Harvey Lowell, Judy Zabin, Sheila Martin, Sylvia Perlman, Bob ( Cgshman, Leonora Feeney, Steve Baran, Leo McSweeney Selectmen McSweeney Leo McSweeney described a process he had been fostering to encourage communication among groups having an interest in youth and drug use These have included. the Police Department, School Dept , Replace, Youth Commission His beginning suggestions for a response to the problem are as follows Prevention/education. Enforcement Rehabilitation a need for more communication between parents, Replace, and police; b. need for information and referral to be publicized; c review of School policy on smoking area and open campus; d. review of causes for negative stereotyping of Replace among youth and adults e increase School Committee sanction for better communication; f include Youth Commission as a team participant in view of the apparently effective events they are conducting in the schools around drug use prevention g consider ways of stemming the dissemination of liquor from adult purchasers ( youthful buyers; It was agreed that a small meeting would be convened for representatives of pertinent groups on Tuesday, December 9 to be jointly sponsored by Mr McSweeney and the Human Services Committee Participants should include Everyone's Youth Group, Clergy Asso- ciation, School Department, Replace, Youth Commission, PTA Council, Dr Goldman of the Board of Health More particularly, from the School Department Bob Delulio and Goeffrey Pierson should be invited. Candidates for Human Services Committee It was agreed to recommend to the Selectmen Seymour Mandel as a replacement for Stan Finkelstein Renee Cochin will be asked if she would like to join as a replacement for Judy Zabin. Visiting Nurse and Community Health, Inc. Steve Baran and Linda Crew Vine of the Council on Aging have been investigating VNCH, which has submitted a proposal for continued funding Steve's impression is that VNCH is well regarded by agencies which refer to Senior Health Monitor Program, but it needs to make a convincing case around need and effectiveness which it has not yet succeeded in doing Jan Eustis and Harvey Mandel have been assigned to review their request for funding Draft Report to 1986 Annual Report, Town of Lexington Committee members were asked to submit suggestions to Steve Role of Human Services Human Services Committee Minutes, 11/10/86, p 2 Committee in working with Ad Hoc Youth Survey group is not expected to be as close as had earlier been anticipated. FY ' 88 Budget Proposal Steve explained that he had, as had been true for past Coordinator submissions , recommended a 4 1/2% increase for human service agencies This included 4% funding for a number of agencies in order to accomodate a relatively small amount of funding for VNCH and a request for funding of a feasibility study of need for special need housing Everyone's Youth Group was not recommended for funding The Committee decided to review each agency proposal on its own merits, as it had in past years, as opposed to suggesting any kind of ceiling Preliminary Review of Agency Proposals Mystic Valley--Bob Proposal seems well reasoned. Other members asked for reason as to why this year's request was for a walk-in center whereas last year there was a general request for support of the total agency related to relative size of Lexington population It was noted that the data that was submitted had no relation to contract for FY ' 87 Everyone's Youth Group--Sylvia, Marion Request is 2 1/2 times amount of last year Services previously donated are now to be funded. Questions What about funding from other sources? What is being done to work cooperatively with other groups? Replace--Judy & Sylvia Total amount requested for FY ' 88 is $74,136 as opposed to $59,904 appropriated for FY ' 77 A serious cutback in funding is expected. Peer counseling program which had been active for ten years up to two years ago is to be reactivated. Replace has a continuing image problem l CMMARC--Marion Agency has 30% increase in clients--from 10 to 13--in program to be funded and yet Human Services Committee Minutes, 11/10/86, p 3 is requesting only a 6 6% increase Why? Agency made a strong case last year and received backing from the Appropriations Committee Council on Aging--Harvey and Bob They requested $83,000 last year, requesting $99,000 this year with $87,600 as a fall back position Budget request shows goals from last year Need to ask about progress made They wish to develop I & R, expand Senior Center activities in the new building What are they doing to attract new funding? Housing Advisory Committee, Planning Board Harvey received call from Betty Flemming of the Planning Board in re Human Service's Committee housing priority They have prepared a report which Steve will obtain Next Meeting Discussion of budgets and Committee structure (in relation to announced priorities) Respectfully Submitted, 1$1,-1 Stephen Baran, Human Services Coordiantor