October 20, 1986
Present Leonora Feeney, Sylvia Perlman, Sheila Martin, Judy Zabin,
Harvey Lowell, Marion Shepp, Bob Cushman, Jan Eustis, Steve Baran
Minutes were approved.
Steve Baran reported on call from neighbor of a community residence for the
mentally retarded at 3 E.iergreen Lane referred to him by the Town Manager's
office The residence which presently has three mentally retarded men
is under the auspices of the Cooperative for Human Services The neighbor
reported various incidents relating to noisy van calling for the residents
in the early morning hours, a resident wandering unbidden into her yard,
and congested parking She felt the previous Coordinator who handled a
similar complaint was biased in favor of the residents of the community
residence Steve assured her that her rights should be safeguarded, advised
calling the police when there was a disturbance, and said thatthe rwou1d
investigate with the Department of Mental Health and relate the problem
to the Human Services Committee Committee members listened to the complaint
and felt the correct approach was being pursued. Leonora advised that there
was an office in the Department of Mental Health which could receive such
complaints Steve said he would call them, felt there could be a good
resolution since the neighbor who called was feeling relief at response while
the of the Malden agency with whom he had talked seemed quite
Team members were named to review proposals as follows
Mystic Valle Mental Health Center--Jan and Bob
Replace--Sylvia and Judy
Everyone's Youth Group--Marion and Sylvia
Cooperative Elder Services--Sheila and Judy
Parents' Commitee for Special Needs Housing--Leonora and Sheila
Although the Council on Aging has not paiLicipated in the RFP process,
Harvey and Bob will review their budget.
Team members will begin by contacting executives and report back by next
meeting as to how process was proceeding Proposal packages, contracts,
and past year's reports to be included.
MINUTES, 10/20/86, p 2
Strategies for expediting recruitment of new member is as follows
1. Seek to get need for a new member included as news on page 1 of Minute-man
2 Seek diversity through attempting to include handicapped persons Steve
will announce to Enablement Committee indicating Human Service Committee's
desire to make its meeting as accessible as, possible and assist with
transportation, if necessary
3 Leonora and Sheila will review resumes of individuals who have formerly
applied to serve but became unable to serve or were not accepted at the
4 Application referred by Jack Eddison will be reviewed.
5 Committee members will personally invite individuals named by Judy who
she thought might be interested.
tLeonora, having reviewed the report being submitted to Selectmen on June
19th Hearing, felt it should be more action-oriented. To that end a range
of strategies were itemized that could be presented as follows
1. REP process
2 Crisis response review
3 Setting up forums, group meetings around particular issues
4. Setting up a focused hearing around one particular issue before the
end of the year
5 Exploring feasibility of a health clinic
6 Investigating United Way funding patterns
7 Consulting on community education process of teen survey group
The Selectmen will be advised of the need for a process of public education
before a survey can be undertaken of youth issues
Committee members agreed that the questionnaire would stir up powerful
feelings Judy felt the process around the survey project had not been an
open one Public education was needed both to bring out feelings in the
community and be more specific about possible programs that could be
proposed on the basis of the survey
Marcia Stille, Bill Blout, Lynne Yansen, and Rachel Rosenblum arrived at
9 p m. to discuss the survey Bill Blout announced that the survey group
was withdrawing its request for subcommittee status and would seek to become
a separately endorsed committee of the Board of Selectmen. A tentative date
had been fixed for meeting with the Selectmen on October 28th.
MINUTES, 10/20/86, p 3
In response to Bob Cushman's question as to the purpose for the study Bill
Blout said there had never been a survey; they were"asking the kids what they
are into? It was important to know if Lexington was the same or different
from other communities Another purpose was for planning programs
Marcia Stille said that those who work closely with teenagersbelieve there is
"trouble in paradise"
Bill commented further when asked what kinds of programs might be suggested
by the survey, particularly when there were already programs such as his
own Although Replace had a preventive thrust, it did not prevent everything
hence there was a need for health and sexual abuse prevention
Harvey referred to need for public perception that the survey not only be
done right but be "perceived' as being done right, asked what was being done
in that regard.
Rachel referred to advertising open meetings, use of newspaper; using
its own planning meetings; outreach through PTOs" ; working with Chairman,
Board of Health; talking to Chairman, Youth Commission
Judy said the feeling tone was of an adversary position within a community
which was already polarized and where there needed to be an 'opening up"
Rachel said that if suspicions ran so deep as Judy was suggesting, it
might be too much to change this Judy suggested that the very process of
listening to these suspicions could be a form of study
Lynne noted that 50 people came to the first planning meeting of survey
group Jan noted that regardless of former activity, the content being
discussed was "scary" It was important to make people who came to subsequent
meetings a part of the process recognizing that the ones who were not reached
were the ones who most needed reaching, support groups could be initiated
Leonora came back to asking about social good coming out of the survey Bill
said that knowing by itself about problems was valuable and became a way
to deal with denial noting that "We are a head in the sands community"
Harvey felt the survey group was proceeding through use of a conflict model,
that there was a lot of apprehension while Judy took exception to
Lexington being such a "head in the sands" community It was not enough
to go to groups simply showing questionnaire The need was to spend a year
listening to the concerns, people had been calling her with their concerns
Bill Blout asked about need to further revise the questionnaire if extensive
community participation were invited. Jan and Judy felt that the process
really had nothing to do with the questionnaire one should begin by asking
people if it was important to do a survey No doubt the same issues would
be brought out as were already in the questionnaire Another approach was
to say 'We have developed a questionnaire A lot of people hate it We
would like to know what you say "
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephed Baran,
Human Services Coordinator